Samsung mobile products and recycling
WARNING! Never dispose of batteries in a fire because they may
explode. Do not disassemble, crush, puncture, heat, burn or reuse.
For battery and cell phone recycling, go to
call2rec yc le.org or call 1-800-822-8837.
For more recycling informatio n, go to our website:
www.s ams u ng.c om/rec ycling or call 1-800-SAMSUNG.
Your location
Locatio n-bas e d informatio n on that can be used to determine the
approx imat e location of a mobile device. If you use applications that
require location-bas e d informat ion (e.g., driving directions), such
informat ion may be shared with third-parties, including your wireless
service provider, applications providers, Samsung, and other third-
parties providing services.
Maps, directions, and other navigation data, including data relating to your
current location, may contain inaccurat e or incomplet e
data. Theref ore, you should always pay attention to road condit ions,
closures, traffic, and all other factors that may impact safe driving
or walking.
FCC Part 15 Information and Notices
. Note:
Any device that uses Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is subject to FCC
Part 15. Any device with a power supply is subject to Part 15 which
also covers both intentional radiators (Bluetooth and Wi -Fi) and
unintenti onal radiators (such as emissions from power supplies
and circuit boards).
Pursuant to part 15.21 of the FCC Rules, you are cautioned that
changes or modificati ons not expressly approv ed by Samsung