Samsung Multifunction MultiXpress X4220, X4250, X4300, X401, K4250, K4300, K4350, K401 Series
2014 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd., All rights reserved
Before storing temporary data, document data, and system data on the HDD of the MFP, the TOE
encrypts the data using the AES 256 algorithm and cryptographic key.
When accessing stored data, the TOE decrypts the data using the same algorithm and key.
Therefore, the TOE protects data from unauthorized reading even if the HDD is stolen.
Fax Data Control (TSF_FLW)
Relevant SFR: FPT_FDI_EXP.1
If the received fax data includes malicious content, it may threaten the TOE asset such as the TOE
itself or network components. To prevent this kind of threat, the TOE inspects whether the received
fax image is standardized with MMR, MR, or MH of T.4 specifications. When non-standardized
format data are discovered, the TOE destroys the fax image.
The fax modem controller in the TOE is physically separated from the MFP controller, and fax
function is logically separated from MFP functions.
The fax interface only answers to the predefined fax protocol and never answers to any other
The fax modem controller provides only a standardized fax image format of MMR, MR, or MH of
T.4 specification. Therefore, the TOE does not answer to non-standardized format data.
The TOE restricts forwarding of data to external interfaces. Direct forwarding of data from one
external interface to another one requires explicit allowance by an authorized administrative role.
Self Testing (TSF_STE)
Relevant SFR: FPT_TST.1
The TOE performs a suite of self tests during initial start-up.
Self testing executes the TSF function to verify the correct operation of all of the HDD Encryption
The TOE extracts the HDD encryption key data and calculates the hash value of HDD encryption key
using SHA 256. Then, the TOE compares the calculated hash value with pre-stored hash value of
encryption key data to verify the integrity of encryption key data.
Additionally, the TOE executes the SHA256 hash algorithm with executable codes for all of the TSF
functions. It also compares the resulting hash data with saved data to verify the integrity.
If the compared result is the same, integrity verification is successful.
When the TOE executes the self testing, the TOE generates audit log data for self testing.
U.ADMINISTRATOR is authorized to view the audit log.
Secure Communication (TSF_SCO)
Relevant SFR: FTP_ITC.1