Scarab jet boat Owenrs Manual Download Page 149

Owner’s Manual Page 147

Fuel Log

Fuel Log

Summary of Contents for jet boat

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Page 3: ...Effects of Carbon Monoxide 21 E Symptoms 21 F Treatment Evaluate Ventilate Evacuate Investigate Take Corrective Action 21 G Inspection 22 H Operation 22 RDWKRXVHV 6HD DOOV DQG RQ QHG 6SDFHV 22 J The Effect of Boats Moored Along Side 22 K Backdrafting Station Wagon Effect 23 L Accumulation of Exhaust Gases Swim Platform 24 0 DQJHURXV FWLYLW 7HDN 6XU QJ UDJJLQJ 24 N Ventilation of Accommodation Occu...

Page 4: ...ay Marking System 33 5 A Special Sign 34 6 Noise 34 D Owner s Logs and Records 34 E Navigational Aids Chart 34 A 16 ANCHORING 34 A 17 GROUNDING TOWING 35 A 18 HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS 36 A Storms 36 B Fog 36 C Running Aground 37 D Warning Markers 37 A 19 REACTING TO EMERGENCIES 37 A Flooding 37 B Capsizing and Man Overboard 37 1 Capsizing 37 2 Man Overboard 37 C Collision 38 D Fire 38 E Medical Emerge...

Page 5: ...emperature 49 3 Message Code 49 F Four Position Ignition Switch 50 G Instrument Maintenance 50 B 5 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 51 A Single Engine Single Battery System 51 1 Installation 51 2 Battery Switch Operation 52 RZ L DWWHU 9ROWDJH 52 C 12 Volt Electrical Equipment 52 1 Helm Equipment 52 2 Installation of Additional 12 Volt Equipment 54 3 Interior 12 Volt Electrical Equipment 55 D 12 Volt Electrical S...

Page 6: ...C Transom Ski Tow Ring 66 D Maintenance 66 C 2 WINDSHIELD 66 C 3 AFT SWIM PLATFORM AND LADDER 67 C 4 WAKEBOARD TOWER 68 C 5 GLOVE BOX 69 C 6 STEREO 69 C 7 ANCHOR STORAGE 69 C 8 COCKPIT STORAGE 70 C 9 COCKPIT TABLES 71 C 10 SEATING 71 A Bow Seating 71 B Bucket Seats 72 C Stern Cockpit Seating 73 D Swim Platform Lounge Seating 74 E Sun Pad 74 OPERATION 76 D 1 PRE CRUISE INSPECTION 76 A Before Starti...

Page 7: ...ncelling the Docking Mode 86 D 7 STEERING OPERATIONS 86 D 8 MANEUVERING 86 A Leaving the Dock 86 B Stopping 87 D 9 PRACTICE MANEUVERS 87 A Where to Practice Exercises 87 B Practice Exercises 87 1 Turning 88 2 Stopping Distances 88 3 Reverse 88 4 Avoiding an Obstacle 88 5 Docking 88 6 Ski Mode and Cruise Mode 88 C Important Factors to Remember 89 D 10 ACCELERATION 89 D 11 GENERAL OPERATING RECOMMEN...

Page 8: of Weather Covers and Carbon Monoxide 103 H Weather Cover Maintenance 104 E 13 SPECIAL PROCEDURES 104 A Jet Pump Water Intake and Impeller Cleaning 104 B Towing the Boat in Water 105 C Capsized Boat 105 D Submerged Boat and Water Flooded Engine 106 E 14 WINTERIZATION 106 A Prior to Lifting for Winter Lay up 106 B After Lifting 106 C Prior to Winter Storage 107 E 15 GENERAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ...

Page 9: ...ned on Sidewall of the Tire 126 B Sample Tire Registration 126 QÀDWLQJ RXU 7LUHV 127 D Load Carrying Capacity 128 E Glossary of Tire Terminology 128 WARRANTY AND SERVICE 129 G 1 SCARAB WARRANTY POLICY 129 8 6758 785 55 17 129 G 3 WARRANTY REGISTRATION 129 G 4 TRANSFER OF WARRANTY 129 G 5 PRE OWNED UNIT REGISTRATION 129 G 6 INSURANCE COVERAGE 130 G 7 SERIAL NUMBER RECORD 130 G 8 PRE DELIVERY SERVIC...

Page 10: ...e information in this manual focuses upon the jet boats and equipment designed and manufactured by 6FDUDE KHQ DSSURSULDWH SOHDVH XWLOL H WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ SHUWLQHQW WR RXU VSHFL F MHW ERDW PRGHO TXLSPHQW such as engines and other accessories are manufactured by others The information provided in this manual is intended to be used in conjunction with the information provided by the manufacturers of t...

Page 11: ... the VDIHW RI RXU SDVVHQJHUV DQG WKH RWKHU ERDWHUV ZKR VKDUH WKH ZDWHU ZLWK RX 7KURXJKRXW WKLV PDQXDO VSHFL F precautions and symbols identify safety related information Be sure to pay close attention to them NOTICE Boxes that are gray require your special attention Notice boxes include helpful boating practices and law reminders This symbol means pay attention Here is important information for yo...


Page 13: ...s are not required by the U S Coast Guard but are important to en sure the safe operation of your boat Should a warning label become worn or somehow removed a replacement ODEHO PD EH REWDLQHG E FRQWDFWLQJ 6FDUDE FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH Q DGGLWLRQ WKH XOO GHQWL FD WLRQ 1XPEHU SODWH is permanently attached below the deck hull joint on the starboard aft corner Please see the following diagrams IRU WKH VSHFL...

Page 14: ...r s Manual Page 12 Boating Safety Information Section A Person Capacity Underway Seating Position Label Certain Models Only Helm Blower Warning Capacity Label Models May Vary Reverse Function Warning Label ...

Page 15: ...Owner s Manual Page 13 Boating Safety Information Section A Jet Nozzle Warning Label Ski Tow Warning Label Platform Lounging Seats Sun Lounge Warning Label ...

Page 16: ...Owner s Manual Page 14 Boating Safety Information Section A CO Swim Platform and Lounging Area Warning Label Leaking Fuel Contents Under Pressure Warning Label ...

Page 17: ...s manual and the associated manu facturers information are included in the owner s packet This information is provided to enhance your knowledge of the boat Read this information carefully After becoming familiar with the boat and its systems reread this manual and other material provided in the owner s packet Maintenance and service tips are included to help keep the boat in like new condition A ...

Page 18: the water Body weight and age should be considered when selecting a PFD The buoyancy provided by the PFD should support your weight in water The size of the PFD must be appropriate for the wearer Body weight or chest size are common methods used to size PFDs It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the proper number and types of PFDs on board and that your passengers know where and how...

Page 19: ...d how it works They will IHHO PRUH FRPIRUWDEOH ZLWK LW LI WKH VXGGHQO QG themselves in the water 4 If the PFD is wet allow it to dry thoroughly before storing it Do not dry it in front of a radiator or heater Store it in a well ventilated area 5 Keep PFDs away from sharp objects which can WHDU WKH IDEULF RU SXQFWXUH WKH ÀRWDWLRQ SDGV 6 For their own safety and the safety of others all non swimmers...

