Changing Your Settings 189
About Phone
This menu contains legal information, system tutorial
information, and other phone information such as the
model number, firmware version, baseband version,
kernel version, and software build number.
To access phone information:
and then tap
About phone
. The following
information displays:
• Status
: displays the battery status, the level of the
battery (percentage), the phone number for this
device, the network connection, signal strength,
mobile network type, service state, roaming status,
mobile network state, IMEI number, IMEI SV,
Wi-Fi MAC address, Bluetooth address, and Up time.
• Battery usage
: displays the applications or services
(in percentages) that are using battery power.
• Legal information
: This option displays information
about Open source licenses as well as Google legal
information. This information clearly provides
copyright and distribution legal information and facts
as well as Google Terms of Service, Terms of Service
for Android-powered Phones, and much more
pertinent information as a reference.
Read the information and terms, then press
return to the Settings menu.
• Model number
: displays the phone’s model number.
• Android version
: displays the firmware version
loaded on this handset.
• Baseband version
: displays the baseband version
loaded on this handset.
• Kernel version
: displays the kernel version loaded on
this handset.
• Build number
: displays the software, build number.
Firmware, baseband, kernel and build numbers are
usually used for updates to the handset or support. For
additional information please contact your T-Mobile
service representative.
Software Update
The Software Update feature enables you to use your
phone to connect to the network and upload any new
phone software directly to your phone. The phone
automatically updates with the latest available
software when you access this option.
and then tap
Software update
The phone automatically updates the software
(if available).