Jumbo Team Corn Hole Toss
Play with Hoop / Rings
Instead of using a board with a hole in it, this game will be played using plastic rings
like our 15
flat rings (W9258) or 24
Hula Hoops (like W9759001). Set the two rings an appropriate distance
apart based on the age, ability and strength of the players. If possible, use a stake to secure the rings in place in
a field or tape to secure it to a gym floor. Draw a rectangular score area around the ring to represent the rest of
the corn hole target. Score like Corn Hole toss. If the beanbag lands 100% inside the ring, it counts as 3 points.
If it lands on the
it counts as one point. The first team to 15 points wins.
Make A Jumbo Corn
Hole Toss Target
Since our
beanbags are 10
for standard cornhole
toss beanbags, our
target needs to be 40
W x 80
L with 20
and a 10
diameter hole.
There are lots of DIY
instructions on how to
build your own corn
hole toss target. You
can use the same
instructions and just
adjust the size
accordingly. The adjusted/scaled dimensions are shown in the parenthesis above. Some good instructions for
building your own corn hole toss boards are listed at
Depending on how many Team Toss beanbag you have, each team can toss a single beanbag an equal number of
beanbags. Score the same as standard corn hole toss.
Strong Man Corn Hole Toss
Use either the rings or a Jumbo Corn Hole Target that you built and instead of
having two players work together to throw the beanbag, each player throws the three-pound beanbags on their
own. The beanbags would be thrown by holding the two handles / loops in a single hand.