Page 20: ...connected to the Great Lakes and the territorial seas up to a point where the waters are less than two miles 3 2km wide Visual distress signal equipment may be of the pyrotechnic or non pyrotechnic type Regulations prohibit display of visual distress signals on the water under any circumstances except when assistance is required to prevent immediate or potential danger to persons on board a vessel...

Page 21: ...ULES OF THE ROAD As a responsible boater you must comply with the 5XOHV RI WKH 5RDG WKH PDULQH WUDI F ODZV HQIRUFHG by the US Coast Guard Navigating a boat is much the same as driving an automobile Operating either one responsibly means complying with a set of rules intended to prevent accidents As in driving an automobile there are a few rules that must be known if safe boating operation is to be...

Page 22: ...nsitive to weather condi tions that may prevent CO from dissipating into the air Do not stand or swim near engine or generator exhausts when engines are running HIRUH RSHUDWLRQ PDNH DOO SDVVHQJHUV DZDUH of the dangers of CO poisoning its symptoms possible places of accumulation and treatment Carbon monoxide accumulation is affected by many variables e g boat geometry hatch window and door opening ...

Page 23: ...f CO People who smoke or are exposed to high concentrations of cigarette smoke consume alcohol or have lung disorders or heart problems are particularly susceptible to an increase in the effects IURP 2 KRZHYHU DOO RFFXSDQWV KHDOWK VKRXOG EH considered Physical exertion accelerates the rate at which the blood absorbs CO E Symptoms One or more of the following symptoms can signal WKH DGYHUVH HIIHFW ...

Page 24: ...ent dangerous accidents or death RDWKRXVHV 6HD DOOV DQG RQ QHG 6SDFHV A boat operator should be aware that dangerous con centrations of CO can accumulate when a boat gener ator or other engine operated device is operated while WKH ERDW LV PRRUHG LQ D FRQ QHG DUHD VXFK DV 1 Boathouses 2 Proximity to sea walls or 3 Proximity to other boats Keep engine room hatches and doors closed when operating eng...

Page 25: ... bow angle See Figure A9 2 Excessive or unequally distributed weight LJXUH QHI FLHQW WULP DQJOHV DQ YDV F RQ JXU DW L RQV 8Q GHU YDU L RXV F RQ GLW L R QV adding or removing canvas may raise or lower CO levels See Figures A8 A9 A11 EXHAUST FUMES Hull exhaust from your boat can cause ex cessive accumulation of poisonous carbon PRQR LGH JDV ZLWKLQ FRFNSLW DUHDV ZKHQ XVLQJ protective weather covering...

Page 26: ... bring hazardous levels of CO into the occupied spaces Care should be taken to be aware of all prevailing conditions when using these ventilating methods O Running of Engine s in Idle Engines running in idle exhaust carbon monoxide that can accumulate near the hull of the boat Do not stand or swim near the engine exhaust or jet nozzle s when engine s are idling or generator is running P Altitude a...

Page 27: ... WR LQHI FLHQW HQJLQH SHUIRUPDQFH FDQ LQFOXGH 1 Fouled hull bottom 2 Damaged and fouled jet nozzle s T Maintenance Exhaust System Integrity Gas tight integrity of exhaust systems must be main tained to insure that leakage of CO within the boat does not occur Disassembly may be required to carry out a thorough inspection Repair or replace FRPSRQHQWV DV LQGLFDWHG QVSHFW WKH IROORZLQJ 1 Gaskets at cy...

Page 28: ...cohol singly or in combination decreases reaction time impedes judgement impairs vision and inhibits your ability to operate a boat B Safe Operation Safe operation means that you do not misuse your boat nor do you allow your passengers to do so Safe operation means using good judgement at all times W LQFOXGHV ZLWKRXW OLPLWDWLRQ WKH IROORZLQJ DFWLRQV 2EVHUYH DOO VDIHW VLJQV DQG ZDUQLQJV ERWK inside...

Page 29: ...d literature and courses are available through most Red Cross chapters F Operation By Minors Minors should always be supervised by an adult whenever operating a boat Many states have laws re garding the minimum age and licensing requirements of minors Be sure to check local laws or contact the state boating authorities for information G Voluntary Inspections 6WDWH ERDWLQJ RI FLDOV LQ PDQ VWDWHV RU...

Page 30: ...ure A15 Swim Area Buoy AVOID SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH Contact with water and or debris from the jet nozzle causing serious injury or death will oc FXU 6KXW HQJLQH RII DQG UHPRYH LJQLWLRQ NH when anyone is swimming nearby 9 Do not allow anyone near the jet nozzle water DQG RU GHEULV IURP WKH MHW QR OH FDXVLQJ VHULRXV injury or death will occur Stay at least 150 feet DZD IURP DUHDV PDUNHG E GLYHU GRZQ...

Page 31: ...wind Stop the motor at least a boat length from the person 9 Turn off engine and anchor your boat before swimming Figure A17 Skier s Hand Signals AVOID SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH Water and or debris from the jet nozzle causing serious injury or death will occur Switch engine RII EHIRUH VNLHUV HQWHU WKH ZDWHU DQG EHIRUH WDNLQJ VNLHUV DERDUG R QRW OHDYH HQJLQH UXQ ning in neutral Accidently engaging shi...

Page 32: ...recommended while waiting to be rescued This action tends to reduce the rate of heat loss and thus increase the survival time OZD V ZHDU RXU 3 W ZRQ W KHOS RX JKW RII the effects of hypothermia if you don t have it on when you go into the water A 15 BASIC SEAMANSHIP Basic rules of seamanship general information about navigational aids and sources for additional reading and boater education are pre...

Page 33: ...old its course and speed See Figure A20 Inland Rules I want to pass you on your port side 2 short blasts 1 sec 3URFHHG 2 short blasts 1 sec International Rules I am altering my course WR SRUW 2 short blasts 1 sec International Rules in Nar row Channels I intend to pass you on RXU SRUW VLGH 2 prolonged blasts 4 6 sec 2 short blasts 1 sec 3URFHHG 1 prolonged 1 short 1 prolonged 1 short Stand on Priv...

Page 34: ...ify the running light combinations for other vessels We recommend that you participate in a boating safety course to fur ther learn about navigation lights and safe boating practices To determine the size speed and direction of other vessels at night you should use running lights A green light indicates the starboard side and the red light indicates the port side Generally if you see a JUHHQ OLJKW...

Page 35: ... Right Returning is a basic rule to assist you in using lateral markers When you are returning from seaward keep red markers on the starboard right side when you pass them Keep green markers to the port side Returning from seaward is very clear if you have been on the ocean You are returning to port By agree ment going upstream on a navigational river is return ing from seaward The outlet ends of ...

Page 36: ... report Leave the completed form ashore with a responsible person We recommend you make several copies of this form each boating season to assure an ample supply The Fuel Log is a handy way to record information covering engine hours fuel consumption miles traveled as well as RPM revolutions per minute average MPH miles per hour and GPH gallons per hour The Service Maintenance Log provides a recor...

Page 37: ...H anchor is still stuck feed out a few feet of line and at tach it to the bow cleat Maneuver the boat around the DQFKRU NHHSLQJ WKH OLQH UP HWHUPLQH WKH DQJOH WKDW will work to pull the anchor free Anchors are available in different shapes sizes and ZHLJKWV WR W GLIIHUHQW ERDWV XVHV DQG FRQGLWLRQV Your Scarab dealer can tell you which anchor will work best for your boat A 17 GROUNDING AND TOWING I...

