Samsung SMARTCAMERA DV300 User Manual Download Page 44

Summary of Contents for SMARTCAMERA DV300

Page 1: ...Samsung SMART CAMERA USLR dAl_ DVSOO DVSOOF DVSOS DVSOSF This us r manual iT_cludesd taiied usage instruotions for OUl oa r l F_ Pl s 8 I ti_is manualtho_oughi Click a topic ...

Page 2: ...x x _ Flash _ _ A_ _ _ _ _ ISO sensitivity Macro _ A_ A_ A_ Focus Area Face detection _ _ EV ACB Metering White balance Drive Image adjust _ _ Sound Alive _ Digital zoom Intelli zoom OIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ In these modes some options are limited or a certain option is set by default O The option is available in this mode Shooting options 82 ...

Page 3: ..._ pRO OS Slayinga vlaeo Editing a photo Resizing photos _ rc g porrra _ _ _omeaca_ 1ola_ _ a piSOI _ plyingSrnaK RKer euec_s ajusuH Ur bMOLd_ 9 rea_lng a pnn_c te_tDPOB 98 Viewing files on a TV 98 100 A4 _ans_lemngules wl r n el_ s ua_o 101 89 Tkanslerri ules i y conr ecun Ins 92 carne_ as _ emovaDle sis 108 _q L Isconl eOUM_ ic 6_mera lot VVI _C OWS r 4 94 Transferring files to your t Mac compute...

Page 4: ...l through fibs Pressand hold _ _ _ to scrollthrough filesquickly t u want to view f es stored n the n_erTlal memory remove yc memory care urea notDeaD_etoeatsrpJa backflesthatwereca tureaw_r o_nercameras aue to uneuoDortea s e8 _ge sze e_c c ecs use a cornsu_eror another aev ce to eal_c play eack these fies I _ a Memory in use _ Current file Totalfiles 160 660g Folder name File name GF file O n Pr...

Page 5: ...the camera In Playback mode press MENU Select Face List 2 Current file Totalfiles IO0 OO6_ Foldername Fibname 00 06 Current playback time G I _8 Video length Protected file _J_Press OK _S Select Edit Ranking _ Sebct a face and then press OK _ _ Press _ _ to change the ranking of the face and then press MENU Playback Editing 85 ...

Page 6: ... the pop up message appears select Yes View files by category such as date face or file type In Playback mode rotate Zoom to the left YoucanalsoaccessSmartAlbumbyscrolling to Album onthe Homescreen andthenselecting_ 2 Press MENU _ Select Filter a category _L All View files normally Jj _ Date View files by the date they were saved Face List View files by recognized faces and favorite faces Upto 20 ...

Page 7: ...time Rotate Zoom to the lett once more to display more thumbnails 24 at a time Rotate Zoom to the nght to return to the previous view iiiii ii i ii iiiii ii ii ii iii i iiiiiiiiii iiiii ii iiiii ii i ii iiiii ii ii ii iii i iiiiiiiiii iii iiiii i ii ii i i i i i i ii iiiiiii i iiiii ii i ii iiiii ii ii ii iii i iiii You carl also view files as thumbnails by scrolling to Album on the Horne screen a...

Page 8: ...debtefibsin Playback modebypressing MENU an d1hen selecSng Delete_ Delete_ Yes Deleting multiple files You can select multiple files and then delete them at once In Playback mode press _ When in thumbnails view press MENU select Delete Select and then skip to step 3 or press _ select Select and then skip to step 3 _ii When the pop up message appears select Multiple Delete _ Scroll to each file you...

Page 9: ...Delete All _ When the pop up message appears select Yes All unprotected files are deleted Copy files from the intenqal memory to a memory card In Playback mode press MENU Select Copy to Card Viewing photos Enlarge part of a photo or view photos as a slide show In Playback mode rotate Zoom to the right to enlarge a portion of the photo Rotate Zoom to the left to zoorT out i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

Page 10: ...ars on the screen 2 Press OK The camera automatically scrolls through the photo from left to nght for a horizontal panoramic photo and from top to bottom for a vertical panoramic photo The camera then switches to Playback mode While playing back a panoramic photo press OK to pause or resume After you have paused the playback of a panoramic photo press DiSPirit to move the photo honzontally or vert...

Page 11: ...n Playback mode press MENU _ii _ Select Slide Show Options _ Select a slide show effect option Skipto step4 to starta slideshowwithno effects Default Set whether or not to repeat the slide show Play Mode One Play Repeat Set the intervalbetween photos Interval 1sec 3 sec 5 sec 10 sec You must set the Effectoption to Off to set the interval Music Effect Set ascene change effect between photos Off Ca...

