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Step 3: Configure your Comrex codec to accept SIP 

Note if you use FieldTap or other smartphone apps this 
should already be set, so you can move on to Step 4.

On the codec’s web GUI page, go to: 
System Settings->EBU 3326/SIP Settings and set 
“Accept Incoming Connections” to “Enabled”.

Click “Apply” to save the change.

Step 4: Add the phone type to your SIP Whitelist (which 
is used to reject VoIP robo-calls).

Check “Show Advanced Options” on the left side 
of the screen and go to EBU 3326/SIP settings->User 
Agent Whitelist. Scroll to the end of the text field, add 
a comma after the last entry, and type “sangoma”. 

Click “Apply” to save the change.

You should now be able to directly dial a codec’s IP 
address from your phone’s keypad. Use the * button 
in place of the dot (e.g., 70*25*155*142).

Press “Send” (which will appear as one of the soft key 
options) and you should connect to the codec in low-
delay, wideband Opus!
