Page 18
Mi6 Mini Voice Recorder : SB-VR9000 Phone: 877-345-2336 Fax: 888-236-2524
Password Voice Recorder : SB-VR8204
Page 18 Phone: 877-345-2336 Fax: 888-236-2524
Use the included USB cable to connect your recorder to your PC. Be sure you are NOT
recording before plugging in your cable. You do NOT need to turn off your recorder to
connect to your PC. Just make sure it is not recording or playing back when you plug in.
Once connected, you will be able to browse the folders on your device. (Shown in
Windows 7. Other sytems are similar.)
Recorded files will be inside the VOICE folder.
You can playback your files using without the need of plugging the device to your computer.
This recorder has a speaker.
However to manage your files, it is recommended that you plug your device to your computer
and opening the VOICE file to manage your voice recordings.
Other folders on the recorder are:
1. VOICE : This is for all your voice recordings
2. MUSIC: This is where you will save all your mp3 songs
3. LINE: This is where all your LINE-IN recordings will go automatically
4. FM : All FM recordings you make will be saved in this folder