Trouble shooting
Probable Causes
Corrective Action
No battery or wrongly connected
No power supply or wrong
Object in sensing range
Dirt on the sensing window
The connector does not connect
Just finishing installation
The connector assemblies are closed
Aerator is blocked
The filter is blocked
Wait for 10 minutes
Open the connector assemblies
Clean the aerato
Clean filter
The connector assemblies are not
open completely
The filter is blocked
Aerator is dirty
The supply water pressure is lower
Turn counterclockwise the adjustment
bolts on connector assemblies with the
hex wrench
Clean filter
Clean the aerator
Check the water supply system
Check the batteries
Check the power supply and the
Remove the object
Clean the sensing window
Check the connector
No water flow
(Indicator not
The indicator flashes
once every 2 seconds
and the water doesn't
flow out.
Low water flow while
the indicator does not
Object in sensing range
Remove object
Some trouble symptoms can be identified by the indicator's flashing. Refer to
"Note of the Indicator Flashing"
Please contact with distributor, if the trouble remains after above-mentioned actions are taken.
Please do not disassembly the other parts of the faucet freely except installing and replacing batteries.
Batteries are out of power
Just power cut
DC or AC connector of AC/DC
transformer may not connect well
Replace batteries
Check the power supply
Reconnect the connector
No water flow while
the indicator flashes
Keep water out within
1 minute while
indicator does not