Things to remember about the dual-slot desk-
top charger
To get the quickest ch a rge for any battery :
1 . Tu rn the phone off.
2 . Put the phone,with battery attach e d , into the front slot.
3 . Do not put a battery in the rear slot.
When two batteries are in the ch a rge r, the batteri e s
ch a rge simu l t a n e o u s ly,but ch a rging time increases fo r
both batteri e s .
L e aving the battery in the ch a rger once it is fully
ch a rged does not harm the battery.
The LEDs on the front of the ch a rger indicate the fo l-
l ow i n g :
Red indicates that the battery is ch a rgi n g .
G reen indicates that the battery is fully ch a rge d .
Ye l l ow indicates that the battery is operating at a
t e m p e ra t u re that is too high or too low, or that
something is not plugged in corre c t ly. C h e ck the
ch a rger and battery for proper connections.
Using the dual-slot desktop ch a rge r, a completely dis-
ch a rged standard battery re ch a rges fully in approx i m a t e ly
2.5 hours .The extended battery re ch a rges in approx i m a t e ly
3 hours .
Charging the Battery
You can easily tell if your battery needs to be re ch a rge d
by ch e cking the
indicator in the upper-right cor-
ner of your phone’s display. The presence of all thre e
b a rs indicates a full ch a rge ,t wo bars indicates a smaller
ch a rge , and one bar indicates an even smaller ch a rge .
No bars (
) means your battery must be ch a rge d .
When the battery ch a rge level gets low,the battery sen-
sor blinks an empty battery icon (
) , sounds a tone.
If the battery level gets too low, the phone will turn off
a u t o m a t i c a l ly. U n fo rt u n a t e ly, if this happens yo u ’ll lose
w h a t ever you are doing, i n cluding dropping your call.
Wa t ch the battery strength icon and make sure your bat-
t e ry is adequately ch a rge d .
Charging with the dual-slot desktop charger
Use only Samsung-approved ch a rge rs and adapters with
your Samsung PCS Phone. Use of any unauthorized acces-
s o ries may be dange rous and will invalidate the phone wa r-
ranty if the accessories cause damage or a defect to the
p h o n e .
To ch a rge the battery using the dual-slot desktop ch a rge r :
1 . Plug the power cord of the ch a rger into a wall outlet.
2 . Select one of the fo l l owing three ch a rging confi g u ra-
t i o n s :
I n s e rt the entire phone with battery attached into the
f ront compartment of the ch a rge r.
I n s e rt a single battery (alone, not attached to the
phone) into the rear compartment of the ch a rge r.
I n s e rt a single battery into the rear compartment and a
phone (with battery attached) into the front compart-
m e n t .
Summary of Contents for SPH-N100
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