Warren Rupp, Inc.
A Unit of IDEX Corportion
800 North Main Street
P.O. Box 1568
Mansfield, OH 44902 USA
EC / EU Declaration of Conformity
The objective of the declaration described is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonisation
legislation: Directive 94/9/EC (until April 19, 2016) and Directive 2014/34/EU (from April 20, 2016).
The harmonised standards have been compared to the applicable standards
used for certification purposes and no changes in the state of the art technical
knowledge apply to the listed equipment.
AODD Pumps and Surge Suppressors
Technical File No.: 203104000-1410/MER
AODD (Air-Operated Double Diaphragm) Pumps
EC Type Examination Certificate No. Pumps: KEMA 09ATEX0071 X
DEKRA Certification B.V. (0344)
Meander 1051
6825 MJ Arnhem
The Netherlands
Applicable Standard:
EN13463-1: 2001
EN13463-5: 2003
EN60079-25: 2004
Harmonised Standard:
EN13463-1: 2009
EN13463-5: 2011
David Roseberry, Director of Engineering
18 March 2016
Hazardous Locations Applied:
I M1 c
II 2 G Ex ia c IIC T5
II 2 D Ex c iaD 20 IP67 T100°C
II 2 G Eex m c II T5
II 2 D c IP65 T100°C
II 1 G c T5
II 1 D c T100°C
II 2 G c T5
II 2 D c T100°C
II 2 G c IIB T5
5: W