– common ground
– power supply input
2 – LED indicator. Indicates by blinking activation, trouble and alarm of the detector.
Depending on the detector type, the following LED colors are used:
- red
– DG-1 CO (sensor type TGS2442)
- green
– DG-1 LPG (sensor type TGS2610)
- yellow
– DG-1 ME (sensor type TGS2611)
- blue
– DG-1 TCM (sensor type TGS832)
3 – buzzer. Indicates acoustically activation, trouble and alarm of the detector.
4 – gas sensor.
5 – tamper contact. Opening of the housing is signaled on TMP terminals.
6 – fixing screw hole.
7 – buzzer ON/OFF pins. Set the jumper to enable the audible signal, remove the jumper to
disable it.
1. Alarm signaling
Depending on the detector type, the conditions of alarm signaling vary. They are described in
Table 1. Additionally, the DG-1 LPG and DG-1 ME detectors feature the
prealarm function
Gas concen-
tration to trigger
50 ppm for 75 minutes
100 ppm for 25 minutes
300 ppm for 1 minute
20% lower explosive limit
6000 ppm CHCl
Gas concen-
tration to trigger
10% lower explosive limit
Table 1. Conditions of alarm/prealarm signaling by the detectors.
Gas concentration reaching the dangerous level will trigger the alarm signal (visual and
audible) and open the alarm relay. The alarm is signaled by long sounds and LED blinking,
separated by long intervals (1 second LED blinking/sound, 1 second interval, etc.). The alarm
signaling is on for the whole duration of dangerous gas concentration. Also the relay will
remain open until the gas concentration drops below the alarm level.
The gas sensor
reaction to a decrease in the dangerous gas concentration is delayed, hence the alarm
signaling can stop even a few minutes after the gas concentration has dropped below
the alarm level.
The prealarm is signaled by short sounds and LED flashes, separated by long intervals
(0.25 second LED blinking/sound, 1.75 second interval, etc.). The signaling continues as long
as the methane/propane-butane concentration is above the 10% lower explosive limit, but
just below the 20% lower explosive limit. The prealarm has no effect on the alarm relay
status. The audible signaling can be disabled by removal of the BUZ jumper.
2. Autodiagnostics
The detector is monitoring the supply voltage (voltage drop below 9 V (±5%) will trigger
a failure alarm) and testing performance of the gas sensor. Troubles are indicated by short
sound signals and LED flashes separated by short intervals (0.25 second LED
blinking/sound, 0.25 second interval, etc.). During a failure situation the alarm relay contacts
will open.