Page 12: ...he captured or trimmed segments as new files In Playback mode select a video and then press OK _ii _ View the video Rotate Zoom b the bft or right to adjust the volume level Scan backward Pause or resume playback Scan forward Adjust the volume level Press _ Each time you press _ you change the scan speed inthis order 2X 4X 8X Press 0K Press 6 Each time you press Q you change the scan speed inthis ...

Page 13: _ _ Press OK _ _ at the point where you want the trimming to end Press _ to trim 4 i When the pop up message appears select Yes The original video shouU be at least 0 seconds long The Camerawill save the edited Video as a new file and leave the o inal video intact While viewing a video press OK at the point where you want to capture an image Press _ The captured image is saved asa new file P...

Page 14: dose tip portraits from landscape shots In Playback mode select a photo and then press MENU _ii Select Intelligent Portrait Thecameradetectsthetaceof a subject cropsthe photo aroundtherace andthensaves2 croppedphotosunder consecutive filenames iiiilililililiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i_i i i i iii I ii i_ iiiiiiiiii iiiiiii_i_i _iiiiiiii_i_li ii_ e Ir telligentPortr_t teaturewi he...

Page 15: ...lter effects Applyspecial effectsto your photos On the Home screen scroll to Album _ii _ Select _ Rotate Zoom to the left and then select a photo _ SSelect Smart Filter _ an option a photo Normal Miniature Vignetting No effect Apply a tilt shift effect to make the subject appear in miniature Apply the retro looking colors high contrast and strong vignette effect of Lomo cameras PlaybacWEditing 95 ...

Page 16: ...ect Classic Apply a black and white effect Retro Apply a sepia tone effect Zooming Shot Blur the edges of a photo to emphasize the subjects in the center Press _ to save Adiusting your photos Learn how to adjust the bnghtness contrast or saturation or how to correct the red eye effect If the center of a photo is dark you car adjust it to be brighter The camera will save an edited photo as a new fi...

Page 17: ... save On the Home screen scroll to Album 2 Select _ _ Rotate Zoom to the left and then select a photo _S Select Face Retouch 5 Press _ _ to adjust the option Asthe numberincreases the skintone becomesbrighter and smoother _ _ Press _ to save On the Home screen scroll to Album 2 Select _ _ Rotate Zoom to the left and then select a photo _ Select Red eye Fix 5 Press _ to save PlaybacWEditing97 ...

Page 18: ...SP _ to select the number of copies and then press OK _ You carl take Ine memc j oara to a print Shop trlat su DOrTS DP F Digit_ SnntO_derForm or you can p nt pno_os altecly tnrougn a DPOF oomoatiDle Dnn_erat nom_ E rlotoswith almens el 8 trlat are wlaer it _rl the oaper may De Jt off on the ett and right edges Ensure that your pnolo a mens ons are oomeatlDlewin tne Da er you seect u cs ot set DPO...

Page 19: ...ry or region p 131 Turn off your camera and TV _ _ Connect your camera to your TV with the A V cable 7 Turn on your TV and then select the A V video source with the TV remote control i Turn on your camera Thecameraautomatically entersintoPlaybackmodewhen youconnectitto a T_ _ View photos or play videos using the camera buttons images rnay not be centered on the TVscreen depending on your TV settir...

Page 20: ...series or higher Microsoft DirectX 9 00 or higher A 82 bit version of Intelli studio will be installed even on 64 bit editions at Windows XR Windows Vista and Windows 7 The rec Jremen_sare recommenaa_on or y n_ei s_uaJo n ay lot work properl_ even when me cc 9u_ermee_s ins _ u_remer_8 eDenalng _r rns oonaJl9Dat your compute Ityour computer aces no_meel ins reaul_men_s v leas may _ K play _orTeotly...

Page 21: ...ed on your computer the computer recognizes the camera and launches the Intelli studio automatically On the Home screen scroll to Basic 2 Select _ _ Select Connectivity _ PC Software _ On 4 Turn off the camera Connect the camera to your computer with the USB cable 7 Select a destination folder on your computer and then select Yes New files stored on the camera will automatically transfer to the se...

Page 22: ...i_i i _ixiii i iiies i0 i0_ii Wiii ws c0iYipiiix_i Intdli studio allows you toplay back and edit files For details select Help _Help from the program toolbar Photos JPG GIF BMR PNG TIEF Playback Editing102 ...