Page 38: ... of primary consideration but a threat of possible storms should always be a concern Observance of the IROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ ZLOO KHOS LQ RXU VDIHW DÀRDW LI VWRUPV GR RFFXU HHS D ZDWFK RQ WKH KRUL RQ IRU DSSURDFKLQJ storm indicators 7XUQ UDGLR 21 LDO LQ ORFDO ZHDWKHU VWDWLRQ DQG monitor forecast If your boat has a VHF radio check the weather channels 7KH EHVW SRVVLEOH VLWXDWLRQ LV WR UHWXUQ WR D V...

Page 39: scuba divers are present and keep well clear of the area DWFK IRU VZLPPHUV 6ZLPPLQJ DUHDV PD QRW be marked Steer clear from the area and always remain alert LVWUHVV ÀDJV LQGLFDWH D IHOORZ ERDWHU LV LQ QHHG RI assistance 1DYLJDWLRQ PDUNHUV VHUYH DV D PHDQV RI LGHQWLI ing navigable routes and indicate water hazards Boaters should become familiar with navigation markers and stay within marked boun...

Page 40: ... RU FDUH OHVV IXHOLQJ SUDFWLFHV UH RQ ERDUG RXU ERDW LV D serious emergency You must work quickly to imple PHQW VDIHW SURFHGXUHV I D UH RFFXUV LPPHGLDWHO stop the engine 1 Make sure all persons aboard are wearing their PFDs I WKH UH LV VPDOO DWWHPSW WR SXW LW RXW ZLWK RXU UH H WLQJXLVKHU I WKH UH LV LQ WKH HQJLQH FRP partment turn off the bilge blower Do not open the engine compartment This feeds ...

Page 41: ... OLPLWV Noise means engine noise radio noise or even yelling by people on your boat Good seaman ship demands that you operate your boat quietly so as not to infringe on the rights of others Don t use thru transom exhaust unless you are well off shore RX DUH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU DQ GDPDJH RU LQMXU caused by your boat s wake Observe no wake speed zone warnings Operate your boat with regard for the safety...

Page 42: ...acting the publisher D Laws and Regulations The US Coast Guard is the authority of the water ZD V WKH DUH WKHUH WR KHOS WKH ERDWLQJ SXEOLF 6WDWH boating regulations are enforced by local authorities RX DUH VXEMHFW WR PDULQH WUDI F ODZV DQG 5XOHV RI WKH 5RDG IRU ERWK IHGHUDO DQG VWDWH ZDWHUZD V RX PXVW VWRS LI VLJQDOHG WR GR VR E HQIRUFHPHQW RI FHUV and permit to be boarded if asked There are many ...

Page 43: ... general re ports are necessary for accidents involving loss of life injury or damage over 500 In the case of accidents with reportable injuries or death a formal report is required within 48 hours If only property damage is involved a report must be made within ten days The 1971 Boating Safety Act may impose a 1 000 civil QH IRU SHRSOH ZKR IDLO WR VXEPLW D ERDWLQJ DFFLGHQW report Ask your insuran...

Page 44: ...e placard must contain the warning that a person who violates these require ments is liable to civil 25 000 and criminal impris onment penalties The placard also must note that State and local regulations may further restrict the disposal of garbage Operators shall display one or more placards in a SURPLQHQW ORFDWLRQ DQG LQ VXI FLHQW QXPEHUV VR WKH can be observed and read by crew and passengers T...

Page 45: ...h switch clip lanyard and lanyard clip The lanyard clip must be securely attached to the operator s PFD clothing arm or leg Be sure to attach the lanyard to a place where it is free of obstructions and to something that will move with the operator if he or she leaves the helm station If the engine shuts down because this switch was activated the clip must be reinstalled on the interrupter switch b...

Page 46: ...em Maintenance Periodic inspections of the controls cables and all connections should be made Signs of looseness rust corrosion wear cable jacket cracks or other deterioration require immediate system servicing Replace all damaged components Generally periodic lubrication of all moving parts and connections with a light waterproof grease is in order Cables can be lubricated by positioning them to ...

Page 47: ...Steering System Maintenance 1 Inspection A periodic inspection of all steering cables linkage and helm assemblies should be made Signs of cor rosion cracking loosening of fastenings excessive wear or deterioration should be immediately correct ed Failure to do so could lead to steering system failure and corresponding loss of control NOTICE KHFN DOO EROWV QXWV DQG IDVWHQHUV IRU WLJKWQHVV 2 Steerin...

Page 48: ...he manual s carefully and become completely familiar with proper care and operation of the engine Be sure to read the section on winterization Replacement costs associ ated with frozen engine components are quite sub stantial NOTICE Consult the engine owners manual for all information regarding the engine to include type of fuel oil and coolant to be used NOTICE Starting the engine or riding the b...

Page 49: ...accelerate slowly and decelerate in a controlled fashion In shallow water proceed with caution and at very low speeds Grounding or abrupt stops may result in injury to you your passengers or others The jet pump may pick up debris and throw it rearward causing a risk of injuring people or damaging the jet pump or other property Avoid personal injury Do not allow anyone near the jet pump or intake g...

Page 50: low operational speeds You are UHVSRQVLEOH IRU GDPDJH FDXVHG E WKH ZDNH RI your boat B Tachometer Analog Digital Readings Tachometer indicates the revolutions per minute RPM of the engine Multiply by 1000 to obtain the actual revolutions This speed is not the boat speed The tachometer may not register zero with the ignition key in the OFF position See Figures B7 B9 NOTICE Never exceed the maxim...

Page 51: ... Displays a message code when ever one of the following circumstances occurs The following abbreviations between parenthesis here are the codes displayed H TEMP Engine or exhaust system overheating Turn off engine as soon as possible Check oil and FRRODQW OHYHOV DQG UH OO LI QHFHVVDU 5HIHU WR HQJLQH owner s manual maintenance procedures If engine VWLOO RYHUKHDWV FRQWDFW RXU HQJLQH FHUWL HG PHFKDQL...

Page 52: ...W EDWWHU DQG WKXV EH unable to start the motor Damage to the starter motors is also possible While engine is running never turn the LJQLWLRQ NH WR WKH 67 57 SRVLWLRQ DPDJH to the starter may occur Always turn the key to the OFF position when the engine is not running This will prevent discharging of the battery s The ACCESSORIES position allows the operator to run the stereo without activating the...

Page 53: ...attery Switch Panel Location The single battery provides power to both the ship s systems and engine Circuit breakers are installed on the battery switch panel to protect various system component circuitry The SHIP SYSTEMS breaker protects the DC electrical component circuitry with the exceptions of bilge pump stereo memory stereo DPSOL HU LI DSSOLFDEOH DQG DFFHVVRULHV LI DSSOLFDEOH The circuit br...

