Bluetooth keyboard connection steps


After the power switch is 

turned to the ON position, the 

power indicator light is on 

for 3 seconds, the Bluetooth 

indicator starts to flash, and 

the keyboard automatically 

enters the pairing mode.


. In the settings menu, click 

on the “Bluetooth” menu.


 Discover the Bluetooth 

keyboard device: 

“TauniTouch” , and click on it, 

The Bluetooth keyboard will 

automatically Connect.


Turn on the Bluetooth 

switch, The lights flicker and 



 After the Bluetooth 

keyboard connection is 

Successful, the pairing 

indicator is off, and 

“Connected” will appear in 

the list of Bluetooth devices.


Open and unlock your 

tablet and click On the “ 

Settings” icon.

Wireless keyboard user manual

Package included: Instruc�on manual *1 

                                 Wireless keyboard *1 

                                 USB charging cable *1

Product model specifica�on

1.Bluetooth Interface Standard
2.Opera�ng Distance Available: 
   10 meters
3.Modula�on System: GFSK
4.Opera�ng Voltage: 3.0-4.2V
5.Working Current: <8mA
(When the touchpad is working)
6. Standby Current: <0.3mA
7. Sleeping Current: <40uA
8. Charging Current: 100mA/

9. Standby Time: >100 days
10. Charging Time: 2-3 hours
11. Lithium Ba�ery Capacity: 
12. Sustainable Working �me: 
       more than 100/30 hours
13. Lithium Ba�ery Life: 3 years
14. Key Strength: 80±10g
15. Key Life: 5Million Stroke
16. Opera�ng Temperature: 


Ge�ng Started Guide

Caps lock indicator: Lights up when the keyboard is 

in upper case input.
It will flash a�er entering the Bluetooth Pairing model, 

and will be off a�er the Bluetooth connec�on is successful.
Low ba�ery indicator: flashes when the ba�ery is too low, 

promp�ng to charge.
Charging indicator: It will light up when charging, and will 

be off a�er charging is completed.

Switching power Indicator: Press and hold the power 

switch for 3 seconds.

Type-c charging interface

Bluetooth keyboard connec�on steps

1.A�er the power switch is turned to the 
ON posi�on, the power indicator light is 
on for 3 seconds, the Bluetooth indicator 
starts to flash, and the keyboard 
automa�cally enters the pairing mode.

2.Open and unlock your tablet and click 
On the “ Se�ngs” icon.

3.In the se�ngs menu, click on the 
“Bluetooth” menu.

5.Discover the Bluetooth keyboard device:
“TauniTouch” , and click on it, The Bluetooth 
keyboard will automa�cally Connect.

6.A�er the Bluetooth keyboard 
connec�on is Successful, the pairing 
indicator is off, And “ Connected” will 
appear in the list of  Bluetooth devices.

4.Turn on the Bluetooth switch,
 The lights flicker and match.



Keyboard shortcut func�on descrip�on

IOS13 system touchpad gestures


Warranty Card

Energy Saving sleep mode




Back to Home 




Screen capture

Next track


Lock screen

Screen keyboard




Func�on key





Previous track

Bluetooth pairing

Select all

Touchpad on/off



A�er switch system push above mul�media func�on show:
No�ce 1: This keyboard is 3 -system universal keyboard,
A�er confirming using it then push FN+Q/W/E to choose suitable system..
No�ce 2: Only backlight kind keyboard has this bu�on

Color adjust: total 7 kind colors circula�ng

Backlight model: Single push backlight key actualize three kinds models.
1.1single color backlight(RGB) 2. Breathing light 3. Backlight off.
2.RGB backlight switch: under single color model situa�on, Press RGB key to 
   switch backlight.
3.Backlight lightness: Under single color model situa�on, push backlight kry +  
Upward arrow key, backlight lightness increase; Push bac direc�on
Downward arrow key, backlight lightness reduce.

Sliding finger

Single finger fast 

double click without 

loose drag

Moving the 


Le� click to select 

the target drag



Recent task 

window switch

Ac�ve window 

le�/right slide 


Two-finger ver�cal



Three-fingers move 

up at the same �me

Three fingers sliding 

le�/right at the 

same �me

Le� mouse 


Single finger tap

Two-finger tapping

Three-finger tap

Three fingers move 

down at the same 


Right mouse 


Middle mouse 


Back to Home 


IOS 13 mouse func�on is enabled: “Se�ngs”-”Accessibility”-”Touch”-
”Auxiliary Touch”-”Open”

1.When not use for long �me, suggest to close keyboard, in order to prolong 
ba�ery life.
2.In order to get longer ba�ery life, charging before keyboard power light flashes,
Charging �me must be be�er more than 2 hours

When Keyboard not use will be enter sleep model a�er 15 minutes, keyboard 
indicator will be off, press and keys 5s to wake it up when need use again, then 
keyboard indicator will turn on.