Page 23: ...ted folder on the camera View files as thumbnails or on amap Browse folders stored or the camera Browse folders stored on your computer Move to the previous or next folder Print files view files on amap store files inMy Folder or register faces ransferdng flies by connecting the came_a as a removable disk Connect the camera to your computer as a removable disk On the Home screen scroll to Basic Se...

Page 24: ...Drag or save files to your computer Disconnecting the camera for Windows XP WithWindowsVistaand Windows7 the methodsfor disconnectingthe cameraare similar Verify that the status lamp is not bNnking Thestatuslampblinkswhentransferring files Waituntilit steps _ii Click _ on the too bar at the bottom right of your computer screen _ Click the pop up message _S Click the message box that indicates the ...

Page 25: ...the camera to the computer without installing any programs Mac S Q 4orlaterissu_p_rted Connect your camera to a Macintosh computer with the USB cable responsibletot any loss of data Turn on the camera The computer recognizes the camera automatically and displays a removable disk icon _ Double click the removable disk icon _SDrag or save files to your computer Playback Editing105 ...

Page 26: ...POWER or Eli to turn it on The printer recognizes the camera automatically _ _ Press _ _t_ P to select a file to print Press MENU to set pnnting options See Configuring print settings 7 Press OK to print Printing starts Press OK to cancel printing images Select whether to print the current photo or all photos Size Set the print size Set the number of photos to be printed on a single Layout sheet o...

Page 27: IO 8tworlt Corl leotlol kiDS IlC Auto Bac _ bon yok PC eFI l_ IeX Sending photos or videos to a smar_ phone Using a smar phone as a remote shutter release Using photo or video sharing websites 11L JlDlO_Ol _ lhO C S O_ VILI O _ Sending photos or videos via emall _ I glb I eirl_ S l ll1 jt_ Serial jp otosmvlueos 118 _ dlng IOlO H 31 VI OS 10_l _ Viewing photos or videos on a 112 TV Unk enabled _...

Page 28: ...ignal strength Press _ to open network setting options When you select a secured AR a pop up window appears Enter the required passwords to connect to the WLAN For intormation about entering text reterto Entenng text p 111 When a Iogin page appears reterto Using the Iogin browser p 109 When you select an unsecured AR the camera will connect to the WLAN Ifyou select a WPS profile supported AR selec...

Page 29: ...Move to an item or scroll tne sage 0K Seect an ten Access the folow ng c xlons Previous Page love to the revous age Next Page Move to _ne nex_page MENU Reload Reoad _ne ace Stop Stop oading the page Exit Close the log n Drowse _ lose the ocn Drowse You canno_seleo some Ternsaepenol g on _ne age you connec_ea to This does not r Jicate a rnatunct or The oglnlsrowserrna lo eoeeau_ornatealJyatteryoulo...

Page 30: ...necting to a network may incur additional charges Costs will vary based on the conditions of your contract Ifyou cannot connect to a WLAN try another AP from the available AP list You can also connect to free WLANs in sorne foreign countries A Iogin page may appear when you select free WLANs provided by some network sewioe providers Enter your ID and password to connect to the WLAN For intormation...

Page 31: ... key Deletethe last letter 4 _ Move the cursor _ In ABC mode change the case corn Enter corn ABC Switch between c nDc mo seana ABC mode Entera s 9ace Done Save the d _sayea text C v ew tne enter n text Joe _ _ou can use ony tr leEng sh alphabet regara _ss _fthe d spa_ anguage o Tc move to Done d ectly press rE _ou can en e_k to 54 characters F Wirelessnetwork DV300F DV30oF only 111 ...

Page 32: ...e camera memory4you cant or use s teature You can share up to 1 000 photos or videos On the camera s Home screen scroll to Wi Fi 2 On the camera select _ Ifthe pop up message that prompts you to download the application appears select OK _ On the smart phone turn on the MobileLink application The smart phone will start searching for and then connect to the camera automatically The smart phone can ...

Page 33: ...ct _ ifthe pop up messagethat promptsyouto downloadthe application appears selectOK _ On the smart phone turn on the Remote Viewfinder application d On the smart phone select your camera Thesmartphone will connectto thecameraautomatically Thesmartphonecanconnectto onlyonecameraat atime On the smart phone set the following shooting options _J _R Flash option _F Timeroptior _ Photo size Whib using t...

Page 34: ... may vary aepena ng on your SUrTOUnango The smart c lone Rustbe wth n 23 ft 7 m ot the camera _ouse in teatt _ itwl t_ e some t me to capture IRe DROIO atter you reBase i_i on tRe sman DRone The Remote Vewflnder tunot on aeac_lva e wner _tere s aR ncor_ ng calJon me smart none elmer tRe oaRlera or ne smarz r lone turn off _te slemor stu elmer oevlce oses 1isoc tRee on _ome Ah trte Wl FIconneoIon I...

