Sander LELK Instructions For Installation And Use Download Page 1

Instruction for installation and use of LELK, LELT and LELM Emergency 
Lighting Units in LED luminaires



Important note: 

Read these instructions carefully and keep them safe. The user accepts the content of 

these instructions by installing the devices. Our batteries are shipped uncharged.

1.) Application and technical data

The LEL-type emergency lighting units are certified according to the standard EN 60598-2-22 and EN 

61347-2-7 and are suited to be mounted in emergency lighting installations complying with the stan-

dards VDE O108 and EN50172. The LEL emergency lighting units have to be used in combination with 

a mains converter (LED-driver) and an LED-array in an LED luminaire.


In order to use the LEL units in an LED luminaire, the following conditions have to be fulfilled:

1. It is possible to supply dc-current to the LED-array using only two wires. This means that no other sig-

nal or voltage is needed by the LED-array to emit light.

2. The wires for the positive and for the negative supply of the LED-array must be accessible.

3. If a current limitation circuit is included in the LED-array, which means that the LED-array normal 

supply is a regulated voltage (i.e. the mains converter is built as a voltage regulator), then the rated pow-

er of the LED-array under mains operation has to be smaller than the power supplied by the LEL unit 

under emergency.

4. The LED-Array current under maintained mode and when the LED is „on” should not exceed 2,5A.

Technical data

Mains voltage:

220V - 240V

Mains frequency:

50 / 60 Hz

Consumption in non-maintained mode:


Nominal operating time:

1h or 3h


NiCd, NiMH or LiFePO


Min. ambient temperature:


Max. ambient temperature:

50°C for emergency units

Charging time:

24h (48h for self-test) 

Class of protection:


Degree of protection:




Tested to:

EN 61347-2-7; EN 60598-2-22

Self-test according to:

EN 62034

Suitable for systems to:

DIN 0108 / EN 50172

Housing of:

sendzimir-galvanised steel sheet


Installation separated from luminaire: The length of the wires between the emergency lighting unit and 

the luminaire must be kept as short as possible. 

2.) LED operating voltages – device type selection

The following values of operating voltages (maximum dc-values) are available: 55V, 105V or 220V. In 

order to elect the device type suited to the application, the design of the luminaire has to be considered:

- For accessible LED arrays in LED luminaires, in which the LED array voltage has to comply to the SELV 

requirements, the 55V types have to be used. Attention : The accessibility is tested using a standardised 

testfinger after removal of all covers which can be removed without tools or with usual tools (e.g. slotted 


- For other SELV-luminaires (i.e. SELV luminaires without accessible LED-arrays) the105V types have to 

be used.

- For not SELV luminaires the normal operating voltage with the LED-array switched on has to be taken 

into consideration as follows. The value of this working voltage is usually given on the label of the LED-converter.

Working voltage U

LEL device type

  12Vdc < U <    55Vdc


  20Vdc < U <  105Vdc


100Vdc < U <  220Vdc


3.) Mounting

The emergency lighting units must be mounted at a suitable place in the luminaire (fixing-hole diameter 

4 mm). In order to fulfill EMC-requirements, it is recommended to use wires as short as possible bet-

ween the mains input terminal and the emergency lighting unit. This means that the  emergency lighting 

unit should be placed between the  mains input terminal and the mains converter (LED-driver).

Mount the battery at the coolest place inside the luminaire for maximum capacity and life. The ambient 

temperature of the battery must not exceed 50°C. 

Emergency lighting units must not be in contact with materials which might ignite, melt or otherwise al-

ter at 60°C. The units must not be used in hazardous environment.

4.) Electrical installation

The emergency lights must be installed according to locally applicable rules and regulations for electrical 

installations and for emergency lighting. The installation of emergency lighting units and luminaires must 

be done only by qualified personnel. The unit operates with voltages above 50 Volts. They are highly 

dangerous! All covers must be in place before energising the emergency lighting system. Make sure 

that the supply voltage is as indicated on the nameplate, and that the earth conductor is connected. 

Emergency lighting units must be connected as shown in the circuit diagram on the unit. Other wiring 

diagrams can be obtained on request.

The terminals are suitable for connecting one wire of 0.5 to 1.5mm2 (with 7-7.5mm isolation removal). 

After  connection of the emergency luminaire to the direct line phase, the line is monitored and the 

batteries are continuously charged. This line must be connected to the same fuse as the normal room 

lighting (see diagram).





1. Fuse

2. Switch

3. Room lighting

4. Emergency lighting

5.) Check after installation

With emergency lighting units without automatic self-testing functionality, the green light-emitting diode 

(LED) shows that the battery is properly charged. If the LED is off for more than 5 minutes, the battery 

is not charged because of mains failure, missing battery or faulty charger.

