Power & battery
Power & battery
control panel allows you to quickly
adjust power options for
Screen and sleep
Power mode
Battery saver
Battery usage
etc. Access the
& battery
control panel via the
System > Pow-
er & battery
) item in the Start menu.
Power mode
can be set to
(default) which
balances performance and battery life,
Best power effi-
for better battery life with reduced performance,
Best Performance
for improved performance but
with greater battery consumption. You can also customize
the settings for how long your computer will remain inac-
tive before it turns off the screen or goes to sleep. Expand
the “
Screen and sleep
” option, and select your preferred
durations from each drop-down menu.
Sleep (Modern Standby)
This system supports
Sleep mode as Modern Standby
In this case the system will continue to download mail,
Windows updates, calendar updates and even VoIP calls
via a Windows Store app
, even when the system is in
Sleep (Modern Standby)
mode, in much the same way as
a smartphone.
Sleep (Modern Standby)
all of your work, settings and
preferences are saved to memory before the system sleeps.
When you are not using your computer for a certain length
of time, which you specify in the operating system, it will
Sleep (Modern Standby)
to save power.
The PC wakes from Sleep (Modern Standby) within sec-
onds and will return you to where you last left off (what
was on your desktop) without reopening the application(s)
and file(s) you last used.
Figure 15
- Power & battery