Page 54: ...rn or pass the battery selector switch to the OFF position while the engine is running Wiring damage could result 21 KHQ WKH EDWWHU VZLWFK LV VHW WR 21 FXUUHQW ÀRZV IURP WKH HQJLQH VWDUW EDWWHU WR WKH engine start and ship s systems circuit B Low High Battery Voltage The information center gauge will display a low or high battery voltage code when this situation exists The FRGHV DUH DV IROORZV 12 ...

Page 55: ... 12 Volt equipment such as a cell phone Using the appropriate adaptor the equipment draws power from either the engine start battery or ship s system battery if applicable A 12 Volt DC receptacle is located inside the port helm glove box See Figure B16 Figure B16 12 Volt DC Receptacle Aft Bilge Pump The BILGE switch Figure B17 is used to manually activate the bilge pump in the engine compartment a...

Page 56: ...UWLQJ WKH HQJLQH FKHFN HQJLQH compartment bilge for gasoline or vapors Operate blower for four minutes and verify blower operation ALWAYS run the blower when the vessel is operating below cruising speed Courtesy Cockpit Lights The CTSY LTS switch is used to activate the courtesy lights Horn To sound the horn press the HORN switch 1DYLJDWLRQ QFKRU LJKWV 7RJJOH 83 DFWLYDWHV the bow lights the all ar...

Page 57: ...igure B20 Stereo Figure B21 Helm Stereo Remote Figure B22 Transom Stereo Remote A premium sound system is available for certain models Please see your dealer for details and availability Con sult the manufacturer s literature included in owner s information packet regarding operation care mainte nance of this system if installed See Figure B24 Figure B23 Subwoofer D 12 Volt Electrical System Shutd...


Page 59: ...elated components This is UHIHUUHG WR DV 6WUD XUUHQW RUURVLRQ DQG DSSHDUV as surface pitting or deterioration Stray current corrosion is the decomposition of chemical com pounds by electric current Stray current corrosion can be caused by the polarity of the dockside wiring system of the boat being reversed from the power source reversed polarity or surrounding boats an improperly wired battery in...

Page 60: ...s of the Environmental Protection Agency EPA US Coast Guard California Air Re sources Board CARB the National Marine Manufacturers Association and the American Boat and Yacht Council in effect at the time of manufacture These models include an integrated fuel system which utilizes a pressurized system See Figure B24 A pump pressurizes the system pushing the fuel to the engine KHQ OOLQJ WKH IXHO WD...

Page 61: ...G 6 6HH LJXUH 7KH IXHO GHFN OO LV KLQJHG WR SUHYHQW ORVV W LV GHVLJQHG IRU QR OH retention are automatically shut off compatible and includes dual over pressure relief valves The water resistant gas cap prevents water from entering the fuel system Figure B25 Fuel Deck Fill 7KH FOLFN WR FORVH JDV FDS DOORZV IRU HDVH RI XVH 7R RSHQ SXVK WKH FDWFK UHOHDVH PHFKDQLVP LJXUH LQZDUG 2SHQ OO VORZO RQWHQWV ...

Page 62: ...ication of the available fuel supply and not a calibrated instrument With this type of sending unit a more accu rate measurement of fuel level is obtained with the boat in a level position The gauge readings will also vary with the trim angle of the boat When sitting at a dock and the boat is nearly level the fuel gauge will register accurately Refer to Figure B32 When boating the trim angle of th...

Page 63: ...additional information To conform to Federal Air Quality Standards the petroleum industry reduced the amount of tetraethyl lead in gasoline Alcohol is being blended with gasoline to help restore the octane rating lost when the lead was removed While blending alcohol with gasoline increases the octane level of the fuel it can also create certain safety and performance related problems for boaters 1...

Page 64: ...UH VWDUWLQJ WR IXHO a Ensure that boat is moored securely b Be sure the proper type and grade of fuel as recommended by your Engine Owners Manual is used c Know the capacity of your fuel tank and how much fuel is currently in the tank before fueling Determine how much additional fuel is UHTXLUHG WR DYRLG RYHUÀRZ XULQJ IXHOLQJ HHS WKH OO QR OH LQ FRQWDFW with the fuel opening at all times to guard ...

Page 65: ...ferably before each cruise Should blower noise and vibration be excessive loosening the bilge blower mounting screws and then tightening evenly usually reduces noise considerably B Hull Drainage Systems 1 Transom Drains Transom drains with plugs are provided in the engine compartment to allow water drainage When the boat is out of the water the boat and trailer should be positioned so any bilge wa...

Page 66: ...lowed to freeze in the bilge 3 Liner Drains Fiberglass liners with liner drains are standard on most models Fiberglass liners can be cleaned easily with water and a brush See Figures B31 B32 The water will drain into the bilge and be pumped over board by the bilge pump Figure B31 Liner Drain Figure B32 Fiberglass Liner 4 Bilge Compartment Drainage Certain bulkhead areas of Scarab boats are sealed ...

Page 67: ...VWDOOHG DUH VSHFL FDO O designed and are intended to be used as mooring cleats Their purpose is for securing the vessel to a dock pier mooring or anchor Use of fenders is highly recommended when mooring to a dock Also be sure to tie off at both the bow and at the stern Be certain that a clear lead exists when running dock lines or an anchor line A line inadvertently threaded around a stanchion or ...

Page 68: ... personal injury or damage to the ERDW 2 127 WRZ PRUH WKDQ WZR ZDWHU VNLHUV ZLWK WKH WUDQVRP PRXQWHG VNL WRZ ULQJ NOTICE 6NLHU V ZHLJKW ERDWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV DPRXQW RI gear and operator s experience will affect the QXP EHU RI VNLHUV ZKLFK FDQ EH SXOOHG D Maintenance The majority of the hardware installed is made of stainless steel Regardless of the type of hardware used periodic maintenance is necess...

Page 69: ...n the Scarab models See Figure C6 The swim platform creates more space for water sport activities and has a skid resis tant surface A swim platform mat may also available Figure C6 Swim Platform w Mat Do not sit on occupy or hang on any stern appendages e g swim platforms boarding ladders etc while underway Do not body surf FRPPRQO NQRZQ DV WHDN VXU QJ RU GUDJ JLQJ HWF LQ WKH ZDNH RI WKH ERDW R QR...

Page 70: ...J RU ZDNHERDUG WRZHU for lifting or parasailing Fittings could pull out RI GHFN UHVXOWLQJ LQ VHULRXV LQMXU RU GHDWK Figure C7 Stern Reboarding Ladder 7R VWRUH WKH ODGGHU IROORZ WKH VWHSV EHORZ 1 Raise the ladder to the horizontal position 2 Slide the ladder forward until fully retracted 3 Place the retaining cords around the ends of the ladder HHS KDQGV DQG QJHUV DZD IURP ODGGHU hinges to prevent ...

Page 71: ...SPHQW RQ WKH Scarab models For added protection the stereo is mounted inside the glove box along with the 12 Volt UHFHSWDFOH DQG 03 SOD HU SRUW 1RWH 7KH 03 USB port is part of the stereo upgrade option See Figures C10 C11 For stereo operating instruc tions see the manufacturer s literature included in the owner s packet Figure C11 Port Console Glove box The stereo may include a remote display at t...

Page 72: ...Port helm console storage is available Access may EH JDLQHG E OLIWLQJ XS DQG URWDWLQJ WKH ODWFK D turn Reverse the process to secure the storage door This storage space makes a great place to store the removable cooler See Figure C15 Figure C15 Port Console Storage The port starboard cockpit seats have storage com partments located under the respective cushions Cushions are removable for easy acce...

