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Updating the TV automatically
Software Update
Auto Update
If the TV is connected to the Internet, you can have the TV's software update itself automatically while you are
watching the TV. When the background update is completed, it is applied the next time the TV is turned on.
If you agree to the Smart Hub terms and conditions,
Auto Update
is set to
automatically. If you want this function
disabled, use the Select button to turn it off.
This function may take a longer time if another network function is running concurrently.
This function requires an Internet connection.
Getting Support
Get help directly from Samsung if you have a problem with your TV.
Getting support through Remote Management
Remote Management
After consenting to our service agreement, you can use
Remote Management
to access Remote Support and have
a Samsung service technician diagnose your TV, correct problems, and update your TV's software, remotely, via the
web. You can also turn
Remote Management
on and off.
This function requires an Internet connection.
What is Remote Support?
Samsung Remote Support service offers you one-on-one support with a Samsung Technician who can remotely:
your TV
Adjust the TV settings
for you
Perform a factory reset on your TV
Install recommended
firmware updates