VC 1100
List of Setup Parameters
Version 2
© Schenck VIBRO GmbH, D-64273 Darmstadt, Juni 98
C01 / C02 - C11 / C12
5 List of Setup Parameters
Basic Concepts
VIBROCONTROL 1100 stores its setup parameters in non-volatile
memory. The operating system uses this data to configure the
analog circuits and the software modules. All data is uniquely na-
med. We call this data "Setup Parameters" or simply "Parameters"
and reference them by name. The setup parameter values can ea-
sily be changed within predefined ranges, providing a convenient
way to configure the measuring and monitoring system.
VIBROCONTROL 1100 checks the consistency of the setup after
leaving the "Change Setup Parameters" mode. If the setup is in-
consistent, the display shows an error messages. The setup must
be corrected since the VIBROCONTROL 1100 will not accept an
inconsistent setup.
Parameter list structure
Parameters are listed in sequence with a complete definition. The
definition describes its function, choices, and range.
The same format is used for all parameters.
K 01
Channel A:
Lower Frequency Corner
1 Hz, 3 Hz, 10 Hz ISO
Select the lower frequency corner for channel A
Parameter specifier
All setup parameters are organized in functional groups. The
"Parameter Specifier" consists of a group and a number within the
group. The first character specifies the group and the two digit
number specifies the individual parameter.