5 PC Interface Board
Rev. 1.9 e
9 Programming Peripheral Interfaces
innovators for industry
matically generated when the delay has expired). This
can be useful, for instance, when processing multiple
workpieces transported to the scan system (even) at
irregular intervals: here, up to 8 workpieces can
simultaneously reside within the track delay (distance
between the light barrier and scan system). If more
external starts are triggered than can be simulta-
neously held in the 8-start wait loop, then an error bit
is set, which can be queried via
(bit#11). If a track delay is set, then any previous
queue is canceled (see
• Note that the /START, /START2 and /Slave-START
inputs are
sensitive (HIGH to LOW level
), whereas the /STOP, /STOP2 and /Slave-
STOP inputs are
• An explicit call of the command
disables the /START, /START2 and /Slave-START
inputs. An external stop signal also (at least
temporarily) disables these inputs, i.e. as long as
one of the inputs /STOP, /STOP2 or /Slave-STOP is
LOW. The command
used to define whether or not the /START, /START2
and /Slave-START inputs also stay disabled when
the external stop signal is no longer active.
• The command
allows activation or deactivation of the inputs
/START, /START2 or /Slave-START and deactivation
of track delay.
• External starts will also be suppressed after
(PAUSED status
or an external list stop will end
suppression of the list start.
• If list inputs are not yet finished, a buffer flush
should be initiated before an external start, e.g.
set_input_pointer( get_input_pointer ())
so that possibly buffered list commands will be
fully transferred to list memory (see
• If a master board is started internally (e.g. via
) and subsequently a slave
board via
, then the master
and slave boards won’t run synchronously if a
home jump was previously activated via
: the
home return executes on the master board
starts the slave board, but
executes on the slave board
. While the
home return executes on the slave board, the
master board continues running. This asynchro-
nicity doesn’t occur if all boards are started via an
external start signal (or via