10| 4.0 Operation Guide
4.0 Operation Guide
4.1 Powering up the system
Once all positioning and cable connections are complete you are ready
to switch on your system.
Power on the system using the switch on the front of the 1U rack
controllers. The purple Scientifica logos will illuminate, indicating the
system is powered up.
4.2 Operating the IVM
Movement of the IVM is achieved using the user interface supplied.
Functionality of each user interface type is described as follows:
4.2.1 Using a Control Cube
Figure A: Control Cube user interface
Device selection – Located on the side of the cube. Selects which
device to control when two devices and one user interface are
connected to a controller rack. Where only one device is connected,
position II will disable the connected device, preventing unintentional
Blue wheel – Moves the IVM X axis.
Green wheel – Moves the IVM Y axis.
Red wheel – Moves the IVM Z axis.
Speed +/- – Sets responsiveness to control wheel movement. Fast for
rapid positioning. Slow for fine movement.