Things you need to know:
1. If the Pi does not boot to the desktop how to start
the GUI
2. How to open a command window from the Raspbian
3. How to edit files using nano (for a quick tutorial see:
The default username and password for the basic
Raspbian install:
Login = pi
Password = raspberry
Note: After the initial configuration you should be
able to run the SPi-Box "headless" without
connecting to a monitor, keyboard and mouse
Spi Box Software:
The SPi-Box software has been installed under
File Name
This is a config file that stores:
1. The subject line of your email alerts
2. The email address to which your email alerts
should be sent
3. Whether the email routine should be sending
emails or not (by default this is set to NO)
When executed, this python script will start waiting for
the PIR to detect motion and then when motion is
detected will take a picture with the camera. All images
get saved to /home/pi/spibox/capture