Sanken reserves the right to make, from time to time, such de par tures from the detail spec i
ca tions as may be re quired to per mit
im prove ments in the per for mance, reliability, or manufacturability of its prod ucts. Therefore, the user is cau tioned to verify that the
in for ma tion in this publication is current before placing any order.
When using the products described herein, the ap pli ca bil i ty and suit abil i ty of such products for the intended purpose shall be reviewed
at the users' responsibility.
Although Sanken undertakes to enhance the quality and reliability of its prod ucts, the occurrence of failure and defect of semi con duc-
tor products at a certain rate is in ev i ta ble.
Users of Sanken products are requested to take, at their own risk, preventative measures including safety design of the equipment or
systems against any possible injury, death,
res or damages to society due to device failure or malfunction.
Sanken products listed in this publication are designed and intended for use as components in general-purpose electronic equip ment or
apparatus (home ap pli anc es, of
ce equipment, tele com mu ni ca tion equipment, measuring equipment, etc.). Their use in any applica-
tion requiring radiation hardness assurance (e.g., aero space equipment) is not supported.
When considering the use of Sanken products in ap pli ca tions where higher reliability is re quired (transportation equipment and its
control systems or equip ment,
re- or burglar-alarm systems, various safety devices, etc.), contact a company sales representative to
discuss and obtain written con
rmation of your spec i
ca tions.
The use of Sanken products without the written consent of Sanken in applications where ex treme ly high reliability is required (aero-
space equipment, nuclear power-control stations, life-support systems, etc.) is strictly prohibited.
The information in clud ed herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. Ap pli ca tion and operation examples described in this pub li ca-
tion are given for reference only and Sanken assumes no re spon si bil i ty for any in fringe ment of in dus tri al property rights, intellectual
property rights, or any other rights of Sanken or any third party that may result from its use. The contents in this document must not
be transcribed or copied without Sanken’s written consent.
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