Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)
The Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) is part of the US
emergency system. Since
2012, the WEA system been used to
warn the public weather condition, missing children, and other
critical situations
– all through alerts on compatible cell phones and other mobile
devices. For more information visit: https://www.fcc.gov/document/
Emergency calls
Emergency calls may not be possible on all wireless mobile device
networks or when certain network services and/or mobile device
features are in use. Check with local service providers. If certain
features are in use (e.g. call blocking) you may first need to
deactivate those features before you can make an emergency call.
Device temperature
Caution! Some applications or prolonged usage may increase
device temperature.
If the device feels hot to the touch, discontinue use and close all
applications or turn off the device until it cools.
Always ensure that the device has adequate ventilation and air
flow. Covering the device can trap any dissipating heat and redirect
it back to the device while it is active.
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