Page 73: ...e C19 Figure C19 Sun Pad Storage C 9 COCKPIT TABLES A table with mount is available for the Scarab models If equipped the cockpit table provides a solid surface to enjoy refreshments or games The table leg is angled and attaches to the seat base using the mount This type of mounting provides for more leg room Ro tating the table top while lifting will ease the removal of the table from the leg The...

Page 74: ... the bolster in the raised position if equipped the driver is able to sit higher in the seat This is designed WR JLYH WKH GULYHU DQG SDVVHQJHU JUHDWHU ÀH LELOLW increased visibility and riding comfort See Figures C22 C23 C24 Figure C22 Helm Bucket Seat Figure C23 Bucket Seat with Flip Up Bolster Down Figure C24 Bucket Seat with Flip Up Bolster Up To manually adjust the position of the bucket seat ...

Page 75: ...ate seat until handle clicks and hardware locks securely into position NOTICE 7KH EXFNHW VHDWV PD RU PD QRW URWDWH completely 180o 7KH DPRXQW RI EXFNHW VHDW rotation may vary The amount and direction of swivel available depends on the model you have and its placement in the boat NOTICE KHQ URWDWLQJ WKH EXFNHW VHDW GDPDJH WR VHDW steering wheel if applicable and or coaming pad may result if attempt...

Page 76: ...est towards the bow To return to the stern seating backrest posi tion reverse the previous step See Figure C31 Figure C31 Adjustable Stern Backrest Prevent falls overboard Do not occupy swim platform or lounge seats while engine s is run ning E Sun Pad A sun pad can be created at the stern of the boat cre ating multiple piece cushion that runs the entire width beam of the boat at the stern The sun...

Page 77: ... While these gas assist lifts ease the amount of force necessary to manually lift or lower the center sundeck cushion a certain amount of effort is still neces sary See Figure C33 Figure C33 Raised Center Stern Seat Engine Compartment Access 7R UDLVH WKH FHQWHU VWHUQ VHDW Release the latch and with both hands placed under neath the center seat cushion lift upward to the raised position 7R FORVH WK...

Page 78: ...ot start engine until issue is corrected Check engine oil coolant and battery water levels Check battery electrolyte range 6 If your boat has been in the water Check the bilge water level and bilge pump operation Run WKH ELOJH SXPS XQWLO WKH ÀRZ RI ZDWHU VWRSV 7 Operate the bilge blower for at least four 4 min utes before engine start up Check the blower output Gasoline vapors can explode resultin...

Page 79: ...tribute to fuel system contamination The hoses we use in our boats are alcohol resistant as are the materials used by the engine manufactur ers If only fuel containing alcohol is available or the presence of alcohol is unknown you must perform more frequent inspections for leaks and abnormalities Any sign of leakage or deterioration requires your im mediate attention Refer to the engine manufactur...

Page 80: ...luding persons and gear When loading your boat remember to distribute the load evenly Keep the load low and do not overload 7KH FDSDFLW ODEHO DI HG WR RXU ERDW VWDWHV WKH maximum load capacity The plate shows in pounds 8 If fuel cannot be pumped in at a reasonable rate check for fuel vent blockage or a kink in the line D After Fueling ORVH DQG VHFXUH WKH JDV OO FRYHU DQG ZLSH XS any fuel spilled D...

Page 81: ...rd regulations establishes these load capacity ratings Position passengers and gear so that the load is balanced See the Person Capacity Underway Seating Position label at the helm for passenger placement and Figure D1 When loading always step into the boat never board by jumping Have someone on the dock pass your JHDU DERDUG 6HFXUH DOO JHDU UPO VR LW GRHVQ W PRYH or interfere with operation of th...

Page 82: ... motor any faster than necessary WR NHHS PRWRU IURP VWDOOLQJ 6HH HQJLQH PDQXDO for maximum engine rpm range while in neutral NOTICE Starting the engine or riding the boat in shallow er water may damage the impeller or other jet pump components To prevent excessive exposure and reduce the possibility of carbon monoxide accumulation in WKH FRFNSLW WKH RSHUDWRU VKRXOG EH SUHSDUHG WR FDVW RII TXLFNO 6...

Page 83: ...ediately and inspect for cause of high reading 10 With engine running verify that no high or low voltage code is displayed No message code indi cates that the battery is in good condition 11 Inspect for fuel odors and visible leaks in the fuel oil coolant and exhaust systems 12 Make sure boat is securely moored to the dock and engine is idling Then move the throttle for ward and then aft and back ...

Page 84: ...e OFF position Should the engine be shut off boat directional FRQWURO LV QRW DYDLODEOH 1HYHU OHDYH WKH NH in the ignition and the cord connected to the engine cut off switch when boat is not in op eration to avoid unauthorized use by children or theft DO NOT shift into FORWARD or REVERSE unless engine is running Damage to the shift system could result from trying to shift without WKH HQJLQH UXQQLQ...

Page 85: ...he wind or waves The CRUISE mode is designed to be used for pro longed drives on open waters Improper use of the CRUISE mode can lead the boat to a loss of control 1 Cruise Mode Limitations The CRUISE mode is not an automatic pilot it will not drive the boat The CRUISE mode does not anticipate for obstacles other users objects etc and will not steer or stop the boat 2 Setting the Cruise Mode 127 7...

Page 86: ...rmined speed range is avail able RAMP APPROXIMATE SPEED 03 WR 03 NP K WR NP K 03 WR 03 NP K WR NP K 03 WR 03 NP K WR NP K 03 WR 03 NP K WR NP K 03 WR 03 NP K WR NP K 1 Ski Mode Limitations The Ski Mode is not an automatic pilot it will not drive the boat Always leave your hand on the throttle and keep an eye on the water ahead Pull back throttle to neutral to stop the boat the Ski Mode immediately...

Page 87: ...displayed with the determined speed See Figure D9 Figure D9 SKI MODE Displayed w Target Speed g Press the SET button again to activate the launch sequence At this time the SKI MODE light blinks 127 Q WKH ODXQFK VHTXHQFH PRGH WKH UVW RI WKURWWOH VKLIWHU OHYHU WUDYHO LV XVHG WR SRVLWLRQ the boat and stretch the cord without engag ing the SKI MODE h When everybody is ready operator watcher and VNLHU ...

Page 88: ...s at To position your jet nozzle in straight forward position centered rotate your steering wheel to the full left turn or right turn position Once at full left or right turn position count how many complete revolutions it takes to turn the steering wheel to get to the opposite full turn position Then turn your steering wheel back half the amount of revolutions and your jet nozzle should be center...

Page 89: ...slowed and motor is idling place the shift in REVERSE Gradually increasing reverse power with the throttle Do not use reverse function to slow down or to stop boat above idle speed Loss of control ejection or injury can occur Reverse is for low speed maneuvering only Shift only while engine is idling or off Remember that all boats steer by the stern the feel ing is much like steering your automobi...

