Befor using the hot plate for the first time, please read the instruction manul carefully and keep it for
future reference. Only then we are able to guarantee trouble free use of the appliance. Wrong use and
careless handling may cause the appliance to malfunction. In such case the manufacturer does not take
any responsibility and the warranty is invalid.
The surfaces are liable to get hot during use.
The appliance is only for use at home and not suited for use in restaurants and for industrial use.
Do not use the appliance outdoors.
Never immerse the appliance in water.
Do not use the appliance if the cable is damaged or if the cooking plate has a crack.
Please ensure that the power card does not get into a contact with the cooking plate.
Only use the cooking plate on firm and horizontal surfaces. Please avoid using on flammable
base (such as cover , plastic materials, etc.)
Children do not know the dangers that may occur when using electric equipment. Please keep
the appliance out of the children’s reach.
When this equipment is passed to a third party, then instruction manual should be handed over
as well.