Handheld Microscope Users Guide
How to Use and Capture Images with the 30X Lens
When you are first using the Scope-On-A-Rope, it’s best to begin with the 30X lens. Just
remember some basic rules to share with your students:
Never immerse the lens tip in a liquid.
Never touch anyone’s eye or mouth with the lens tip.
Never point the lens at someone’s eye.
Take proper precautions to avoid spread of infection.
After setting up your scope, make sure the power is on for
both the scope and the display (TV, projector, etc.). If you
are using the “New” SOAR, you will also have to press the
LIGHT button on the scope to ensure that the lights are on
(refer to “Parts and Assembly” section). To get a focused
image on the screen, you must touch the lens tip to the
item you wish to view. It’s that simple! Since the actual lens
is inside the plastic housing, you cannot damage it by
touching objects to the tip. Just remember the basic rules
listed above.
Note: Holding the tip of the lens flat against the object will
give you the best image.
If you would like to save an image temporarily, press the
REC button while keeping the lens touching the object. This
will record a snapshot of what you were viewing. To see
your snapshot, press the PLAY button.
The Scope-On-A-Rope can hold two images at a time; if you take more than two pictures, only
the last two will be saved. To see more than one image on the screen, make sure to take two
snapshots, then press PLAY three times. When you hit PLAY the first time, you’ll see the first
picture you took (labeled “A”). When you hit PLAY the second time, you’ll see the second
picture you took (labeled “B”). On the third push of the PLAY button, you’ll see a split screen
showing both images at once–the “A” image on the left and the “B” image on the right.
"A" image
"B" image
Split screen