Page 90: ...LJKWV RI RWKHUV DQG DOZD V NHHS D safe distance from all other craft people and ob jects R QRW ZDNH RU ZDYH MXPS ULGH WKH VXUI OLQH RU attempt to spray or splash others with your boat You may misjudge the ability of the boat or your own driving skills and strike a boat or person 7KLV ERDW KDV WKH FDSDELOLW RI WXUQLQJ PRUH sharply than other boats However unless in an emergency do not negotiate sha...

Page 91: ...nce from boat ahead KHQ FURVVLQJ ZDNHV VORZ GRZQ 2SHUDWRU and passenger s can brace themselves by SRVWLQJ R QRW MXPS ZDYHV RU ZDNHV C Important Factors to Remember In addition always remember that the following conditions have a direct impact on how your boat will EHKDYH DQG UHVSRQG WR GLIIHUHQW LQSXWV Load change Currents Wind Water conditions Make sure to be alert to these conditions and adapt a...

Page 92: ...ger time or the currents are swift you should use spring lines The stern spring line leads from the boat s stern cleat forward to the piling or cleat on the dock The bow spring line leads from the bow cleat aft to the dock If you are mooring your boat in a slip bow and spring lines port and starboard will keep your boat in position 127 I WLGHV DUH D FRQVLGHUDWLRQ EH VXUH WR OHDYH slack in the line...

Page 93: ...Owner s Manual Page 91 Operation Section D Figure D13 Mooring Lines ...

Page 94: ...KH EHUJODVV DV FOHDQ DV SRVVLEOH When cleaning nonskid areas DO NOT attempt to use a wire brush or sandpaper because this will remove the non skid gel Apply wax once or twice a year to maintain gel coat lustre Read the label before using any product Make sure product is formulated for gel coat surfaces Also consult a Scarab dealer for their recommendations NOTICE Do not use carnuba based waxes Thi...

Page 95: ...he gel coat C Stains Stains can appear anywhere on the exterior of the boat and may be a result of contact with tar plant sap OHDYHV UXVW IURP PHWDO WWLQJV DQG RWKHU PDWHULDOV Surface stains may be removed with hand dishwash ing soap mild cleansers or some household deter gents DO NOT use chlorine or ammonia products These products can affect the color of gel coat Commercial car washes use strong ...

Page 96: ...LQ E XVLQJ PHGLXP QH JUDGH VDQGSDSHU 3URJUHV VLYHO XVH QHU JUDGH VDQGSD per until the surface is very smooth If necessary DGG OOHU DQG WKHQ VDQG WKH VXUIDFH DJDLQ SSO WZR RU WKUHH OLJKW FRDWV RI PDWFKLQJ EHU glass gel coat to the repaired area Enough gel coat should be used so that the entire area is covered The gel coat must be catalyzed using up to 2 MEK Peroxide which can be purchased at a supp...

Page 97: ...FRPSR QHQW EXWW EORFN RU EDFNLQJ SODWH should be used to strengthen any area onto which an item will be mounted E 4 ANTI FOULING PAINT Scarab recommends anti fouling or bottom paint for boats which will be kept in the water for extended periods of time Anti fouling paint reacts with water to retard the growth of algae barnacles and other marine growth on the hull In addition to marine growth it of...

Page 98: ...ires little maintenance and is being used in place of wood in certain areas of the boat The ski locker lid is one example of where star board is used To clean star board use a solvent free nonabrasive cleaner such as dishwashing soap or Fantastic Read the label before using any cleaning product NOTICE Star board will stain when exposed to certain oils or chemicals Always wipe up any spills immedia...

Page 99: ...ive and is typically installed by Scarab This mat provides a comfortable surface for enjoying those watersport activities Figure E2 Swim Platform Mat 6ZLP SODWIRUP FDUH LQVWUXFWLRQV 1 If possible keep covered while in storage or not in use 6SLOOV 6FRRS RU VFUDSH XS DV PXFK RI VSLOO DV possible and follow by blotting the remaining spot with a dry clean cloth Paper towel can be substi tuted when clo...

Page 100: ...LVSKHUH QN 5HPRYHU for ordering information call 800 247 9901 9LQ O LQLVK 9LQ O OHDQHU everyday cleaning care call 800 247 9901 HURVSDFH 9LQ O 3URWHFWDQW for ordering information call 800 247 9901 7RXJK XW OHDQHU to locate the nearest distributor call 800 537 8990 PPRQLD DQG K GURJHQ SHUR LGH To remove stains follow the general guidelines listed EHORZ DQG RU UHIHU WR WKH 6WHS E 6WHS OHDQLQJ QVWUXF...

Page 101: Utilize weather covers whenever possibly to protect vinyl from potential stains NOTICE ALWAYS CLEAN STAINS IMMEDIATELY 2 127 XVH RUPXOD DQWDVWN Simple Green Armorall Murphy s Oil 6RDS 6RQ RI D XQ OHDFK DNLQJ Soda Turtle Wax or Tar Remover on vinyl R QRW XVH NHURVLQH JDVROLQH RU DFHWRQH DV they will remove the protective marine topcoat NOTICE All cleaning methods must be followed by a thorough r...

Page 102: ...ance such as vacuuming hosing or washing should be performed Most stains and mildew are easily removed from carpet made with 2OH Q EHU XVLQJ FRPPRQ KRXVHKROG FOHDQHUV 5HIHU WR 7DEOH 2OH Q EHU LV VR UHVLVWDQW WR FKHPL FDO attack that Clorox bleach may be used to clean up any mildew that may result from excessive wetness Code for stain removal procedure See Table 1 SSO ZDUP ZDWHU DQG KRXVHKROG GHWHU...

Page 103: ... working Boat may sink if in water After use the top canvas should be rolled up into the boot if supplied and secured NOTICE NEVER fold or store a wet weather cover This FDQ OHDG WR PLOGHZ RU VKULQNDJH 5ROO UDWKHU than fold the enclosure curtains Sharp folds LQFUHDVH WKH FKDQFH RI FUDFN LQJ WKH FOHDU YLQ O NOTICE DO NOT use the weather covers for outdoor winter storage The weight of the snow or he...

Page 104: ...f applicable to your model snap into storage clips for safe keeping while booted You may choose to run your Scarab with the bimini top either fully deployed or folded together closed and secured with the boot provided Either way it is designed to remain mounted No storage is provided for this top in your boat NOTICE Use two people to remove the bimini top winter storage This will help minimize the...

Page 105: ...tended trip at highway speeds is planned the top and other weather covers should be in the down position or removed entirely This will prevent damage and loss NOTICE DO NOT tow your boat at highway speeds with weather covers in place with the exception of the trailer cover High winds encountered during trailering your boat can severely damage most weather covers Damage to weather covers incurred a...

Page 106: ...c when enclosed in plastic or polyethylene DO NOT store the weather cover in polyethylene under direct sunlight or high tempera ture situations 5 Ultraviolet degradation may occur under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight Store the top in the boot when not in use 6 Salt water can corrode brass aluminum or VWDLQOHVV VWHHO WWLQJV DQG IDVWHQHUV HHS WWLQJV clean lubricated and waxed to prevent corro...

Page 107: ...he tether cord from the engine cut off switch to prevent accidental engine starting before cleaning the jet pump area From underneath boat manually clean water intake area If the system is still clogged refer to an autho rized Scarab boat dealer for servicing NOTICE Avoid operation in weeded areas If unavoid able vary speed Weeds tend to entangle more at steady and slow speeds Inspect water LQWDNH...