1.Make sure the power is turned on
2.Ensure keyboard operable distance
3.Make sure the ba�ery has power
4.Ensure the device’s Bluetooth was turned on
5.Ensure the wireless keyboard was connected with the Bluetooth
6.Ensure the wireless keyboard paired successfully

Washing, alcohol or a similar cleaning agent decontamina�on keyboard.

When ba�ery is low, the power indicator blinking, means need to 
charge the keyboard
1.Connect Genuine Parts USB Type C cable B port to keyboard cradle
2.Connect USB Type C cable A port to power adapter or computer USB port.
3.When charging, charge indicator lights will blinking, a�er full lights automa�cally
turn off

User informa�on

Company or personage full name

Contact addres

The purchase product name and model No.

Purchase date


Produc�on date:

This reason due to the product broken and damage is not

included on the warranty.

(1)Accident, misuse, improper opera�on, or any unauthorized 

repair, modified or removed

(2)Improper opera�on or maintenance, when opera�on viola�on 

of the instruc�ons or connec�on unsuitability power supply



Wireless keyboard user manual

Package included: Instruc�on manual *1 

                                 Wireless keyboard *1 

                                 USB charging cable *1

Product model specifica�on

1.Bluetooth Interface Standard
2.Opera�ng Distance Available: 
   10 meters
3.Modula�on System: GFSK
4.Opera�ng Voltage: 3.0-4.2V
5.Working Current: <8mA
(When the touchpad is working)
6. Standby Current: <0.3mA
7. Sleeping Current: <40uA
8. Charging Current: 100mA/

9. Standby Time: >100 days
10. Charging Time: 2-3 hours
11. Lithium Ba�ery Capacity: 
12. Sustainable Working �me: 
       more than 100/30 hours
13. Lithium Ba�ery Life: 3 years
14. Key Strength: 80±10g
15. Key Life: 5Million Stroke
16. Opera�ng Temperature: 


Ge�ng Started Guide

Caps lock indicator: Lights up when the keyboard is 

in upper case input.
It will flash a�er entering the Bluetooth Pairing model, 

and will be off a�er the Bluetooth connec�on is successful.
Low ba�ery indicator: flashes when the ba�ery is too low, 

promp�ng to charge.
Charging indicator: It will light up when charging, and will 

be off a�er charging is completed.

Switching power Indicator: Press and hold the power 

switch for 3 seconds.

Type-c charging interface

Bluetooth keyboard connec�on steps

1.A�er the power switch is turned to the 
ON posi�on, the power indicator light is 
on for 3 seconds, the Bluetooth indicator 
starts to flash, and the keyboard 
automa�cally enters the pairing mode.

2.Open and unlock your tablet and click 
On the “ Se�ngs” icon.

3.In the se�ngs menu, click on the 
“Bluetooth” menu.

5.Discover the Bluetooth keyboard device:
“TauniTouch” , and click on it, The Bluetooth 
keyboard will automa�cally Connect.

6.A�er the Bluetooth keyboard 
connec�on is Successful, the pairing 
indicator is off, And “ Connected” will 
appear in the list of  Bluetooth devices.

4.Turn on the Bluetooth switch,
 The lights flicker and match.



Keyboard shortcut func�on descrip�on

IOS13 system touchpad gestures


Warranty Card

Energy Saving sleep mode




Back to Home 




Screen capture

Next track


Lock screen

Screen keyboard




Func�on key





Previous track

Bluetooth pairing

Select all

Touchpad on/off



A�er switch system push above mul�media func�on show:
No�ce 1: This keyboard is 3 -system universal keyboard,
A�er confirming using it then push FN+Q/W/E to choose suitable system..
No�ce 2: Only backlight kind keyboard has this bu�on

Color adjust: total 7 kind colors circula�ng

Backlight model: Single push backlight key actualize three kinds models.
1.1single color backlight(RGB) 2. Breathing light 3. Backlight off.
2.RGB backlight switch: under single color model situa�on, Press RGB key to 
   switch backlight.
3.Backlight lightness: Under single color model situa�on, push backlight kry +  
Upward arrow key, backlight lightness increase; Push bac direc�on
Downward arrow key, backlight lightness reduce.

