Site Layout Requirements
Laboratory Layout and Clearances
• The floor is smooth and level so that the mobile cart does not roll.
• The location allows at least 15.2 cm (6 inches) on all sides of the system.
• The location is away from heaters or cooling ducts, and not in direct sunlight.
• The location is away from vibrating equipment, such as refrigerators or centrifuges.
• For configurations where the CESI 8000 Plus controller is connected to the mass spectrometer acquisition
computer with a 4.3 m (14 feet) cable, the maximum distance between the controller and the acquisition
computer is 4 m (13 feet).
Figure A-1 Suggested Laboratory Layout
Distance to wall, minimum 15.2 cm (6 inches)
CESI 8000 Plus cart with controller and CESI 8000 Plus system
CESI 8000 Plus High Performance
Separation-ESI Module
Site Planning Guide
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RUO-IDV-05-3345-C | B11953AF
Site Requirements