Be careful not to wash, along
with the laundry foreign bodies
(eg. nails, needles, coins, paper
These foreign bodies may da-
mage the washing machine
(eg. drum or tub) and in turn,
the damaged parts may be de-
triment to laundry.
Laundries that have been pre-
viously treated with solvents
or products containing them
must be well rinsed in clean
water before being loaded into
the washing machine.
Never use in the washing de-
tergents containing solvents
(eg, gasoline, trichlorethylene).
These products may damage
components of the machine
and generate toxic fumes.
DangEr of Explosion
anD firE
Never use in the washing ma-
chine cleaners or detergents
that contain solvents (eg trich-
lorethylene, gasoline). They can
damage the plastic surfaces.
N.B. ITWASH srl cannot be held
liable for damages due to failu-
re to comply with these instruc-