Page 108: ... hoses Water freezing in these areas could cause damage See Section B 7B Hull Drainage Systems 5 Remove the batteries and store in a cool place Clean the batteries using clear clean water Be VXUH WKH EDWWHU KDV VXI FLHQW ZDWHU DQG FOHDQ terminals Keep the batteries charged throughout the storage period DO NOT store the batteries on D FRQFUHWH ÀRRU RU RWKHU GDPS RU FRQGXFWLYH surface When boat is c...

Page 109: ... a number of areas around the boat Be sure dishes are placed near the head and the engines as rodents will destroy upholstery water intake and discharge hoses 4 If the boat will be in outside storage properly support a storage cover and secure it over the boat DO NOT secure the cover tightly to the boat This does not allow adequate ventilation and can lead to dry rot DO NOT store the boat in a dam...

Page 110: ...Owner s Manual Page 108 Care and Maintenance Section E E 15 GENERAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Or as Required Shaded areas indicate the time frame when service inspection should be conducted ...

Page 111: ...Owner s Manual Page 109 Care and Maintenance Section E Or as Required Shaded areas indicate the time frame when service inspection should be conducted ...

Page 112: ...Owner s Manual Page 110 Care and Maintenance Section E Or as Required Shaded areas indicate the time frame when service inspection should be conducted ...

Page 113: ... A tire registration form included in the RZQHU V SDFNHW LV WR EH OOHG RXW DQG UH WXUQHG WR WKH tire manufacturer Please see Section F 7 Supple PHQWDO 7UDLOHU QIRUPDWLRQ IRU DGGLWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ to assist you in completing the tire registration form T N E M P I U Q E T H G I E W E G A R E V A y r e t t a B y r e t t a B s b L 0 6 l e u F l a G s b L 5 6 r e t a W l a G s b L 8 s e i r o s s e c ...

Page 114: onto the trailer Keeping the tie downs tightly fastened will prevent the boat from bouncing against the bunk supports NOTICE Improper trailer setup can cause hull damage NOTICE DO NOT overload your trailer by placing camping gear or other heavy equipment in the boat DO NOT exceed the GVWR rating Damage to the hitch coupler or trailer may occur For trailers the steps to determining correct load ...

Page 115: ...owing vehicle Before unhitching the trailer use the following guidelines when setting up the jack 1 Pull on the locking pin release See Figure F4 B Tongue Scarab trailers are designed with tongue weights between 5 and 10 of the total weight of the boat fuel gear and trailer If the downward weight on the coupling ball does not fall within this range cou pler failure and towing instability may occur...

Page 116: ...e trailer to allow for mainte nance or repairs Follow the manufacturer s recom mendations provided in the owner s packet D Surge Brakes Coupling Assembly Surge brakes are available on certain Scarab trailers When equipped surge brakes operate automatically when the tow vehicle s brakes are applied When the tow vehicle slows down or stops the forward mo PHQWXP RU VXUJH RI WKH WUDLOHU DJDLQVW WKH KL...

Page 117: ... 7XUQ WKH KDQGOH LQ WKH DSSURSULDWH GLUHFWLRQ WR rewind the line FOLFNLQJ VRXQG ZLOO EH KHDUG ZKHQ WKH ZLQFK LV SURSHUO HQ JDJHG I D FOLFNLQJ VRXQG LV QRW heard DO NOT release the handle Handle PD VSLQ EDFNZDUGV RZHU WKH ORDG LQWR D safe position before releasing the handle NOTICE Anti sway devices as used on recreational vehicles RV s are not applicable to surge EUDNH V VWHPV DQG VKRXOG QRW EH XV...

Page 118: Refer to Figure F8 Figure F8 Aluminum Wheels Wheel Key Socket NOTICE DO NOT use an air wrench or other power equipment to install lug nuts on aluminum Mag wheels Damage to the wheel may result Lug nuts should be torqued to 85 foot pounds Examine the tires frequently for snags bulges excessive tread wear separations or cuts Refer to the manufacturer s literature included in the owner s packet f...

Page 119: ...OH JHDU 2SHQ WLH GRZQ WR D ÀDW SRVLWLRQ Figure F10 Tail Light LED NOTICE 8VH D KHDY GXW WXUQLQJ VLJQDO ÀDVKHU RQ towing vehicles Check with your local auto parts store or ask your Scarab dealer for as sistance Consult your dealer for state trailer regulations con cerning lighting and other optional equipment I Tie downs The boat should be secured to the trailer by tie downs to prevent damage to th...

Page 120: ...andle Both spring releases should clear the inner gear 3XOO VWUDS RXW 7KH LQQHU VSLQGOH JHDU VKRXOG move freely 7R UDWFKHW VWUDS RU WLJKWHQ GRZQ WKH VWUDS RQ WKH ERDW 3ODFH WZR QJHUV RQ VSULQJ ORDGHG UHOHDVH DQG SXOO UHOHDVH DZD IURP VSLQGOH JHDU 2 Bring both handles together Both handles should ride on the inner gear 3 Open to approximately 110 and close handles to ratchet Leave in closed positio...

Page 121: ...o not tow trailer DO NOT force the coupler latch into closed position otherwise damage could result Inspect ac tuator for bent parts or cause of improper operation NOTICE Keep the coupler clean and lubricated to pre vent damage to the coupler Flat Bladed Screw Driver 5 Make sure the actuator is secure If unsure extend the trailer tongue jack to the ground and lift with the jack the car and trailer...

Page 122: be used Figure F16 Crossing the Safety Cables 7R UH GXFH WKH ULVN RI EUHDN DZD DFFL GHQWV be sure coupler is seated and safety cables are crisscrossed before trailering 5HWUDFW MDFN IXOO DQG SODFH LQ WUDLOHULQJ KRUL RQWDO position 11 Check for proper tow vehicle trailer hookup The tow vehicle and trailer should be level with a posi tive tongue load Scarab trailers are designed with tongue weigh...

Page 123: ...owing 3 If the trailer is to be uncoupled from the tow vehicle after backing block all trailer wheels and pull forward slightly to take strain off the actua tor Uncouple the actuator by lifting the release handle and raise the trailer tongue with the jack For most trailering conditions the brake actuator will allow you to back up normally using a 5 wire harness connector However if the coupler is ...

Page 124: ...w time between braking for the brakes to cool off 5 When rounding turns on highways or streets DO NOT cut corners Also travel slowly over railroad tracks I WKH WUDLOHU EHJLQV WR VKWDLO ZKHQ DFFHOHU DW LQJ UHGXFH VSHHG XQWLO LW FHDVHV I WKH WUDLOHU VKWDLOV again during acceleration stop to investigate the cause of the problem Check for improper trailer load and uneven weight distribution inside the...

Page 125: ...made for hitch balls Periodically inspect the brake system for leaks Check all hoses for cuts or wear Replace all defective hoses 7KH PDVWHU F OLQGHU VKRXOG EH OOHG ZLWKLQ LQFK from the top of the reservoir length and width Re carpet bunks with high quality exterior grade carpet 2 127 EXUQ GDPDJHG RU EURNHQ EXQNV Toxic fumes will be released Dispose of EXQNV SURSHUO C Swivel Jack Keep the swivel j...

