A horizontal oscillation signal is output from pin37 of
IC101 and switches the drive transistor Q431. This
switching signal is current amplified by the drive
transformer T431 and drives the output transistor Q432.
When Q432 becomes ON, an amplifying current flows
directly to DY through C441/442
and defection is performed in the last half of the scanning
period. Next, when Q432 becomes OFF, the charge that
had been stored in DY up to that point releases a
resonance current to the resonant capacitors C420 and
C437 and charges them.The current stored in C420 and
C437 is then flowed back to DY, and an opposite charge
is then stored in DY. This opposite charge then switches
the dumper diode in Q432 ON, the resonance state is
completed, and an amplifying current is then flowed
again directly to DY through the dumper diode. By this
means, deflection in the first half of the scanning period
is performed, and when Q432 becomes ON at the end of
the first half of the scanning period, deflection during the
last half is begun, thus completing one cycle.
Pin description
Pin1: H-sync. input (Horizontal pulse for OSD)
Pin2: V-sync. input (Vertical pulse for OSD)
Pin3: Volume control output (6-bit DAC)
Pin4: Colour control output (6-bit DAC)
Pin5: Brightness control output (6-bit DAC)
Pin6: Contrast control output (6-bit DAC)
Pin7: Sharpness control output(6-bit DAC)
Pin8: 50Hz/60Hz switch
Pin9: AV1/AV2 output (L:AV1)
Pin10: TV/AV output (L:AV)
Pin11: Option switch
Pin12: I
C bus SCL (Serial clock for memory)
Pin13: I
C bus SDA (Serial date for memory)
Pin14: Tuning voltage output
Pin15: Ident signal input (L:No signal)
Pin16: R/C signal input
Pin17: SCART auto switch input (H: VCR play)
Pin18: GND
Pin19: Ignor output
Pin20: Option switch (AV2)
Pin21: AFT input
Pin22: Not used
Pin23: Supply Ground
Pin24: Oscillator input for CPU
Pin25: Oscillator output for CPU
Pin26: Supply Ground
Pin27: Power 5V)
Pin28: Oscillator output for OSD
Pin29: Oscillator input for OSD
Pin30: Reset input
Pin31: Protect signal input (L:Power circuit defects)
Pin32: Not used(GND)
Pin33: AFT signal input
Pin34: Option switch (GND)
Pin35: Key scan signal input
Pin36: Timer-ON (Timer LED drive)
Pin37: S-VHS detect input(Sin:H)
Pin38: SIF switch output
Pin39: France L/L' switch output
Pin40: France L/L' switch output
Pin41: Posi./Nega. switch output
Pin42: Band switch output (L: UHF)
Pin43: Band switch output (L: VHF-H)
Pin44: Band switch output (L: VHF-L)
Pin45: 5.5MHz switch output
Pin46: Line mute output
Pin47: Mute output
Pin48: Power ON/OFF output (H:ON)
Pin49: Blanking output for OSD
Pin50: Not used (Open)
Pin51: Green output for OSD
Pin52: Red output for OSD