Sapphire Audio SBCR24 Operator'S Manual Download Page 32

3 0



SAPPHIRE Beverage Center 

Operator’s Manual


1 .

To turn off the N


T setting  press the  NT


 )  to ac c ess th e m enu.


The  rst  enu ite  is L

T N  O T ON   ress the  NT


 ) .

3 .

ress the  O N 

O   utton   

   to re h the  enu ite  TU N N





The NIGHTLIGHT setting will remain on until user turns it off.

Summary of Contents for SBCR24

Page 1: 866 754 6672 24 Beverage Centers SBCR24 Indoor ADA Height Models Wine Refrigerators Ice Machines Beverage Centers Glass Door Refirgerators Accessories Adapting to Your Environment Indoor Outdoor an...

Page 2: ...elated accessories contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer birth defects or other reproductive harm PRODUCT REGISTRATION INFORMATION Please record your model s information Y...

Page 3: ...door Cabinet D imensions 9 SAPPHIRE 2 4 Inch AD A Height Compliant Built In Cabinet D imensions 1 0 EL ECTRICAL CON N ECTION 1 1 AV OID IN G U SE OF EX TEN SION CORD S 1 2 L EV EL IN G THE U N IT 1 2...

Page 4: ...6 D ef ault T em perature 3 7 Cleari ng Si m ple Error Cod es 3 8 Oth er Ad d i ti onal Error Cod es 3 8 Manually Cleari ng T em p Out of Range Error Cod e 3 9 EX PECT IN G N ORMAL SOU N D S 4 0 D EA...

Page 5: ...could result in death or serious inj ury CAU T IO N Indicates a haz ardous situation that if not avoided could result in minor or moderate inj ury NO T ICE Indicates a situation that can cause damage...

Page 6: ...i ng use of th e appli anc e i n a saf e w ay and th ey und erstand th e h az ard s i nvolved N ever allow c h i ld ren to operate play w i th or c raw l i nsi d e th e appli anc e N ever allow c h i...


Page 8: s it h or pull h in Plug th e appli anc e i nto a ground ed th ree prong outlet D o not rem ove th e ground i ng prong d o not use an ad apter and d o not use an ex tensi on c ord D o not k i nk...

Page 9: ...vel to h elp ensure i t w ork s properly Y ou m ay need to m ak e several ad j ustm ents to level th e uni t If nec essary ad j ust th e h ei gh t of th e appli anc e b y turni ng th e f eet See L eve...

Page 10: ...anc e T h e appli anc e m ust b e loc ated to allow c learanc e f or th e elec tri c al c onnec ti on i n th e rear of th e uni t BUILT IN CABINET DIMENSIONS A b ui lt i n uni t i s d esi gned f or z...

Page 11: ...the cabinet to avoid damage to components mounted to the base pan Ensure that the air path for the grill remains unrestricted Any restriction of airflow through the grill will disrupt normal operation...

Page 12: ...c ed w i th a properly ground ed th ree prong w all outlet Alw ay s plug th e appli anc e i nto i ts ow n i nd i vi d ual elec tri c al outlet T h e voltage rati ng of th e outlet m ust m atc h th e r...

Page 13: ...h e m anuf ac turer rec om m end s usi ng a c arpenter s level to c h ec k th e appli anc e NOTICE It is extremely important that the appliance is level for optimum performance Ad j ust all f our lev...

Page 14: ...ons sh ould y ou d esi re to reverse th e openi ng d i rec ti on 1 Ch ec k th e pow er c ord and m ak e sure i t i s not plugged i nto th e outlet 2 Caref ully rem ove th e tw o plugs at th e top and...

Page 15: ...t si d e h i nges Install th ese sc rew s i n th e open h oles i n th e lef t si d e h i nge loc ati on T i gh ten all sc rew s 7 Install th e plugs i nto th e f our open h oles on th e ri gh t si d...