Page 35: ... password and then seled Login For information about entering text refer to Enteringtext p 111 To select an ID from the list select V _an ID Jfyou have previously logged in to the website you may be logged in automatically Uploading photos or videos Access the website with your camera _ii Scroll to the files you want to upload and then press OK Youcanselectupto 20 files Thetotalsizemustbe 10MBor l...

Page 36: ...eectea WeDS te _ ou canno_access a wecsJ e Dec _use of fl_ewa or user au nen cauon sesngs conTaclyour neTworK aaron stra c or netwon servce erovae ucoaaeaDno osorvaeosmayDeau_or _ucalJyttea tntneaate hey were cap urea The _peed of yc Jr in eme connect oRmay affec_ now au cKlypno os DJoaaor WeDpages ocer when __ereare no fi es n the c_116a memoW you oanno_use n_s teaiu e DUcan also ueJoaaDFIOIOS O ...

Page 37: ...lect the Name box enter your name and then _J select Done _ _Select the Email box enter your email address and then select Done 7 Select OK to save your changes Todeleteyour information selectReset On the Home screen scroll to Wi Fi 2 Select 3 Press MENU _S Select Setting Password _On Todeactivate the password selectOff 5 When the pop up appears press OK Thepop updisappearsautomatically evenifyoud...

Page 38: ... about entering text refer to Entering text p 111 On the Home screen scroll to Wi Fi _ _ Select _ Select the Name Email box enter your email address and then select Done Ifyouhavepreviously savedyourinformation itwill be inserted automatically p 117 Tousean addressfromthe listof previous senders select V _an address _ S Select the Receiver box enter an email address and then select Done To use an ...

Page 39: ..._s ema aceoun may cause E_ephOtOto De rejec_e8 or ecogn ea as seam CJ rn8 lot DeaDJeto set an email t no network 3onneo_lor _vaHaele o f your ernal accoun_ see rigs are neorrect The max Jm DF OIO BSO uTon _ DU can send is 2M and the ongesl vaeo you can L sload is 80 seconds at QVlSe resolutlc 1c E aeo reooraea us g _ I the se ectec nolo resolu_on i_ gner _nar 2iv t w De automa_c_ y reszea o a owe_...

Page 40: ...ou to create an account appears select OK The camera will attempt to connect to aWLAN via the most recently connected AR Ifthe camera has not previously been connected to a WLAN it will search for available AP devices p 108 d Login with your ID and password For information about entering text refer to Enteringtext p 111 Ifyou connected to SkyDnve referto Using tile Iogin browser p 109 Scroll to th...

Page 41: ...utthe PC sothatthe cameracan sendfilesto the PC provd J CD Sending photos or videos to a PC On the camera s Home screen scroll to Wi Fi 2 Select _ Ifthe guide message appears press OK _ Press MENU to set options To turn off your PC automatically after the transter is complete select Shut down PC after backup _On 4 Press OK to start the backup To cancel sending press OK You cannot select individual...

Page 42: th s teature oely POWER is ava ab _on you camera Youcan connect only Dne camera to tne PC at a time tot senalng fieE The backuo maybe canoe ea sue to ne_7orKecho Jr erie D_ xos or viecos can be sent to a PC onet me only Fliesbar qo_D6 sent again even if you reconnect your camera to another PC wnen fltere are no fi es n the camera mentory y J oaenoTuee tels feature u must turn err Windows Firewa...

Page 43: ...ill search for available AP devices p 108 _ Connect your TV to a wireless network via an AP devbe Refer to your TV s user manual for more intormation _ S On the TV search for the camera and browse the shared photos or videos For intormation about searching for the camera and browsing the photos or videos on the TV refer to the TV user manual Videos may not play smoothly depending on the type of TV...

Page 44: ...otfilestoDe shared or sizes ot the f_ es t you power off e camera aenorma lywn e v ew ng pr xos orv aeos on a Ior example oy removlr me baltery the TV consJaers tne camera _os_lHDeoct lecrea The order ot onoTos or v asos on _ne camera may be ditterenT na on rne Depenalngon_nen erotphotosorvdeos L _ anirosnare r may raKesome _lmeto oaa your pnoTosor waeos ar _ oomDJe_e rne n_ua se_ uDcrocess vvnle ...