Sliding finger

Single finger fast 

double click without 

loose drag

Moving the 


Le� click to select 

the target drag



Recent task 

window switch

Ac�ve window 

le�/right slide 


Two-finger ver�cal



Three-fingers move 

up at the same �me

Three fingers sliding 

le�/right at the 

same �me

Le� mouse 


Single finger tap

Two-finger tapping

Three-finger tap

Three fingers move 

down at the same 


Right mouse 


Middle mouse 


Back to Home 


IOS 13 mouse func�on is enabled: “Se�ngs”-”Accessibility”-”Touch”-
”Auxiliary Touch”-”Open”

1.When not use for long �me, suggest to close keyboard, in order to prolong 
ba�ery life.
2.In order to get longer ba�ery life, charging before keyboard power light flashes,
Charging �me must be be�er more than 2 hours

When Keyboard not use will be enter sleep model a�er 15 minutes, keyboard 
indicator will be off, press and keys 5s to wake it up when need use again, then 
keyboard indicator will turn on.

1.Make sure the power is turned on
2.Ensure keyboard operable distance
3.Make sure the ba�ery has power
4.Ensure the device’s Bluetooth was turned on
5.Ensure the wireless keyboard was connected with the Bluetooth
6.Ensure the wireless keyboard paired successfully

Washing, alcohol or a similar cleaning agent decontamina�on keyboard.

When ba�ery is low, the power indicator blinking, means need to 
charge the keyboard
1.Connect Genuine Parts USB Type C cable B port to keyboard cradle
2.Connect USB Type C cable A port to power adapter or computer USB port.
3.When charging, charge indicator lights will blinking, a�er full lights automa�cally
turn off

User informa�on

Company or personage full name

Contact addres

The purchase product name and model No.

Purchase date


Produc�on date:

This reason due to the product broken and damage is not

included on the warranty.

(1)Accident, misuse, improper opera�on, or any unauthorized 

repair, modified or removed

(2)Improper opera�on or maintenance, when opera�on viola�on 

of the instruc�ons or connec�on unsuitability power supply



Wireless keyboard user manual

Package included: Instruc�on manual *1 

                                 Wireless keyboard *1 

                                 USB charging cable *1

Product model specifica�on

1.Bluetooth Interface Standard
2.Opera�ng Distance Available: 
   10 meters
3.Modula�on System: GFSK
4.Opera�ng Voltage: 3.0-4.2V
5.Working Current: <8mA
(When the touchpad is working)
6. Standby Current: <0.3mA
7. Sleeping Current: <40uA
8. Charging Current: 100mA/

9. Standby Time: >100 days
10. Charging Time: 2-3 hours
11. Lithium Ba�ery Capacity: 
12. Sustainable Working �me: 
       more than 100/30 hours
13. Lithium Ba�ery Life: 3 years
14. Key Strength: 80±10g
15. Key Life: 5Million Stroke
16. Opera�ng Temperature: 


Ge�ng Started Guide

Caps lock indicator: Lights up when the keyboard is 

in upper case input.
It will flash a�er entering the Bluetooth Pairing model, 

and will be off a�er the Bluetooth connec�on is successful.
Low ba�ery indicator: flashes when the ba�ery is too low, 

promp�ng to charge.
Charging indicator: It will light up when charging, and will 

be off a�er charging is completed.

Switching power Indicator: Press and hold the power 

switch for 3 seconds.

Type-c charging interface

Bluetooth keyboard connec�on steps

1.A�er the power switch is turned to the 
ON posi�on, the power indicator light is 
on for 3 seconds, the Bluetooth indicator 
starts to flash, and the keyboard 
automa�cally enters the pairing mode.

2.Open and unlock your tablet and click 
On the “ Se�ngs” icon.

3.In the se�ngs menu, click on the 
“Bluetooth” menu.

5.Discover the Bluetooth keyboard device:
“TauniTouch” , and click on it, The Bluetooth 
keyboard will automa�cally Connect.

6.A�er the Bluetooth keyboard 
connec�on is Successful, the pairing 
indicator is off, And “ Connected” will 
appear in the list of  Bluetooth devices.

4.Turn on the Bluetooth switch,
 The lights flicker and match.



