DSA5000 Quick Start Guide
In order to communicate withe DSA modules, the host com
puter must be configured to be compatible with the MPS.
The default DSA5000 IP address is:
Where yyy is the family code:
for DSA5000
Where xxx is the last three digits of the serial number of the
Configure the IP address of the host computer to be compat
ible with this address. One example would be:
Host Computer:
Please consult your computer or operating system for steps
on how to configure your computer’s IP address.
Step 5: Access the DSA’s Web Server
The DSA5000 has a single user web server which provides a
simple method for communication, configuration and data
collection from virtually any host computer.
The web server has been tested with several web browsers
to verify functionality and compatibility. Those that were
tested are (as of 10/2022) Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome,
and Microsoft Edge.
To connect to the DSA5000’s web server, simply open one of
the supported browsers. In the address bar, enter:
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <ENTER>
(where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the DSA)
Once connected, the web server’s Scan page will be dis
Step 6: Scanning
There are multiple variables on this screen that the user may
modify to adjust scan configurations. Configure a scan rate
(RATE) and select an Engineering Unit (UNITS). Default set
tings will be loaded. Then select a format (FORMATTED FOR).
The default selection is to show scan data to the screen. The
user may also elect to scan to a .CSV, .TXT, or .DAT file.
Once configured, click the CALZ button in the top right
corner and wait for 10 seconds. Click the SCAN button to
start data collection. If the format is set to “Screen”, data will
now be displayed in the bargraph area. For more options or
detailed information on the web server, please see section 3
in the DSA5000 User Manual.
Example: Setting Static IP address - Windows 10
DSA’s Web Server - Scan Page
DSA’s Web Server - Scanning