NOTE - A dab of Hylomar
or other thin gasket sealer in corners
may be used to hold gaskets in place. Otherwise gaskets should
be installed dry.
Install driveshaft gear key and snap ring.
NOTE - Be sure drive shaft key and snap ring are installed
properly, paying particular attention to snap ring. If not installed
correctly, “sprung,” or otherwise damaged, snap ring may come
off or allow gear key to come out.
See Pictures 11 & 12.
Loss of oil pump drive gear snap ring or key will result in
disengagement of oil pump causing loss of oil pressure and
extensive engine damage.
5. Loosely install two (2) each 1⁄4 -20 x 1-1⁄2” top oil pump bolts,
followed by pump cover and 4 each 1⁄4 -20 x 2-1⁄2” mounting
bolts. Do not tighten at this time.
6. While turning oil pump drive gear to check pump for
binding, gradually tighten 4 - 2-1⁄2” bolts in an X-pattern to
final specifications of 120 in-lbs.
See Picture 13.
tighten short bolts “by feel” with thin box end wrench, or
preferably with a torque adapter, and tighten to 110 in-lbs.
7. Prime pump by removing oil pump check valve ball assembly
and injecting clean motor oil into pump supply fitting while
turning oil pump drive gear. (A large plastic squeeze bottle
works well for priming pump.) Replace check ball, spring,
and cap after oil fills check valve cavity.
With chamfer on oil pump drive gear facing in towards
shoulder on pinion shaft (See Picture 14), install oil pump
drive gear and key on pinion shaft, followed by drive
gear spacer.
Installing gear backwards can result in a stress riser and cause
shaft to break.
2. Apply red Loctite
#272 to pinion gear nut threads. Install
pinion gear, key and nut on pinion shaft and tighten nut to
50 ft-lbs. See
Picture 15.
NOTE - Drive gear spacer will not completely fill space between
oil pump drive gear and pinion gear. A gap of up to .125” will
exist and is normal. Engine rotation keeps oil pump gear in place
during normal operation. Spacer prevents gear and key from
becoming disengaged if engine is rotated backwards.
Installing pinion gear or nut without Loctite can cause
damage to shaft, nut, or other parts.
Picture 11
Picture 12
Picture 13
Picture 14