MARKED ON THE CHARTS. We do not recommend using the alarm. Experience in the islands tells us that
it goes off at the wrong time – usually the middle of the night as a seal or fish passes underneath.
Knot Meter
– If the digital knot meter shows a reading of “0.00” while underway, the impeller is most
likely clogged. Sometimes it will clear its self; wakes from big powerboats are good for this. You can also
try clearing it by traveling in reverse. The instrument transponders are under the forward end of the
salon just port of the mast. You can remove the impeller to clear it but only if you are experienced in such
things. If needed, the SOG (speed over ground) reading on the chart plotter will work as a standby knot
A.I.S. –
Tivoli is equipped with an Automatic Identification System. This system will show most
commercial vessels on chart plotter screen as triangles. The triangle points in the direction that vessel is
moving and if you move the cursor over the triangle the system will give you addition information (such as
name, size, speed, etc.) about the vessel. The system also transmits this same type of information about
Tivoli to other vessels with A.I.S.
This system should come on automatically when chart potter is turned
on AND the primary VHF unit is also turned on.
The VHF unit is picks up the AIS signal and sends it to the
chart plotter. If you get frequent “AIS Dangerous Target” alarms on the chart plotter, the mute setting has
been disabled. You can press the center lower button under the screen to dismiss the alarm. .
– We have installed a good quality car stereo/CD player on the electrical panel and with speakers
in the cabin and cockpit. Please be aware of other boats when you are in harbor and adjust the fader so
that the cockpit speakers are turned off when not in use.
TV/DVD/Blu-Ray Player
– We have an HDTV and separate DVD/Blu-Ray player on board for your
enjoyment. The TV is on a swivel mount so it can be flat against the wall when not in use or rotated to
face the dinette when in use. The Blu-Ray player is stored on top of the hanging locker in the forward
stateroom, with a power cord and HDMI cord (if the HDMI has gone missing, a second cord should be in
the chart table). Below the electrical panel, just to the right of the furnace control, you will find an HDMI
port (it’s black, so it may not jump out at you). You can plug the Blu-Ray, or a personal computer, in here
rather than at the back of the TV. The remote control is normally stored in the chart table and we store
the TV in the bottom of the V-berth hanging locker with a life jacket on either side of it.
VHF Radi
– The main radio is mounted at the nav station and a RAM mic port is mounted in the cockpit.
If the RAM happens to come unplugged please turn off the radio before connecting the mic as
We recommend that you monitor Channel 16 during your cruise.
It is reserved for emergencies and
boat-to-boat initial contact. After contact, move to channels 68, 69, 72, 74 or 78. We listen to weather
channels 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 (whichever gives the best reception) before we sail in the morning and prior to
anchoring for the evening. The islands are generally a light wind region but weather changes can be
sudden. Listen for the reports identified as “Northern Inland Waters”.
San Juan Sailing monitors channel
during office hours The San Juan Sailing office phone is 1-800-677-7245.
Wind Instruments
– Wind speed and direction are displayed at the helm.
Engine and Operating Under Power
Check the oil level daily. The dipstick is easily accessed on the starboard side of the engine. The
best access for this procedure is had by removing the rectangular panel in the wall behind the
door to the aft starboard stateroom. You will see the dipstick to the lower left and immediately
left of the oil filter. Pull and wipe the dipstick, push it all the way in and pull it back out to
check. We like to keep the oil right between the two holes at the end of the dipstick. Extra
coolant, if needed, is stored under the navigation station seat cushion with the tools. Be sure
not to over-fill!
Check the saildrive fluid level daily. The dipstick is easily accessed by removing the larger of the
two table tops just behind the panel you removed to check the oil. Feel under the forward
edge for a hand hold and lift up. Look behind the engine and look for a yellow cap on top of the
sail drive. This is the dipstick. Unscrew the cap, remove and wipe the dipstick. Place the dipstick