Keyboard shortcut func�on descrip�on

IOS13 system touchpad gestures


Warranty Card

Energy Saving sleep mode




Back to Home 




Screen capture

Next track


Lock screen

Screen keyboard




Func�on key





Previous track

Bluetooth pairing

Select all

Touchpad on/off



A�er switch system push above mul�media func�on show:
No�ce 1: This keyboard is 3 -system universal keyboard,
A�er confirming using it then push FN+Q/W/E to choose suitable system..
No�ce 2: Only backlight kind keyboard has this bu�on

Color adjust: total 7 kind colors circula�ng

Backlight model: Single push backlight key actualize three kinds models.
1.1single color backlight(RGB) 2. Breathing light 3. Backlight off.
2.RGB backlight switch: under single color model situa�on, Press RGB key to 
   switch backlight.
3.Backlight lightness: Under single color model situa�on, push backlight kry +  
Upward arrow key, backlight lightness increase; Push bac direc�on
Downward arrow key, backlight lightness reduce.

Sliding finger

Single finger fast 

double click without 

loose drag

Moving the 


Le� click to select 

the target drag



Recent task 

window switch

Ac�ve window 

le�/right slide 


Two-finger ver�cal



Three-fingers move 

up at the same �me

Three fingers sliding 

le�/right at the 

same �me

Le� mouse 


Single finger tap

Two-finger tapping

Three-finger tap

Three fingers move 

down at the same 


Right mouse 


Middle mouse 


Back to Home 


IOS 13 mouse func�on is enabled: “Se�ngs”-”Accessibility”-”Touch”-
”Auxiliary Touch”-”Open”

1.When not use for long �me, suggest to close keyboard, in order to prolong 
ba�ery life.
2.In order to get longer ba�ery life, charging before keyboard power light flashes,
Charging �me must be be�er more than 2 hours

When Keyboard not use will be enter sleep model a�er 15 minutes, keyboard 
indicator will be off, press and keys 5s to wake it up when need use again, then 
keyboard indicator will turn on.

1.Make sure the power is turned on
2.Ensure keyboard operable distance
3.Make sure the ba�ery has power
4.Ensure the device’s Bluetooth was turned on
5.Ensure the wireless keyboard was connected with the Bluetooth
6.Ensure the wireless keyboard paired successfully

Washing, alcohol or a similar cleaning agent decontamina�on keyboard.

When ba�ery is low, the power indicator blinking, means need to 
charge the keyboard
1.Connect Genuine Parts USB Type C cable B port to keyboard cradle
2.Connect USB Type C cable A port to power adapter or computer USB port.
3.When charging, charge indicator lights will blinking, a�er full lights automa�cally
turn off

User informa�on

Company or personage full name

Contact addres

The purchase product name and model No.

Purchase date


Produc�on date:

This reason due to the product broken and damage is not

included on the warranty.

(1)Accident, misuse, improper opera�on, or any unauthorized 

repair, modified or removed

(2)Improper opera�on or maintenance, when opera�on viola�on 

of the instruc�ons or connec�on unsuitability power supply



Summary of Contents for TAUNITOUCHKEYBOARDS

Page 1: ...TAUNITOUCHKEYBOARDS Wireless Keyboard with Touchpad Compatible with Smart TV PC Tablet Smartphone...

Page 2: ...ency 2 4 GHz Input 5 V D C 0 5 A max Working current 5 mA Standby current 1 0 mA Sleeping current 40 A Working distance 10 meters Battery 150mAh 44 hours Prf max 3 mW Package Contains Wireless Keyboar...

Page 3: ...For other informations please contact us at info sbsmobile com UK User Manual 4 IT Manuale di istruzioni 9 F Mode d emploi 14 D Bedienungsanleitung 19 ES Manual de instrucciones 24...

Page 4: model and will be off after the Bluetooth connection is successful Low battery indicator flashes when the battery is too low prompting to charge Charging indicator It will light up when charging an...

Page 5: 4 Turn on The lights Bluetooth keyboard connec on steps 1 A er the power switch is turned to the ON posi on the power indicator light is on for 3 seconds the Bluetooth indicator starts to ash and...

Page 6: ...after confirming using it then push FN Q W E to choose suitable system Notice 2 Only backlight kind keyboard has this button Color adjust total 7 kind colors circulating Backlight model Single push ba...

Page 7: ...elect the target drag Vertical hori zontal scrolling Recent task window switch Active window left right slide switch Two finger vertical horizontal movement Three fingers move up at the same time Thre...

Page 8: sure the power is turned on 2 Ensure keyboard operable distance 3 Make sure the battery has power 4 Ensure the device s Bluetooth was turned on 5 Ensure the wireless keyboard was connected with the...

Page 9: ...e dopo che la connessione riuscita Indicatore di batteria scarica lampeggia quando la batteria troppo scarica Ricarica necessaria Indicatore di ricarica si accende durante la ricarica e si spegne quan...