Page 45: ...e thumbnails view you can select multiple photos by scrolling to thumbnails and then pressing OK Select OK when you are finished selecting photos _ S Select the device from the camera s list of AP devices Ensure that the device s Wi Fi Direct option is turned on You can also select your camera from the device s listof AP devices i On the device allow the camera to connect to the _J device The phot...

Page 46: ... Dyyour cnangn _ _ S j sur PO sBOS selangs Click Start aria then open the Control Panel Configure tne network conneDtl Dn N_ndows 7 l_ck Network and Internet _ Network and Sharing Center Change adapter settings Windows Vista _ _ckNetwork and Internet _ Network and Sharing Center Manage network connections endows XP 1 Networkand Internet Connection Network Connection Rignt click Local Area ana tnen...

Page 47: and Internet Connection Network Connection Selest the drivers for tne network aaapter Click the Advanced taL and tnen set the WOL menus bu cannot use th s teature across a flrewa or t a secur17 program nas been ins_alec To turn on the PC wth the WOL tuature the PC must have an aotve connec_ on _othe LAI Ensure that the nd cator t on the PC s LAP r r s on aca_r j that the LAN connecton s actve...

Page 48: ...S Refer to options to configure your camera s settings Settings menu 129 g me se_ungs IrlenL 129 Sounc _0 Display _0 Corlaec ivi 181 Ger_era_ 182 ...

Page 49: ... _ SSelect an item Select an option sJ _ Sound Set various camera sounds and the volume p 130 Display Customize tile display settings p 180 Connectivity Set the connection options p 131 General Change the settings for the camera system such as memory format and default file name p 132 _ Press MENU to return to the previous screen Settings 129 ...

Page 50: ...mage o Logo Display adefa Jt mage storeu nine 7terna emory Start Image User Image Select User mage tram the anotos you captu eo in tne merno _ _ ThecamerawlJsaveonyoneuser _ge _Te _n_emaJ memoryata _Jme fyouselectanew_oToasauser age reset your camer_ the camera _ 1 oe eTe tn_ currentima _9 Wa papers Guide Line Date Time Display Help Guloe Display Set w_ Dar ertar the Home screen wl_ntne _estea rna...

Page 51: ... power Video Out USB PC So_wa_ Detau t Set the v dec s jns ouput Toryour re c NTSC USA Canada 8aoan b orea Taiwar e co PAL supports only BDGF Australa Austra 3e g um Ohha Denmark Eno and F qlan Ge _ny Italy Kuwat Maaysa Netheran s ew 7eaand Norway S ngapore Span Sweden Swtzedand Thaianc Seect the mo eto use wnen Duconnect me camera to a comsute or xnter wth a USB cable Computer onnect surcamera_o ...

Page 52: ... name files Reset _etthefb numberto starttron 0001 when you nsert a new memo sarc format a memory car or ete a fi es Series Set Ihe fie num_ e to resur_Diron ne r Dvioustie numberw at su nsert a new memory ca TOrl lat a mer nor_ca r a ete al e8 T _deta tnameofthefi stfodeNs IOOPHOTO and the defaut arne of _neTrs_ tie sSA 000 The t e number 1creases oy one tfor S _40001 to SAM 9999 eacn _l le yOL r...

Page 53: ... to automatics y _um oti when ou Derform no oDerat one for a sDecif ec sero Off 1 min 3 mint 5 min 10 min ur seeings wJ not onelge wnen yok ee ace me ar_ Theoame_awJl no_automa_ca tuft oll when the canlea is oonneole _o comou_er _ lnte or VVLAN and when you are p ayJrj a s esno r v eos _et a lic at _o au_oma_ca turn on n qa saces to ned yOU tOOUS Off On _ Default Format the Memal memory and the me...

Page 54: ...rmessages 13_ Camera maln enance _87 _leanl_gyour came 13 _S g or S OHrl U me cajoler 1 58 OdLmemory care 189 u ne Ds lery Iq2 3efore contacting a service center 14C Camera specifications _4_ Glossary 1b5 CC notice 158 DeclaratLon sentence in official languages 61 ndex 1_ 5 ...

Page 55: ...has fabd to connect to I e otner amera Tryconnecting a gan ie ames ao _o_macn the DCFstandar Transterthe fles trom the memo y cara _oyour son Duterana tormat the cara Then ooen tne 9ettlr _s menu and seect File I o _Reset 132 File Error Delete the damaged file or contact a service center Turnon TV Link enabled devices on the network Initializationfailed The camera has failed to locate aTV Link ena...