Page 126: ...efer to the manufacturer s literature included with your trailer At the beginning of each year inspect the brakes for excessive wear have linings replaced if necessary If the brakes need bleeding consult your Scarab dealer for assistance If unavailable a brake or auto repair facility can perform the repair Refer to the manufacturer s literature included in the owner s packet for additional informa...

Page 127: ... seal is in good condition If the seal is torn or cracked then it should be re placed The seal can be pried out of the hub with a screw driver Be sure to replace the seal using the recommended replacement parts Parts can be obtained from your Scarab dealer 2 When inspecting the bearing check for corrosion and wear If any rust or wear exists on the bear ing then remove and replace with the manufac ...

Page 128: ... V 7LUH 5HJLVWU H VXUH WR OO RXW the tire registration form provided with your RZQHU V SDFNHW 0DLO LW WR WKH WLUH PDQXIDFWXUHU IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI HGHUDO HIHFW 1RWL FDWLRQ Regulations See Figure F22 F 7 SUPPLEMENTAL TRAILER INFORMATION A Information Contained on Sidewall of the Tire Both U S and Canada Federal regulations require tire manufacturers to place standardized information on the sidewall ...


Page 130: ...ty of the trailer minus the weight of the trailer Locate the statement Total load should never ex FHHG NJ RU OEV RQ RXU WUDLOHUV WLUH ODEHO located on the port forward side of your trailer 7KLV JXUH HTXDOV WKH DYDLODEOH DPRXQW RI WKH ERDW with all equipment gear fuel water and luggage load capacity Determine the combined weight of the boat with all equipment gear fuel water and luggage being loade...

Page 131: ... should receive your warranty registration at the time of delivery or within approximately 30 days from the day of your boat purchase If you have not received your warranty registration within this time frame please contact your Scarab selling dealer for resolution If upon receipt of the warranty registration you discover a discrepancy please notify Scarab at 231 775 1343 The information will be c...

Page 132: ...l sign the Pre Delivery Inspec tion Form of the Warranty Registration upon comple tion of the work You will also be asked to sign the Pre Delivery Inspection Form upon accepting delivery of the boat You are to retain the two copies marked RDW 2ZQHU RXU GHDOHU LV WR UHWDLQ WKH FRS PDUNHG HDOHU FRS IRU KLV UHFRUGV 7KH PDQXIDFWXUHU V FRS is submitted on line via the Extranet to the Scarab Customer Se...

Page 133: ...eatures who thrive in these environments are some ways you can help assure the pleasure of boat ing for years to come The operator is also responsible for complying with the IROORZLQJ SURFHGXUHV DQG RSHUDWLRQDO UHTXLUHPHQWV 6WDWH UHJLVWUDWLRQ QVXUDQFH DUUDQW UHJLVWUDWLRQ DUUDQW WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV 5XOHV RI WKH URDG UHDN LQ SURFHGXUH 3URSHU PDLQWHQDQFH RI WKH ERDW DQG LWV V VWHPV 6DIHW HTXLSPHQW 6...

Page 134: ...Owner s Manual Page 132 Warranty and Service Section G This page is intentionally blank ...

Page 135: ...BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB DWH RI 3XUFKDVH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 127 RU ZDUUDQW WUDQVIHU SOHDVH XVH the Warranty Transfer Request Form also included in this manual 127 RU ZDUUDQW WUDQVIHU SOHDVH XVH the Warranty Transfer Request Form also included in this manual 127 RU ZDUUDQW WUDQVIHU SOHDVH XVH the Warranty Transfer Request Form also included in this manual 3OHDVH SODFH LQ HQYHORSH DQG PDLO WR Rec Bo...

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Page 137: ___________________________________________________ The warranty may be transferred only once Registration of the second owner is required and the amount of the transfer fee is indicated on the warranty statement of the Warranty Registration Card Transfer of the remainder of the warranty must occur within five 5 years of the original retail sale The transfer fee must be paid within fifteen 1...

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Page 139: ...ffens and supports a portion of the deck BEAM WIND A wind blowing against the side of the vessel perpendicular to the long axis of the vessel BILGE The lowest interior area of a hull used to collect water that has entered BILGE PUMP A pump intended for removal of spray rainwater and the normal accumulation of water due WR VHHSDJH DQG VSLOODJH QRW LQWHQGHG IRU GDPDJH control BINNACLE The stand or s...

Page 140: ...A permanent covering over a compartment hull or any part thereof 6 1 725 0RGHO LGHQWL HU RU PRGHO QDPH WR PDUN RU SRLQW RXW LQGLFDWH VKRZ VSHFLI WR GHQRWH LQGLFDWH VLJQLI WR QDPH HQWLWOH VW OH DINGHY A small open boat used for ship to shore transportation DISPLACEMENT The weight of water dislocated by the hull of a vessel 63 0 17 8 KXOO WKDW GLVSODFHV D volume of water equal to the weight of the b...

Page 141: ...oat FORWARD Toward the bow FREEBOARD The minimum vertical distance from the surface of the water to the gunwale 5 48 1 7KH QXPEHU RI FUHVWV SDVVLQJ D HG point at a given time FRONTS Where opposing warm and cold air masses meet generally producing a band of wet stormy weather wherever they meet GALLEY The kitchen area of a boat GALVANIC CORROSION A potential electrical difference exists between dis...

Page 142: ... that connect all the local points on a weather map These lines are XVXDOO FORVHG DQG GH QH KLJK RU ORZ SUHVVXUH DLU masses ISOTHERMS Isotherms are lines that are similar to Isobars except that Isotherms connect all the points that are of equal temperature JETSAM Refuse that sinks when discharged overboard KEDGE S One or more anchors set out from a grounded vessel usually astern to 1 keep it from ...

Page 143: ...card bearing a notice advertisement message etc PLANING HULL At slow speeds a planing hull will displace water in the same manner as a displacement hull As speed is increased the hull provides a lifting effect up onto the surface of the water POINT One of 32 points of the compass that is equal WR GHJUHHV PORT 1 Looking forward the left side of a boat 2 A harbor 3 An opening for light or ventilatio...

Page 144: ...ontrolled by the steering wheel STEM The leading edge of a boat s hull STERN The back of a boat STRINGER A fore and aft continuous member used to provide a vessel longitudinal strength STRUT A propeller shaft support that is below the hull SUMP A pit or well into which water is drained SUPERSTRUCTURE Deck houses and other structures extending above the deck THWART A seat or brace running laterally...

Page 145: ...overhead protection WET EXHAUST This term refers to an exhaust system where the cooling seawater is mixed with the exhaust gases just after the riser This mixture is then ejected through the drive or ports located in the transom or hull sides WHARF A man made structure bounding the edge of a dock and built along the shoreline WHIPPING The act of wrapping the end of a piece of rope with small line ...

Page 146: ...__________ Smoke Signals _________________ Flashlight ___________________ Food ___________________________ Paddles _______________________ Water ______________________ Anchor _________________________ Raft or Dinghy __________________ EPIRB ______________________ Sea Anchor _____________________ Navigation Equipment Compass ____________________ Loran ________________ GPS ______________ Radar _____...

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