Centralized
Video
Management
Software
‐
S1
1).
Connecting
all
channels
of
a
device
at
once
Click
on
a
device
icon
in
the
Device
Tree.
Screen
layout
is
constituted
automatically
depending
on
the
number
of
channels,
and
all
channels
are
displayed
at
once
in
live
area.
2).
Connecting
to
selected
channel(s)
/
device(s).
Click
the
[Device]
icon
or
the
[Channel]
icon
at
the
Device
Tree.
Selected
channels
are
connected
and
displayed
on
the
screen.
Device
Selection
:
V[
]
mark
/
Channel
Selection
:
[
]
mark.
&
Network
Camera
Registered
Map
Registered
Layout
1.
Case
of
connecting
device
(Icon
is
Bolded)
2.
Case
of
disconnecting
device
(
Icon
is
dimmed)
3.
Case
of
outputting
device
image
4.
Case
of
outputting
channel
image
con