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Grinding with the fixture for axes (optional ac
cessory) (Fig. 12)
For axes with a length of up to 170 mm.
Larger axes
are ground without using a grinding support on the
tool support.
The fixture consists of a wedge-shaped support into
which the axe is clamped when grinding against the
direction of the cutting edge.
If necessary, the leather honing wheel can be re
moved to create more space for the handle.
Honing: Always sharpen with the direction of
Grinding with the blade fixtures (optional acces
sory) (Fig. 13)
The blade fixtures are designed for blades with a cut
ting edge of approx. 40 - 100 mm and 100 - 200 mm
and for drawing blades.
• The edge angle is adjusted with the tool support
and the adjusting ring.
• The grinding support consists of a carrier, a clamp-
ing plate with a locking screw and a connecting
screw, as well as an adjusting ring (22).
Clamp the blade:
The clamping screw (21) must be released.
Clamp the blade with the clamping screw (21).
Then fasten it with the connecting screw (20).
The blade is now firmly clamped in the rest.
• The edge angle at the blade tip depends on the dis-
tance to the handle and the tip at which the blade
is clamped.
When the blade is correctly clamped, the edge an
gle is the same over the entire cutting edge.
the edge angle from the previous sharpening oper-
ation or use the setting gauge with the tool support
to roughly adjust the edge angle.
Fine adjustment can take place using the adjusting
ring (22) on the device.
Honing: Always sharpen with the direction of
On/off switch (6) (Fig. 1)
To switch on the machine, press the green “I” button.
To switch the device off again, press the red button
Friction wheel adjustment with the star grip
screw on the rear side (Fig. 15)
• You can adjust the contact pressure on the friction
wheel with the star grip screw (23) on the back of
the machine housing (see Figure 15).
This may be
necessary if the leather honing wheel or grindstone
stops during sharpening or honing. Turn the star
screw clockwise to increase the tension. Tighten
the star grip screw only until you feel a slight resist
ance. Do not over-tighten.
Angle gauge (Fig. 9)
Measure the angle of the workpiece by comparing
the cutting edge with the notches. Then set the de-
termined angle on the device by changing the height
of the workpiece support. To do so, perform the fol-
lowing steps:
First clamp the tool in the device and place the de
vice on the workpiece support
• Then hold the protractor with the desired angle to
the tool tip.
• Now adjust the height of the workpiece support
so that the front end of the protractor lies directly
against the grindstone. Please make sure that the
protractor is always aligned with the tool tip.
The values indicated on the protractor are
only guidelines.
You can naturally change these
values according to your requirements.
Grinding with the fixture for chisel (Fig. 10)
Since the grindstone rotates only slowly, it is possible
to detect movement in a lateral direction. This is normal
and has no negative influence on the grinding result.
Expert tip:
New tools still show traces of the produc-
tion process.
You can significantly extend the service
life of your tools if you grind them on both sides of
the cutting edge before the first use.
Simply grind the
back in freehand mode on the vertical of the grind-
stone and the front as follows:
After you have adjusted the angle, insert the tool
mounted in the device into the universal holder,
switch on the engine and start the grinding process.
Press the tool evenly onto the grindstone near the
cutting edge and move it laterally across the stone.
• Please make sure that at least half of the cutting
edge width is always in contact with the grindstone
to avoid damage to the stone.
To achieve finer grinding results, prepare the stone
with a stone preparer. This increases the grain size
from 250 to approx. 1000.
Honing (Fig. 11)
Never sharpen against the direction of the leath
er honing wheel!
Otherwise the tool will cut into
the leather!
Impregnate the leather honing wheel with machine oil.
Then apply the grinding paste to the leather honing
• Switch on the device and spread the grinding paste
by pressing the workpiece onto the wheel with cir
cular movements.
These preparations are sufficient for five to ten tools.
Then start again with a new layer of machine oil, fol
lowed by grinding paste.
These measures increase the
service life of the leather and the quality of your tools.
• Expert tip:
You can hone in freehand mode.
For a
more accurate result, remove the tool with the aid
of the appropriate fixture.