6.) Maintenance 

Locally applicable rules and regulations for maintenance and inspection of emergency lighting must be con-


Before doing any maintenance work, carry out the following procedure: 


1. Disconnect mains of the emergency lighting.


2. Remove covers.


3. Disconnect the battery from emergency lighting unit (plug).

Emergency lighting units must undergo a visual inspection in regular intervals. 

7.) Battery regeneration

In order to optimize the battery capacity, all self-testing and wireless-units (standard and DALI-units 

being excluded) are programmed to perform an automatic battery regeneration process immediately 

after their first installation as well as after each battery change or resolved charging error. Three cycles 

are being executed, each cycle consisting of a 24h charging followed by a full discharge. No capacity 

measurement is made during these regeneration cycles. 

Note: The battery regeneration process will not be performed after any battery discharge, even leading  

up to battery deep discharge protection, and also not after the full duration test of the self-testing units. 

Battery discharge is performed via the connected luminaire which operates in emergency mode during 

battery regeneration.

8.) Battery change  

The batteries must be replaced if the operating time in emergency is less than 60 minutes with 1-hour 

units or 180 minutes with 3-hour units. This is indicated by emergency lighting units with built-in self-

test. Only the supplier‘s original batteries may be used. Be sure that the battery is correctly connected. 

The battery wires of the emergency lighting unit are identified as follows: 


red   = + positive 


 black = -- negative

9.) Status indication  for standard, non self-testing emergency lighting units

During normal mains operation the LED is green. During emergency operation or when the battery is 

fully discharged, the LED is not lighted (and remains white). When the battery is not or badly connected, 

the green LED is flashing.

10.) Status indication  for self - testing emergency lighting units (S)

All the clauses 1.) to 6.) of this instruction are also valid for -S units.

Emergency lighting units with built-in self-test facility test themselves independently in regular intervals. 

Every about 8 days (random period : 8 to 8.25 days) the correct operation of the luminaire is automati-

cally tested. The unit, the LED-array and the battery are controlled. Once a year the capacity of the bat-

tery is measured by simulating a power failure in addition to the operational test. The operational status 

of emergency lights with built-in self-test is indicated by a bicolour LED on the unit.

Visual status indication:

Luminaires containing emergency lighting units with automatic self-test require only a regular visual in-

spection of the status indicator (LED) and the fitting.

LED intermittently green

: battery regeneration (see item 7)

LED permanently green: 

no fault – normal state 

LED continuously flashing red

: Faulty battery either due to insufficient capacity or interrupted connec-

tion. The alarm is reset once the fault is cleared.

LED intermittently flashing red

: Luminaire not connected or defective. The fault is not indicated (or 

reset) immediately after it occurs (or is cleared), but only after the following self-test.

LED dark (LED is off)

: Faulty unit or missing mains voltage if status LED does not light up after max. 5 minutes. 

11.) Computer addressable units -SRM or -DALI

All the clauses 1 to 6 of this instruction also apply to -SRM and -DALI units, Computer addressable 

emergency lighting units with automatic self-test are coded by the manufacturer or on-site with serial 

numbers. Detailed instructions for the planning, layout, installation, starting up and service of the com-

puter addressable systems are available on request.

12.) Notes / Product liability 

It must be kept in mind that the maximum voltage which can appear on the on the LED-array in case of 

LED-array failure, can reach 60V, 120V or 300V  with 55V-, 105V- or 220V-types. The requirements of 

the standard EN60598-1 regarding security have still to be fulfilled. The user of module has the full re-

sponsibility of compliance to the EN60598-1 standard. Any liability regarding this compliance or to type 

selection will be denied by the module manufacturer.

The manufacturer disclaims all liability for direct, indirect or incidental damage caused by use or instal-

lation of emergency lighting units not complying to all points detailed in the present instruction sheet. 

The manufacturer is also not liable for third party claims arising from use or installation not complying 

to the present instructions. The emergency lighting units must not be opened or modified in any way. 

The components of emergency lighting luminaires may be replaced only by original spare parts.

The Guaranty on batteries is only valid when original batteries shipped by the unit manufacturer are 

being used. This statement is also applicable in case of self-testing units.

The battery connector must not come into contact with metal substances.

Luminaires and/or emergency lighting units must not be used if they have damages which suggest that 

danger-free operation may not be possible.

We reserve the right to alter without prior notice illustrations, weights, dimensions or other such infor-

mation stated in the catalogue or instruction manuals if this proves expedient or is dictated by technical 


The emergency lighting units are patented. Infringement will be prosecuted.




intermittently green:      battery regenation
permanently green:                         no fault
continuously flashing red:        battery fault
intermittently flashing red:   luminaire fault
dark:                  emergency mode/no mains                   
