Sawgrass R800 Quick Connect II Installation Instructions Download Page 2

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1. Apply cartridge placement sticker 
over the existing one on the cartridge 

8. Place the large tube holder in the middle of the 

gray bar and attach it to the printer.    

9. Attach the short tube holder to the right of the 

printer where the tubes hang down.   

10. Congratulations you have successfully in-
stalled a R1800 Quick Connect II ink system. 

R800 Printer Setup Instructions 

2. Install the cartridge chips as shown above.  Start by lining up the chip with the yellow dot with the yellow ink slot in the 

cartridge bay.  Next line up the chip with the black dot with the black slot in the cartridge bay.  Finally insert the plastic 

cross bars into place by sliding the notched end into the back of the chip holders.  

4. Attach the long tube holder to the printer 

on the top left hand corner next to the ink 


3. Gently slide the cartridges through the hole 

in the cartridge cover.  Start with the yellow 

cartridge on the left and attach the cartridges in 

this order: .   

(from left to right) -  

Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Light Cyan, Black, 

Red, Blue, Light Magenta 

5. Attach the short tube holder to the right 

of the printer where the tubes hang down.   

6. Congratulations you have successfully installed 

a R800 Quick Connect II ink system. 




Make sure you install Power Driver XG from the CD that came 
with your Quick Connect II system.  Refer to the Power Driver 
XG documentation and video tutorial on how to use Power 
Driver XG. 



Perform a nozzle check from Power Driver XG.  A few cleanings may be neces-
sary to get a good nozzle check. 



You may want to remove the printer lid or leave it open at all times. 



You may have a little air in your lines but this will clear after a few prints. 



If you are going to leave your system without using it for several days you should 
clamp your lines with the tube clamps. 



Do not raise the ink box higher than the printer. 
