Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Introduction
1.1 About This Manual
This manual is intended to assist the user in the installation of the
SA300 Series (ezPAC™) Substation
Automation Unit
. The term ‘SA300’ is used herein to refer to all models in the series.
This chapter gives an overview of this manual and an introduction to the
Chapter 2,
, provides instructions for mechanical and electrical installation.
Chapter 3,
, provides drawings for communications connections and instructions for printing
electrical parameter readings.
Technical Specifications for the
are found in the
1.2 About The SA300
series is a group of advanced multi-microprocessor-based digital instruments that incorporate the
capabilities of a power quality analyzer, energy meter, fault and data recorder and programmable controller,
oriented for substation automation. These instruments provide three-phase measurements of electrical
quantities in power distribution systems, monitoring external events, operating external equipment via relay
contacts, fast and long-term on-board recording of measured quantities, faults with currents up to 150A and
events, harmonic network analysis and disturbance recording.
The unit is available in three models:
SA310 - Basic Fault model - offers all the basic metering, control, and fault and event
recording capabilities
SA320 - Power Quality model - adds an IEEE 1159 power quality recorder and reports
SA330 - Premium model - adds four 10A/20A current inputs for precise energy metering and
management, keeping the standard 150A current inputs for fault recording
The SA300 combines in a single enclosure:
Digital Fault Recorder (onboard fault detector - programmable fault
thresholds and hysteresis, up to 150 Amps fault currents, zero-
sequence currents and volts, current and volt unbalance; up to 48
external digital triggers from tripping protection relays; ready-for-use
fault reports - fault currents magnitude and duration, coincident volts
magnitude, fault waveforms and RMS trace)
Precise Sequence-of-Events Recorder (up to 96
digital input
s at 1-
ms resolution, fault events and relay operations)
EN50160 Power Quality recorder (EN50160 compliance statistics,
EN50160 harmonics survey statistics, onboard power quality
analyzer; programmable thresholds and hysteresis; ready-for use
GOST13109-97 (Russian Power Quality standard) onboard power
quality analyzer; programmable thresholds and hysteresis; ready-for
use reports)
Power Quality Recorder (IEEE 1159, onboard PQ analyzer;
programmable thresholds and hysteresis; ready-for-use reports;
transients, impulses, sags/swells, interruptions, harmonics, inter-
harmonics, frequency variations, volts unbalance)
Event Recorder for logging internal diagnostics events, control
events and I/O operations
Eight fast Waveform Recorders (simultaneous 8-channel AC, VDC
and 16-channel digital inputs recording in a single plot; selectable
AC sampling rate of 32, 64 or 128 samples per cycle; 20 pre-fault
cycles, 1-ms resolution for digital inputs; up to 3 min
of continuous
recording with a
4-Mbyte onboard memory
at a rate of 32 samples
per cycle)
Sixteen fast Data Recorders (from 1/2 cycle RMS to 2-hour RMS
envelopes; up to 20 pre-fault cycles; programmable data logs on a
periodic basis and on any internal and external trigger)