Set Time/Date
Here you can manually set the time and date.
Auto update
Choose how you want the time to be
automatically updated.
Update from Any / Update from DAB / Update
from FM / No update
Set 12/24 hour
Set 24 hour or Set 12 hour.
You can set the brightness for the power on screens and the Standby
1. In ON mode, press MENU button, and then turn the +/–VOLUME/
SELECT dial or press button to select System. Press the +/–
VOLUME/SELECT dial to confirm.
2. Turn the +/–VOLUME/SELECT dial or press
button to select
Backlight. Press the +/–VOLUME/SELECT dial to confirm.
3. Turn +/–VOLUME/SELECT dial or press
button to select
between High, Medium or Low, and then press the +/–VOLUME/
SELECT dial to confirm.
Inactive Standby
1. In ON mode, press MENU button, and then turn the +/–VOLUME/
SELECT dial or press button to select System. Press the +/–
VOLUME/SELECT dial to confirm.
2. Turn the +/–VOLUME/SELECT dial or press
button to select
Inactive Standby. Press the +/–VOLUME/SELECT dial to confirm.
3. Turn +/–VOLUME/SELECT dial or press
button to select
between Off, 2 hour, 4 hour, 5 hour or 6 hour, and then press the +/–
VOLUME/SELECT dial to confirm.
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6/3/2017 4:07 PM