Sangoma Vega 60G Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

Congratulations on your purchase of a Vega 60G Voice Over IP 

gateway. This Quick Start Guide will assist you through the 

process of configuring your new gateway.

For further details on configuration parameters and custom 

routing options please visit our online self- help website:

What’s in the Box

Included with packaging of your Vega 60G are the following 

Before You Start

We advise that before connecting and using your Vega 60G for 

the first time, visit

 and read the ‘Safety and 

Compliance Information’ document which contains important 

details that you should be aware of.

Connecting Your Vega 60G

Connect your Vega 60G using its telephony, Earth point, power 

and LAN connections.

The model of Vega gateway that you have purchased 
determines the interfaces that you will see on the rear of your 

The telephone interface types are as follows:
  •  FXS interfaces are the ports into which you plug 

  •  FXO interfaces are the ports that connect to the Public 
    Telephone Network (PSTN) or a PBX extension interface.
  •  BRI interfaces can be configured to connect to the Public 
    Telephone Network (ISDN2), to a PBX or to Basic Rate 
    ISDN handsets.

Getting an IP Address 

The Vega 60G uses DHCP to find an IP address for LAN. Find the 

IP address by either of these two methods:

  1.  Refer to your DHCP records with the MAC address of the 

    Vega, which can be found underneath the barcode on the 

    rear of the Vega gateway (i.e. 00505.....).

  2. Connect the supplied console cable to the console port 

    found on the rear of the Vega gateway and connect to a 

    terminal application on a computer, using standard details. 

    Log in with user: 


, pass: 


. Type: 

show banner 

    to display the IP Address.

If no IP address is assigned or you wish to assign a static IP 

address, follow step 2 above and then refer to

 for documentation on how to set a static IP 

address from console.

Logging into the Vega

Enter the IP address of your Vega 60G into the address line of 

your web browser and press enter.

The Vega will present you with a login screen

  Default username and password:






Configuring Your Vega 

Configure your Vega gateway using the 

Quick Config 


located on the left menu within the Webgui (See diagram 1).

Quick Config

 is a wizard which is designed to completely 

configure your Vega.  If you require advanced configuration you 

may navigate to any of the menu items located under 



(See diagram 2).

Configure the remaining settings, typically the values will be 

provided by your VoIP service provider or system administrator.

All IP address entries may be provided as dotted decimal values 

(a.b.c.d) or as DNS names (e.g. Configure the 

codec lineup for this installation in preference order (See diagram 




Quick Config 

applies changes to

 Expert Config 

in many 



 This means if you have made any manual configuration 

  adjustments within the 

Expert Config

 section(s), DO NOT re-enter 

  Quick Config

 as all advanced (non-

Quick Config

) changes will be 

  overwritten with what is configured in 

Quick Config


Quick Config

. If a warning message appears informing 

you that that there is already configuration applied, you can 

remove the existing settings and start from the beginning by 

selecting ‘Continue’ then ticking the ‘New Install ?’ option. This 

will ensure that any old, unwanted configuration is removed as 

you submit your new settings. Do not tick this option if you are 

simply amending existing config.

1. Basic config

Start by selecting the 

basic config


If this a new installation, ensure that the ‘New Install ?’ option is 


Select the country and then choose which emergency numbers 

are appropriate for the location of the Vega.

Now select the LAN settings and then the codecs to use for 

VoIP calls (See diagram 3).

2. VoIP


Depending on the installation, if registration is required, it can be 

configured as one registration per gateway or as one registration 

per FXS port.


Choose whether calls should be sent direct to the service 

provider or through an outbound proxy.


The fields available to configure on the remainder of this 

  tab are affected by the values chosen in the above two settings.

3. FXS


This section only applies to Vega 60G models with

 FXS Ports.

Enable and disable the interfaces using the check boxes seen 

within the section. Configure the telephone number(s) to route to 

each interface.  

Telephone connection: If you have telephones connected, typically 

you will have a single number associated with each interface.

Analog trunk connections: If the interfaces are connected to the 

analog trunk interfaces of a PBX then typically each interface will 

have a number range that needs to be routed to each interface.  

The list of telephone numbers is a comma separated or space 

separated list of telephone numbers to be routed to that 


For advanced regular expression configuration please visit


4. FXO


 This section only applies to the Vega 60G models with

  FXO Ports

Set up the telephone numbers to route to each FXO interface, using 

comma or space separated lists of telephone numbers and regular 

expressions if ranges are required.

Inbound calls on an FXO interface receive a ringing voltage on its 

interface; the incoming call does not supply any dialed number 

information to the Vega. The Vega therefore requires a telephone 

number to be configured  to forward these incoming telephony calls 

to. In the ‘Incoming Forward’ field enter the telephone number that 

calls received on this telephone interface should be forwarded to.

If the Vega is powered down the first two FXS interfaces fallback to 

a hardwired connection through to the two FXO interfaces. This 

allows calls to be made through the first two FXS interfaces even 

when the Vega is unable to actively process calls.

5. BRI


 This section only applies to the Vega 60G models with 

 BRI Ports

Start by configuring the Port Setting section. As these values relate 

to the physical interface connectivity, once you have set these 

values you should never have to return to reconfigure them.

Line type should be set to be the same as the line type setting on 

the device(s) that the Vega interface is connected to.

Select NT (Network) on each Vega interface that is connected to a 

PBX interface which is configured as TE (Terminal Equipment). 

Ensure NT is not ticked if the interface is connected to the ISDN 

network (which is NT) or is connected to an NT interface on the 


If power to the line is required, select Phantom power. Note that 

Phantom power is only supplied on lines configured as NT.

Now configure the “Telephone Connections” details.

Backing Up the Configuration 

To create a backup of all your configuration navigate to Expert 

Config > System, then in the Configuration section select the 

Download button and save the file config.txt.  

To restore your complete configuration simply select the Upload 

button to restore and select your config.txt file.



Standard 12-month warranty is included. Additional warranty 

services available, contact your Sales representative for more 


How to Get Support

If you encounter problems, please visit


contact your authorized reseller directly.

End-User License Agreement

To view the End-User License Agreement visit: 





IEC 60950-1/A1:2009

EMC (Pending)


EN 55022:2010

EN 55022:2006 inc A1:2007 & A2:2010

VCCI (V-3/2012.04), AS/NZS CISPR 22

SANS 222:2006 / CISPR 22:2006

FCC/CFR 47:Part 15

Canadian Standard ICES-003:Issue 5

EN 61000-3-2:2006 inc A1/A2:2009

EN 61000-3-3:2008


EN 55024:2010

SANS 224:1997 / CISPR 24:1997








Visit the online knowledge base 

Our knowledge base contains hundreds of step-by-

step tutorials, guides and troubleshooting information 

to help you fi nd what you’re looking for and get back 

to work as quickly as possible.





Contact your Point-of-Purchase 





Contact Sangoma Support at

Log onto our online support portal to submit your 

support requests directly with Sangoma customer 

Engineers, processed in a priority sequence.
