3.2 DIP-switches
The DIP-switches from 1 to 5 are used to set the address. A numerical value is assigned to
each switch (in ON position – see Table 1; in OFF position – 0). The sum of these numerical
values corresponds to the address set. The DIP-switches allow for setting addresses in the 0
to 31 range.
DIP-switch number
1 2 3 4 5
Numerical value
1 2 4 8 16
Table 1. Numerical values assigned to DIP-switches in ON position.
Position of the switch 6 is irrelevant.
The switches 7 and 8 are used to determine the control panel to which the module is
module connected to the INTEGRA 128-WRL control panel – both switches must be set
in ON position;
module connected to another INTEGRA / INTEGRA Plus control panel – both switches
must be set in OFF position.
4. Installation
Disconnect power before making any electrical connections.
The INT-AV module and INT-AVT terminals should be installed indoors, in spaces with
normal air humidity.
4.1 Installing the INT-AV module
1. Secure the module in the control panel enclosure.
2. Connect the CLK and DTA terminals to the corresponding terminals of the control panel
communication bus. It is recommended that unscreened straight-through cable be used to
make the connection.
3. Connect the PIN5 plug to the socket on the control panel electronics board (socket to
connect a voice synthesizer).
4. Screw the wires connecting the module with the INT-AVT unit, as required. The way of
connecting the screw terminals of INT-AVT unit and module is illustrated in Fig. 2. Using a
straight-through unscreened cable is recommended. The permissible distance between
the communication terminal and the module is 100 m.
Note: Resistance of the wires connecting the INT-AVT unit with the INT-AV module has an
effect on the audio playback volume (the higher the resistance, the lower the volume)
and the current consumption.
5. Use the DIP-switches to set the module address and determine the control panel to which
the module is connected.