Sanli LawnBeetle User Guide
Adjusting the Cutting Height.
Turn mower off before adjusting cutting height lever.
The lawnmower has three cutting heights. It is
supplied with the height set in the middle position.
Sanli strongly recommends that you leave the
cutting height at the factory level as it encourages
a healthier lawn.
Each of the wheels have three mounting holes as
shown in figure 1.
The following procedure must be repeated for all
four wheels.
Use a thin blade to lever off the wheel cap,
see figure 2. Use the double ended box spanner
supplied to undo the wheel retaining bolt and
remove the wheel, see figure 3.
The wheel bolts on the left side of the
lawnmower (when viewed from behind the
mower) have a reverse thread so that they do not
loosen during normal use. When you remove the
wheel caps on the left side wheels you will see an
arrow on the bolt heads indicating the direction to
undo the bolts.
Replace the wheel retaining bolt and wheel in the
appropriate mounting hole for the desired cutting
height. The lowest mounting hole will give the
highest cutting height. The highest mounting hole
will give the lowest cutting height.
Replace the wheel caps.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.