The Outdoor Housing (SCX-DO300) is a Housing used to install the SMARTDOME CAMERA
(SCC-C6455/C6453) on an outdoor wall or ceiling.
Select an installation spot which can endure more than 4 times of the product weight.
If you install this product in a low-temp area such as inside a cold store, you must seal up
the wiring pipe with silicon, so that the external air can not flow inside the housing.
Otherwise, external high, humid air may flow inside the housing, pooling moisture or
vapor inside the product due to a difference between internal and external temperature.
When installing, prevent peoples approaching to avoid personal injury. Move valuables to
a safer place before installing.
When the unit is stored in high humidity environment, moisture may occur inside the
cover dome of the Housing. Before installation, please open the cover dome and wipe off
all moisture with a soft dry cloth.
OPtiOnaL accessOries FOr instaLLatiOn
Install OUTDOOR HOUSING using the provided adaptor according to the place for
Install the Adapter below according to the installation guide of each product.
CEILING MOUNT ADAPTOR(SCX-300CM) : For installation on a ceiling.
WALL MOUNT ADAPTOR(SCX-300WM) : For direct installation on a wall.
POLE MOUNT ADAPTOR(SCX-300PM) : For installation on a cylindrical pole.
The Wall Mounted Adaptor(SCX-300WM) is also used in conjunction with the Pole
Mounted Adaptor.
CORNER MOUNT ADAPTOR (SCX-300KM) : It is used when the camera is installed
on a corner of the wall.
The WALL MOUNTED ADAPTOR (SCX-300WM) is also used in conjunction with
the Pole Mounted Adaptor.
PARAPET MOUNT ADAPTOR(SCX-300LM) : Use this if you install the product on the
internal wall of a building roof and locate the camera outdoors.
ENG.indd 2
2009-10-12 15:27:55