Page 16: ...AL L ING T H E U NIT 2022 SAPPHIRE SAPPHIRE Beverage Center Operator s Manual 24 INCH INDOOR FULL SIZE DOORFRAME 2 3 4 70 mm 30 762 mm not to exceed 31 787 mm P 24 INCH ADA HEIGHT COMPLIANT DOORFRAME...

Page 17: th e c ustom d oor panel m ounti ng h oles 3 lign the top o the usto oor p nel ush ith the top o the oor 4 Ad j ust th e overlap of th e c ustom d oor panel so i t i s eq ual on b oth si d es of t...

Page 18: ...i net INTEGRATED GRILL PLINTH 1 An i ntegrated gri ll pli nth c an b e f ab ri c ated i f d esi red T h e th i c k ness of th e panel sh ould b e b etw een 1 4 i n to 3 8 i n 6 m m to 9 m m and th e h...

Page 19: ...nel i s loc ated at th e top of th e appli anc e OTE N You have 30 seconds to make a control change before the display reverts to the default screen OTE N The clock time only displays if the user has...

Page 20: ...tor s Manual 2 T h e ref ri gerator pow ers up and d i splay s th e d ef ault tem perature sc reen OTE N The factory default temperature must be 38 F TURNING THE UNIT OFF 1 Press th e ON OF F b utton...

Page 21: ...Operator s Manual ENTERING THE DISPLAY OF MENU ITEMS 1 T o enter th e m enu of setti ngs press th e EN T ER b utton 2 The ispl sho s the rst enu ite L T N O T ON 3 roll to the ne t enu ite pressing t...

Page 22: ...ual 5 roll to the ne t enu ite pressing the O N O utton 6 To e it the enu press the NT utton OTE N Once you select a menu item the system takes you directly to that particular setting LIGHTING OPTIONS...

Page 23: ...SAPPHIRE Beverage Center Operator s Manual 2 The rst enu ite is L T N O T ON ress the NT utton 3 ress the O N rro to reac h th e d esi red setti ng 4 To return to the in enu s roll o n pressing the O...

Page 24: ...IONS SCHEDULING NIGHTLIGHT 1 T o sc h ed ule th e ni gh tli gh t setti ng press th e EN T ER b utton to ac c ess th e m enu 2 The rst enu ite is L T N O T ON ress the NT utton ress the O N O to re h t...

Page 25: ...verage Center Operator s Manual 4 T h e d i splay w i ll sh ow th e c loc k at 00 00 and prom pt y ou to set th e h our 5 et the hour using the U O N O uttons 6 Onc e th e h our i s set press th e EN...

Page 26: ...RAT ING T H E U NIT 2022 SAPPHIRE SAPPHIRE Beverage Center Operator s Manual 8 Onc e th e m i nutes are set press th e EN T ER b utton 9 ele t or using the U O N O uttons 1 0 On e the is set press the...

Page 27: ...SAPPHIRE Beverage Center Operator s Manual 1 1 On e the ti e is properl set set the T T T OU or the UL N TL T pressing the U or O N O uttons 1 2 Using the U O N O uttons set the T T T OU 1 3 Onc e th...

Page 28: ...T H E U NIT 2022 SAPPHIRE SAPPHIRE Beverage Center Operator s Manual 1 4 Using the U O N O uttons set the T T T NUT 1 5 Onc e th e m i nutes are set press th e EN T ER b utton 1 6 Using the U O N O ut...

Page 29: ...PHIRE SAPPHIRE Beverage Center Operator s Manual 1 7 On e the is set press the NT utton 1 8 On e the st rt ti e is properl set set the N T OU or the UL N TL T pressing the U or O N O uttons 1 9 Using...

Page 30: ...U NIT 2022 SAPPHIRE SAPPHIRE Beverage Center Operator s Manual 20 Onc e th e h our i s set press th e EN T ER b utton 21 Using the U O N O uttons set the N T NUT 22 Onc e th e m i nutes are set press...

Page 31: ...tor s Manual 23 Using the U O N O uttons sele t N T 24 On e the is set press the NT utton 25 UL N TL T is no set n the ispl ill sho the e ult te per ture s reen ith the c resc ent m oon i c on and th...

