ITP- 5112L IP 전화기 사용설명서
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Auto registration using PnP(Plug and Play)
IP AOM provides PnP. This makes IP AOM register to PBX system automatically without
additional setting. This uses DHCP mode. Therefore do not need IP, netmask, gateway
settings. (Now, it is for only OfficeServ7200/7400)
Network environment and DHCP server config.
- It must be follow below setting to operate properly.
- Use below DHCP options to prevent to get IP address from other DHCP server.
※ DHCP Server config. (DHCP server option config. option config is different for
every DHCP server.)
→ DHCP_Server_Name(66): "SEC_ITP"
→ DHCP_Server_IP(128): OfficeServ IP