4 Tubes. These guys get hot when in use, so
this doesn’t make a good cat bed. Nor a tortoise
hibernarium. Let tubes cool down before
extracting them from the amp, unless you
need to eliminate your fingerprints for your
next, uh, “job.”
5 Top Surface. And yes, we know Valhalla 2 runs
plenty hot. That’s typical for tube amps. However,
that does not mean it’s a great burger cozy or
coffee warmer.
1 Volume Knob. Turn it to the right to make the
music louder. Stop before the pain starts.
2 Power On LED. When this is lit, the power is on.
It’ll take a LONG time for it to go out.
3 Headphone Jack. This is where you plug
your headphones in. Unlike most Schiit amps,
Valhalla’s slow turn-on means we don’t need a
muting relay. In the case of sensitive headphones
and IEMs, though, you may want to wait a minute
for the amp to stabilize before plugging in.