Page 32: ...HTING OPTIONS TURNING NIGHTLIGHT OFF 1 To turn off the N TL T setting press the NT utton to ac c ess th e m enu 2 The rst enu ite is L T N O T ON ress the NT utton 3 ress the O N O utton to re h the e...

Page 33: ...22 SAPPHIRE SAPPHIRE Beverage Center Operator s Manual 4 To on r the setting press the NT utton SETTING TEMPERATURE 1 T o set th e tem perature press th e EN T ER b utton 2 ress the O N O utton to the...

Page 34: ...d esi red setti ng 4 The e ult unit setting is N T To int in the N T F setti ng press th e EN T ER b utton OTE N DEGREES FAHRENHEIT F is the default setting and displays in increments of 1 degree DEG...

Page 35: still running n in T O T h e d i splay sh ow s noth i ng b ut th e unit int ins the set te per ture uring the NT T O le until n elle OTE N Door opening or closing will result in a 20 second delay w...

Page 36: ...n 2 T h e d i splay reverts b ac k to th e d ef ault sc reen OTE N The clock time in the lower right of the display appears ONLY if the clock time has been set in the NIGHTLIGHT function Otherwise no...

Page 37: ...3 ress the U O utton to c h ange ad j ust tem perature h i gh er OTE N You do not need to press the ENTER button The new setting will remain unless changed DEFAULT TEMPERATURE T h e d ef ault tem per...

Page 38: ...ars when you properly close the door This methodology applies to any error or alert that requires an audible alert OTHER ADDITIONAL ERROR CODES The T OUT O N lert soun s n sho s T OUT O N in the ispl...

Page 39: ...EMP OUT OF RANGE ERROR CODE 1 To nu ll le r the T OUT O N lert press the NT utton 2 The ispl sho s L T L T ress the NT utton 3 The ispl re erts to the e ult ispl n the T OUT O N lert le rs OTE N If th...

Page 40: ...i n e n lso m ak e noi ses The high e ien o pressor e puls ting or high pit he soun Y ou m ay h ear th e sound of th e c ond enser f an f orc i ng ai r over th e c ond enser D E AL ING WIT H PO WE R F...

Page 41: ...nt to shorten the inter ls i ou h e pets or other spe i l onsi er tions erio i ll uu ust n irt ro the on enser hi h is lo te ehin the grill t the otto ront o the unit CLEANING THE UNIT S EXTERIOR le n...

Page 42: ...oor open to llo or ir ul tion n to pre ent ol n il e Le e the po er or unplugge until re to use NO T ICE Never pull on the power cord to unplug the appliance from the electrical outlet Grasp the plug...

Page 43: ...r ir o n uses higher th n re o en e oper ting te per tures th t le to o ponent ilure le n the on enser or h e it le ne t le st on e e er si onths Unplug the ppli n e or is onne t po er e o e the t o s...

Page 44: ...e ppli n e turns on n off f req uently L arge am ount of c ontents h as b een ad d ed D oor i s open too of ten D oor d oes not c lose c om pletely D oor seal not seali ng properly Red uc e am ount of...

Page 45: ...h you must hand it in to a collection point for recycling electric and electronic appliances Y our contribution to the correct disposal of this product protects the environment Contact your local muni...

Page 46: ...clusive warranty and made in lieu of all other warranties including any implied warranties or any warranties of merchantability or tness or p rti ul r purpose F IL ING WARRANT Y CL AIM S All warranty...

Page 47: ...ue to or resulting from ordinary wear and tear handling abuse misuse or harsh chemical action nor shall it ex tend to any product from hi h the seri l nu er h s een re o e or ltere or o i tions e un u...

Page 48: ...SapphireAppliances com 866 754 6672 SAP P H IRE Appliances T he L egacy Companies 3 3 55 E nterprise Avenue Su ite 1 60 F ort L aud erd ale F L 3 3 3 3 1 2 022 072522 072522 P N BCG D REF 1 2 1...
