5.5 Check Filter Remaining Capacity
Press DISPLAY button will display the remaining capacity of each filter. The DigiFlow 6000R will
blink the dedicated filter twice, then blink the remaining capacity twice. For example, “FLT 1”, then
“ 988 ltr”, then “ FLT 2” …….. After display all remaining capacity of each filter, the
DigiFlow 6000R goes back to display the total flowing volume.
5.6 End o Life Alert
When there is any filter remaining capacity reaches 0 gallon (liter), the buzzer will beep twice and
the DigiFlow 6000R will blink the dedicated filter, for example, like “ FLT 2” to notice user that
the 2
filter cartridge is in its end of life, and out of function. In the alert status, user press
DISPLAY button is not able to check the remaining capacity of each filter, but to display the total
flowing volume.
After change the dedicated filter cartridge, press RESET button. The remaining capacity of the
dedicated filter cartridge be reset to the original setting value. And the alert status is released.
For example, if user set the capacity of the “FLT 1” and “FLT 2” as 500 gallons and 1000 gallons.
When the total flowing volume reaches 500 gallons, the DigiFlow 6000R will go into alert status,
and blink “ FLT 1” when there is water flowing through. However the DigiFlow 6000R will keep
calculate the total flowing volume and monitor the other filter. When user change the 1
cartridge and press RESET button at the total flowing volume 520 gallons. The end of life alert of
the 1
filter cartridge will be at 1020 gallons (520 + 500 gallons).
5.7 Low Battery Power Alert
When the battery power lower than normal working level, the buzzer will beep twice to notice and
the battery symbol on the screen will blink to notice user to change the battery. Once the batteries
are replaced, the alert will be released. The data will be kept in memory and stored back when user
replace the batteries.