555 Koopman Lane • Elkhorn, Wisconsin 53121 USA
Customer Care: 800.248.9826 • T: 262.723.6133
F: 262.723.4204 • www.sanjamar.com
©2006 San Jamar 100768
Lid Door Cover
Item #: 100662
Push Plate
Item #: 100664
Mount Ring
Item #: X22MT
Lid Holder
Item #: 100663
Trim Ring
Item #: X22TR
rEpLaCEMEnt parts
Patent Pending
Tips for Best
Dispensing Performance
1. Be sure lids are always loaded with the top
side of lid loaded first, with inside of lids and
lid flanges facing outward, as shown in loading
2. EZ-Fit® Lid is designed for use with flat,
cold beverage lids only. Dispenser may not
dispense properly if using contoured hot
beverage lids or domed lids.
3. Some brands and styles of beverage lids may
dispense better than others, due to the tightly
nested nature of the lid stack. For best results,
test lid performance before use.
Item No.
Lid Rim Dia.
Approx. Size
Small Lid Dispenser
2.75” to 3.75”
8oz. to 24oz.
Large Lid Dispenser
3.75” to 4.75”
24oz. to 64oz.
EZ-FIt® LId dIspEnsEr produCt LInE