W13946 Team Toss 2-Person Jumbo Beanbags
Activity Guide
Adult Supervision is recommended. Always be sure the area that the beanbag will be tossed is clear of
To maximize the life of your beanbags, they should only be thrown indoors, or on sand or grass. Do not use on
asphalt, concrete or similarly abrasive surfaces.
Single-Handed Team Toss -
Find a partner, have each person hold onto a different handle of the Team Toss beanbag
with one hand and stand facing in the same direction that they will toss the beanbag. Swing the beanbag back (once or
multiple times) and then launch it forward as far as possible. Players are allowed to stride forward with one foot as part
of their throwing motion, but must remain behind a
start line
. They are not allowed to walk or run up to the start line.
Record the distance. Switch sides with your partner, so that each player is now holding the beanbag with the opposite
hand that they used for the first toss. Toss the 2
beanbag, measure the distance and add it to the distance of your
first toss. The team with the highest total distance of the two tosses wins!
Two-Handed Team Toss
Find a partner and stand facing one another, each partner grabs a different handle with both
their hands, swings the beanbag back and forth and then tosses it as far as possible. The team with the longest single
throw wins.
- Create a scoring target, like a bull
s eye using floor tape or field marking paint and
assign different values to different rings in the target. If playing outdoors on a grassy or sandy area, another option
would be to lay-out hoops of various sizes and assign point values to those hoops based on difficulty (size and distance
of target) of tossing the beanbag inside the hoop. Decide on the rules for scoring. For instance, what happens if the
beanbag is partially inside a scoring target, does it count or not? Have each team throw 3 or 4 beanbags at the target.
Single-Handed Team Toss
Toss the beanbag in the same manner as in the Single-Handed distance toss above. The
team with the highest score wins.
Two-Handed Team Toss
- Toss the beanbag in the same manner as in the Two-Handed distance toss above. The team
with the highest score wins.
In this competition, both distance and accuracy count. Draw a line
perpendicular to the start line down the center of the throw area and out beyond where any team can throw the
beanbag. Team
s earn a score that is equal to the distance they toss the beanbag, minus twice the distance that the
beanbag lands from the center line. Teams can compete with the Single Handed for Two Handed Toss method.
Blindfolded - Try any of the above activities where one or both teammates are blindfolded. Use extra caution
here, to make sure no one is accidentally hit with the beanbag!
Single Handed Opposites
One teammate faces in one direction and second in the opposite direction. Now see
how far and or accurately the beanbag can be thrown!