Page 56: ... _ectlon asconnectec vr e transTerrng photos Try tumin Dnthe U feature agair The camera has Taleq _oreceve a no_oTrorT tne sena n camera Ask the othel serson tc 3endthe tie a The camera has falea to sena a no zozne thercamera Trysendinc aga The came a has fabd to sena an ema or transfer a or sto to a Unk levite 3hecl_ tne nes_ orKconnecton ana zry aga Appendixes 136 ...

Page 57: ... cloth Use a blower brush to rernove dust and wipe the lens gently with a soft cloth If any dust remains apply lens cleaning liquid to a piece of lens cleaning paper and wipe gently Do not press on the lens cover or use a blower brush on the lens cove Appendixes 137 ...

Page 58: ...carnera where there are mothballs Protect your camera from sand and dirt when you use it on beaches or in similar areas Your camera is not waterproof Do not hat die the battery adapter or memory card with wet hands Operating the carnera with wet har ds may cause damage to your camera When you store the camera for an extended pedod place it in a sealed cor tainer with an absorbent material such as ...

Page 59: ...ffect your carnera s lifespan or pertormance When you use the camera in low temperatures it rnay take sorne time to turn on the color of the display may be changed temporarily or aftepimages may appear These conditions are not malfunctiorls and they will correct themselves when the camera is returned to milder temperatures Paint or metal on the outside ot the camera may cause allergies itchy skin ...

Page 60: ...5E 522 954 536 _ 742 33_ 378 _ 582 2 505 06 Video 1280 X 720 14 55 28 54 _ GR Approx Approx 640 X 480 34 55 65 40 Approx Approx 320 X240 134 34 231 i4 2 10 Approx Approx For Sharing 134 34 231 14 DV300F DV305F only The figures above are measured without using the zoom function Available recording time may vary if you use the zoom Several videos were recorded in succession to determine the total re...

Page 61: ...y card Do not bend drop or subject memory cards toheavy impact or pressure Avoid using or storing memory cards near strong magnetic fields Avoid using or keeping mernory cards in areas with high temperature high humidity or corrosive substances Prevent memory cards frorn making contact with liquids dirt or toreign sclbstances Ifdirty wipe the memory card clean with a soft cloth before you insert t...

Page 62: ... s ncje ShOt aria zoom Jr grout 80 m n 2 Set the flash c at on to Off take a Photos S pproxllnatey snge snoi _na zoor r n orou_ 968 chats 8 Pertormsteps 1 and 2 watln 30 seconds belween each sic D Repeatthe process for 5 minutes ana _henturn olt the camera fc 1 m nute 4 ReDea_ stees 1 to Approximatey Record eos at HD _esolu on anq videos 80 m r 30 FPS The figures above are measured bySamsung s sta...

Page 63: ...ers and memory cards from damage Prevent batteries frorn ruaking contact with metal objects as this carl create aconnection between the andterminals ot your battery and lead to temporary or permanent battery damage and may cause afire or electric shock If the status lamp i8off make sure that the battery is inserted correctly If the camera is on while charging the battery may not fully charge Turn ...

Page 64: ... LeHes may shorten battery life Alter charging is finished disconnect the cable frorTs your carTsera Do not bend or place heavy objects on the AC cable Doing so may damage the cable Never dispose ot batteries inafire Follow all local regulations when you dispose ofused batteries Never place batteries or cameras on or inheating devices such as microwave ovens stoves or radiators Batteries rTsay exp...

Page 65: ...kets for a prolonged period Wl e_7_ the de ice is switched on do not leave it in any cQnfi edspace tar a prolo _gedperi0d Do not allow batter terminals to come in contact with meta b ebjects such as necklaces coins keys or watches Use only aut _entio manu acturercrecommended Lithium4on replacement batteries Do nc olsassemE e OF Dur etur TRe battery wtrl aRy srlarlO object Avoid e DOS ng the DatTer...

Page 66: ...e baX1 ery warm oy pt _ng _ir_to OUr DOCKet The camera is losing usnc_the flash or recc ngvlaeos Dattery power qUICKly led etes me Dasery qu cky Secnar e r neeaec Basel es are consumable earls tna_rYlus De reelacea over tlree Get a new bazery r tne baker re 3a m nlsmng queHy There is no space on the memory card Delete unnecessary files or insert a new card Format the memory card The memory card is...

Page 67: ...fl our calnera and then turn i on aga n Rerr ove dOUr memorv card and tRey nsert I_a_ _lr Format vo memory arc See Cautions when using memory caras TOt more ae_a 141 Cannot pla back files Ifyou change the name Ota fie put sa hera may not play the file t e name OT the _e snou_ameetthe DCF standarc OU enoo er In 8 sIuatlo 9a _ DaQK the fi es or your computel The photo is blurry Make sure that the fo...

