User Manual
Version 1.19
The radio modem is referred to as DCE (Data Communication Equipment) whereas the device
connected to it, typically a PLC or a PC, is referred to as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). The 15-
pin female ‘D’
-type connector of the radio modem contains the connections required to
establish a data communication between the radio modem and DTE.
In order to transfer data, the physical interface between DCE and DTE must be compatible and
properly configured. This chapter describes shortly the basics of the physical interface options,
the related settings and the operation of the serial interface.
The radio modem contains two separate serial ports Port 1 and Port 2:
Only one port at a time can be selected for communication.
Port1 is configured ON by default.
The physical interface of Port 1 is always RS-232.
The physical interface of Port 2 depends on the selected settings.
SATEL-EASy+ Available serial port interfaces
Serial Port
Physical interface
Port 1
Port 1 is always RS-232
Port 2
RS-232/RS-422/ RS-485
The handshaking signals apply to the selected serial port (Port 1 or Port 2). The handshaking
signals are CD (Carrier Detect), RTS (Ready To Send), CTS (Clear To Send), DSR (Data Set Ready)
and DTR (Data Terminal Ready). The physical level of these signals is always RS-232.
The wiring and cable connections are illustrated in chapter
SATEL-EASy+ fixed interface parameters
with using SL Command
Port 1 = according to the active settings
Port 2 = according to the active settings
with using programming
pin (NARS-1F)
switched = ON
Port 1 = 38400,8,N,1 NMS.
Port 2 = 38400,8,N,1 NMS RS-232.
Error mode
Port 1 = 38400,8,N,1 NMS.
Port 2 = 38400,8,N,1 NMS RS-232.