Installation and Operation Manual
4-8 Alarms
Press and
A warning message with beep sound is displayed when an alarm condition is met by user
setting. Press
to clear the alarm. However, the alarm will be displayed again when the
alarm condition occurs again. The unit provides alarms for various functions.
4-8-1 Fish
Trigger an alarm when echo from the
transducer is matched to preprogrammed fish
4-8-2 Deep
Trigger an alarm when the depth value
received from the transducer is deeper than a
set value.
4-8-3 Shallow
Trigger an alarm when the depth value
received from the transducer is shallower
than a set value.
4-8-4 Temperature
Trigger an alarm when the reported
temperature from the transducer is same as
a set value.
4-8-5 Temperature rate
Trigger an alarm when the rate of
temperature change from the transducer is
same as a set value.
4-8-6 Low battery
Trigger an alarm when battery voltage is
lower than a set value.
4-8-7 Navigation alarms
Arrival radius :
Trigger an alarm when your
boat is approaching the destination to set
Anchor alarm :
Trigger an alarm when your
boat moves more than set valve
Trigger an alarm when your boat
moves off the current CDI scale.
Danger :
Trigger an alarm when your boat is
getting closed to dangerous point.
4-8-8 AIS
See the Alarm option of 4-7 (AIS Settings).
4-8-9 DGPS
Trigger an alarm when DGPS signal is not
4-8-10 Restore default
Returns every alarm settings to default.
Installation and Operation Manual
4-9 Others
Press and
4-9-1 Simulate
Simulate :
Turn the simulate mode on or off.
Mode :
See 2-4 Simulate Mode.
Speed :
The simulated boat speed to use.
Course :
The simulated course over ground.
Route :
The route to follow.
4-9-2 Waypoint
Select a way to display waypoints.
4-9-3 GPS
See 4-4 GPS Settings.
4-9-4 Units
Select a unit of each measure.
Requires a optional VHF receiver
with barometer connected
InHg or mB.
4-9-5 Comms
Use this feature when the unit is connected
to other marine electronics through any
compatible NMEA instrument.
This option to
transmit NMEA sentences to other marine
electronics. NMEA0183 and NMEA2000
interfaces are generally used with third party
marine electronics. Select a port (NMEA2000,
NMEA0183-Port 1 or NMEA0183-Port 2), a
communication speed and select a desired
output data.
4-9-6 Calibrate
Speed :
Calibrate the boat speed. Travel at a
constant known speed and press
to calibrate the speed.
Speed filter :
Set this option when removing
effects from waves and wind which affect the
speed of boat by averaging.
Temperature :
Calibrate the water
temperature. Measure the water temperature
with thermometer then press
calibrate the temperature.
Temperature filter :
Set this option when
removing effects form water turbulence and
currents cause the water temperature to
fluctuate slightly.
Keel offset:
A depth measured by a
transducer is depending on where the
transducer is installed. You can adjust the
depth of water in consideration of depth of
transducer installed in the water.
Speed range:
Set a maximum speed of boat
that can be read in the unit.
4-9-7 Time
Local offset :
The time information supplied
by the GPS satellites is in UTC (Universal
Time Coordinates). To read the correct time,
change the time of GPS chart plotter for
daylight saving time start and end.
Time format :
Select the format of time.
Date format :
Select the format of date.
4-9-8 Restore default
Returns every other setting to default.
4-9-9 Calendar
Provide a calendar function.