Page 68: p 101 End Intelli studio and restart the program You cannot use Intellistudio on Macintosh computers Make sure that PC Software is set to On in the settings menu p 131 Intelli studio is not functioning properly Depending on your computer s specifications and environment the program may not launch automatically In this case click Start _AJl Programs SAMSUNG _Intelli studio Intelli studio o...

Page 69: ... Type Feature TFT LCD Maindisplay 3 0 7 62ore 460K Ront display 1 5 3 8 cm 61K Range Wide W Tele _ Normal AF 80 cm infinity 250 cm infinity Macro 5 80 cm 100250 cm Auto Macro 5 cm infinity 100 cm infinity Auto 1 8 1 2 000sec Program 1 1 2 000sec Night 16 1 2 000sec Fireworks 2 eec Control Metering Compensation leO equivabnt ProgramAE Multi Spot Center weighted FaceDetection 2EV 1 3 EVStep Auto ISO...

Page 70: ...e Time Date Off Photos Videos Modes Smart Auto Portrait Night Portrait Backlight Portrait Night Backlight Landscape White Natural Green Blue Sky Sunset Macro Macro text Macro Color Tripod Action Fireworks Program Scene Landscape Sunset Dawn Baoklight Beach Snow Text Uve Panorama Picture in Picture Self Shot Children Jump Shot BeauS Shot Intelligent Portrait Night Shot Close up Shot Magic Frame Fun...

Page 71: ...ximately 16 MB E_ernal memory Optional microSD card 1 2 GB guaranteed microSDHC card up to 32 GB guaranteed microSDXC card up to 64 GB guaranteed Internal memory oapaeils may not match these specifications StillImage JPEG DCF EXIF 2 21 DPOF11 PictBridge1 0 GIF MovieClip MP4 Video MPEG4 AVC H 264 Audio AAC Image size For 1 GB microSD Number of photos 4608x3456 4608X3072 _ 4608 X 2592 3648X2736 2592...

Page 72: ...t AN NTSC PAL seleotable DO power input 5 V connector Rechargeable Lithiumqon batte y BP88A 880 mAh battery Connecter type Micro USB 5 pin The power source may differ depending on your region 95 2 X 56 5 X 18 3 mm 3 75 X 2 22 X 0 72 in without protrusions 120 g 4 233 oz without balter_ and memory card 0 40 C 32 104 F 5 85 Intelli studio Specifications may change without notice to improve performan...

Page 73: ...lsing afaster shutter speed Alternately use a tripod the DIS or OIS function tostabilize the camera Composition Composition inphotography means arranging objects inaphoto Usually abiding by the rule ofthirds leads toagood composition DCF Design rule for Camera File system Aspecification todefine afile format and file system tot digital cameras created by the Japan Electronics and Information Techn...

Page 74: ...mage File Format A specification to define an image file tormat for digital cameras created by the Japan Electronic Industries Development Association JEIDA Exposure The amount ot light allowed to reach the camera s sensor Exposure is cor trolled by a combination of the shutter speed the aperture value and ISO sensitivity Flash A speed light that helps to create adequate exposure in low light cond...

Page 75: ...f the image resdution LCD Liquid Crystal Display A visual display commonly used in consumer electronics This display needs a separate backlight such as CCFL or LED to reproduce colors Macro This feature allows you to capture close tip photos of very small objects When using the macro feature the camera car maintain a sharp focus on small objects at a near life size ratio 1 1 Metering The metering ...

Page 76: ...tter and it is an importar t taotor it the brightness of a photo as it controls the amount of light which passes through the aperture before it reaches the image sensor A fast shutter speed allows less time to let light in and the photo becomes darker and more easily freezes subjects in motion Vignetting A reduction of an image s brightness or saturation at the penphery outer edges compared to the...

Page 77: ...d with other commercial wastes for disposal R H lSlanetFirstrepresents Samsung Ebctronips Commitment io sustainabb developmer t and Social respensibility through eco drlven business and management aCtMties _ orrect disposal of batteries in this product Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate battery return systems This markqng on the battery manual or packaging ...

Page 78: ... nent ane reoevE Oc qnoc tne eau omen In D 8_1 curie on a o rou different from _ s o wnl tee race _r isconnec ea Oonsu t the dealer or an e enenced rad o TV technician for hel DecJaration of Conformity Trade Name Samsung ElectronicsAmenca Inc Model No Samsung DV300 DVS00F DV305 DVS05F Responsible Party Samsung ElectronicsAmerica Inc Address 85 Challenger Road Ridgefield Park NJ 07660 Telephone No ...

