031M001100 15VAC/1.5A
5 On-Off Switch. Up is on. Down is off. Pretty
simple, right? There will be a 5-second relay mute
when first turning on.
6 AC Input. Plug in the output of the supplied
AC-AC wall-wart here. Plug the wall-wart into an
outlet of the correct voltage. Trying to run a 115V
product on 230V will make for a bad day.
Power Supply Caution: most wall-warts are not AC-AC, but
AC-DC. These will not work with Magnius. They probably
won’t cause any damage, but best to stick with the one we
supply. Magnius requires a 1.5-2A, 14-16VAC wall-wart.
1 Balanced Input. Connect a balanced source
here with good-quality XLR cables. Alternately,
you can use bad XLR cables, but that’s entirely
up to you. Remember that we’ll have you check
your cables first thing if you have any trouble.
2 SE Input. Connect a standard source here with
RCA cables. Same good/bad comments apply.
This is not an ad to sell you our PYST cables.
Blue Jeans, Amazon, Monoprice...all fine.
3 Balanced Preamp Output. Connect to powered
monitors or a speaker amp with XLR cables.
4 SE Preamp Output. Connect to powered
monitors or a speaker amp with RCA cables.