Page 10: ...lly Connect 6 A er th connec indicator appear in 4 Turn on The lights Bluetooth keyboard connec on steps 1 A er the power switch is turned to the ON posi on the power indicator light is on for 3 secon...

Page 11: ...Interruttore di retroilluminazione RGB in una situazione modello a colore singolo premere il tasto RGB per cambiare retroilluminazione 3 Luminosit della retroilluminazione in una situazione modello a...

Page 12: ...nazione Scorrimento verticale orizzontale Passaggio da una finestra di attivit recente all altra Interruttore a scorrimento sinistro destro della finestra attiva Movimento verticale orizzontale a due...

Page 13: trovi nel raggio della distanza di funzionamento 3 Assicurarsi che la batteria sia carica 4 Assicurarsi che il Bluetooth del dispositivo sia attivato 5 Assicurarsi che la tastiera wireless sia conn...

Page 14: ...t s teint lor sque la connexion Bluetooth est tablie Voyant de batterie faible Clignote lorsque la batterie est trop faible et qu il est n cessaire de la recharger Voyant de charge S allume pendant la...

Page 15: ...onnec indicator appear in 4 Turn on The lights Bluetooth keyboard connec on steps 1 A er the power switch is turned to the ON posi on the power indicator light is on for 3 seconds the Bluetooth indica...

Page 16: ...lairage teint 2 Bouton de r tro clairage RVB dans le cas d un mod le une seule couleur appuyez sur la touche RVB pour activer le r tro clairage du bouton 3 Luminosit du r tro clairage Dans le cas d un...

Page 17: ...filement vertical horizontal Changement de fen tre des t ches r centes Bouton coulissant gauche droite de la fen tre active Mouvement vertical horizontal deux doigts Trois doigts se d placent vers le...

Page 18: ...eil est sous tension 2 Veillez ce que le clavier se trouve dans la zone de fonction nement 3 Assurez vous que la batterie est charg e 4 Assurez vous que la fonction Bluetooth de l appareil est activ e...

Page 19: ...haltet sich aus nachdem die Bluetooth Verbindung erfolgreich ist Anzeige f r niedrigen Akkustand Blinkt um zum Aufladen aufzufordern wenn der Akku zu schwach ist Ladeanzeige leuchtet lange w hrend des...

Page 20: ...toma cally Connect 6 A er th connec o indicator appear in 4 Turn on The lights Bluetooth keyboard connec on steps 1 A er the power switch is turned to the ON posi on the power indicator light is on fo...

Page 21: ...g aus 2 RGB Hintergrundbeleuchtung Schalter unter einzigen Farbe Modell Situation dr cken Sie RGB Taste zu Hintergrundbeleuchtung einschalten 3 Die Helligkeit der Hintergrundbeleuchtung In der Situati...

Page 22: ...zuw hlen Vertikaler horizontaler Bildlauf Schalter f r das Fenster der letzten Aufgabe Schiebeschalter f r aktives Fenster links rechts Vertikale horizontale Bewegung mit zwei Fingern Drei Finger bewe...

Page 23: ...e Tastatur in funtionierender Reichweite ist 3 Stellen Sie sicher dass der Akku Strom hat 4 Vergewissern Sie sich dass die Bluetooth Funktion des Ger ts eingeschaltet ist 5 Vergewissern Sie sich dass...

Page 24: ...s de que la conexi n Bluetooth se haya establecido correctamente Indicador de bater a baja Parpadea cuando la bater a est demasiado baja lo que indica que hay que cargarla Indicador de carga Se encend...

Page 25: ...e Bluetooth oard will automa cally Connect 6 A er th connec indicator appear in 4 Turn on The lights Bluetooth keyboard connec on steps 1 A er the power switch is turned to the ON posi on the power in...

Page 26: ...pagada 2 Interruptor de retroiluminaci n RGB en la situaci n de modelo de un solo color pulse la tecla RGB para cambiar la luz de fondo 3 Luz de fondo En la situaci n del modelo de un solo color pulse...

Page 27: ...rastre del objetivo Desplazamiento vertical horizontal Cambio de la ventana de tareas recientes Interruptor deslizante de la ventana activa izquierda derecha Movimiento vertical horizontal con dos ded...

Page 28: ...1 Aseg rese de que la alimentaci n est encendida 2 Aseg rese de la distancia operable del teclado 3 Aseg rese de que la bater a tiene energ a 4 Aseg rese de que el Bluetooth del dispositivo est activa...

Page 29: ...29...

Page 30: ...30 TAUNITOUCHKEYBOARDS sbsmobile com SBS spa Via Circonvallazione s n 28010 Miasino No Italy Printed in China REV0_07 22...