Page 79: ... recewec sJualngwterference that ma cause unaestrea operation Caution _rTy c_lange_ Dr modifications to TFle ec_uiDmeFiT not exDr_ 3sLy spprovea Dy me r arty resoonsible for compliance coula volc users 8UTrIOrlry TO operaTe ne eaulDmerlt 3 649E DVa00F comp s h iA prov d yP 1 IDA Standards year 2012 DAI00790 _ NTC c_ sA _A 20_36 APPROVED aTYoPeApPlr ved6c b q This eac ment may De opera_ec in all EL...

Page 80: ...2009 A2 2009 EN61000 3 3 2 08 EN300 328 v1 71 EN301 489 1v1 8 1 EN301 489 17V2 1 1 EN62311 2 08 and the Eco Design Directive 2009 125 EC implemented by Regulations EC No 278 2009 for external power supplies Samsung Electronics Euro QA Lab Blackbushe Business Park Saxony WW Yateley Hampshire GU46 6GG UK 22 December 2011 Placeanddated issue _YEAR TO BEGIN AFFIXINGCE MARKING 20 Joong Hoon Choi Lab Ma...

Page 81: ... la Dresen e Samsur j Electronics declara aue la camara algl_a curable con los reauisll OS esenclales y cualesc llera xras alsDoslclones abllcaoles o exlgibles de la Directiva 1999 5 CE ME THN F1APOY_ A q Samsung Electronics HAONEI OTI q _uqelaKr l q WTOypa_lKCl tsqxavr l YMMOPCDNETAI lqPO TI OY_ID EI AF1AITH_ EI KAI TISAOIRE 5 XETIKE_ IATAEEI_ TH O HFIA 1999 5 EK Par la oresente Samsung Electroni...

Page 82: ...ia zakiadne po2iadavky a vsetKy pristu_n6 ustanovenia Smernice 1999 5 ES Bamsung Electrorlcs vaKuuEaa aten e a lama algl aallKamera on alrektiivJn 1999 5 EY oleetlls en vaatlmus en ja ella KOSKevlen alreK llVln mulaen en c en mukalnen blarmealntygar Samsung iectronicsatt dessadlgl alKamerors ar overensstammelse mea aevasen gaegensKapsKravocnovnga relevama bestSmmelser sem ffarr jar av alreK i t999...

Page 83: ...78 Continuous 78 Motion Capture 78 O Camera maintenance 137 Camera specifications 149 Capturing an image from video 93 Charging 18 Children mode 48 Cleaning Camera body 137 Display 137 Lens 137 Close up Shot mode 52 Connecting to a computer Mac 105 Windows 100 Contrast Playback mode 96 Shooting mode 79 D DatefTime Set 132 Deleting files 88 Digital Print Order Format DPOF 98 Digital zoom 32 Disconn...

Page 84: ... mode 74 Contrast Payback mode 96 Shoot g mode 79 Red_ye 97 Saturatbn Payback mode 96 Shootrg mode 79 Sharpness 79 Image quality 62 Imprint 133 Intelligent Portrait mode 51 IntellPstudio 102 Intelli zoom 32 ISO sensitMty 66 J Jump Shot mode 48 L Language settings 1_2 Uve Panorama mode 43 M Macro 67 Magic Frame mode 53 Memory card Cauton 141 insert 17 Menu button 16 Meterirg Center weighted 75 Mu_ ...

Page 85: mode 42 Service center 146 Settings 132 Sharpness 79 Shooting portraits Blink Detection 71 Face Detection 70 Red eye 65 Red eye fix 65 Smart Face Recognition 72 Smile Shot 71 Shutter button 15 Slide show 91 Smart Album 86 Smart Auto mode 38 Smart Face Recognition 72 Smart Filter Photo shooting mode 55 Playback mode 95 Video recording mode 56 Smart Movie mode 40 Smile Shot 71 Sound settings 29 S...

Page 86: ...ideo out 18 Viewing files Animated photos 91 Panoramic photos 90 Slide show 91 Smart Album 86 Thumbnaib 7 TV 99 W Website Accessing 115 Uploading photos or videos 115 White Balance 76 Wiretess network 108 Z Zoom Usingthe zoom 31 Zoom buSon 16 Zoom sound se_ings S0 Appendixes 166 ...

Page 87: ...Please refer tothe warranty that came with your product or visit our website www samsung com for after sales service or inquiries c 0678 1 ...
