STX 165 Features
In additon to displaying the transponder code, the STX 165 has the following features the provide the piolt
with vaulable information
Pressure Altitude.
The STX 165 has a built-in encoder that is certified
to 35,000 feet. The Unit will disply the Pressure alti-
tude in the lower left hand quadrant
Note: Temperature scale and flight timer initiation altitudes are preset by
the pilot in the user configuration page.
Note: Pressure altitude is derived from the STX 165’s built-in encoder and
is not baro corrected. It is the sale altitue as that being transmitted to ATC
When Sandia’s optional ST 78 OAT probe is installed
the STX 165 will disply Outside Air Temeperature
(OAT) in either F
or C
Density Altitude
When Sandia’s optional ST 78 OAT probe is installed
the STX 165 will disply Density Altitue in feet.
Icing Alert
When Sandia’s optional ST 78 OAT probe is installed
the STX 165 will disply a Snow Flake in the upper
right corner of the display at a preset temperature to
indicate freezing and possible icing conditions.
Eplased Flight Timer
An elpased flight timer is intitiated at system start up
or after take off at a predetermined pilot entered alti-
tude. Non resetable in flight
Count Up Timer
A resetable count up timer is controlled by the pilot.
Count Down Timer
A preset time is entered and started by the pilot.