Page 4
Schaller GmbH
Version 1.2
Measuring method
Even if the kiln drying method is the only measuring
procedure appropriate for verification according to
CEN/TS 14774-1 it is time consuming, in-situ application
can very seldom be carried out; the method also has the
disadvantage that the samples are destroyed. Schaller
GmbH (Ltd.) has developed FS_200-HT Wood chips
moisture meter – a measuring method which provides
exact measuring results within seconds. Yet it is not
possible to develop a measuring device that is ideal
under every single condition; even FS_200-HT has a
certain limited range to provide optimum results. In order
to minimize incorrect applications resulting from that fact
we have provided you
with a list:
Most common reasons for
measuring errors
Product temperature NOT b5 and +35 °C
You can not measure wood chips which are
contaminated with ice or snow. Before measuring
you must conditioning the chips at a temp. > +5 °C.
Product temperature beyond ambient conditions
The temperature of the measuring device and of the
product should be nearly equal.
Wrong switch position
Uneven pressing
Product pile not thick enough
If the pile of wood chips is to thin (500mm) you get
wrong measuring results.
Electrically conductive material
All metallic objects influence the measuring result in
a negative way and must no be positioned within a
range of 500 mm below the sensor area.